I'd think you'd need a cleric in your back pocket to make these feasible. But I've also heard that they're max-dps. So, anyone interested? I don't have a personal cleric, so probably these aren't a good idea for my monk.
I'd think you'd need a cleric in your back pocket to make these feasible. But I've also heard that they're max-dps. So, anyone interested? I don't have a personal cleric, so probably these aren't a good idea for my monk.
They are broken atm. They are not damaging the user of the handwraps. Feel free to use them without being damaged until they fix them.
Wow! That's a serious bug. Bummer, when's the next patch? I'm not going to be able to play for most of this week.
Thanks for the tip, Vua.
Most handwraps are bugged. They seem to be the only ones bugged in our favor though.