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  1. #1
    Community Member arminius's Avatar
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    Default Spell Boosting Kamas, Handwraps?

    I've searched the world over for spell boosting kamas and/or handwraps (i.e. potency, spell penetration, spell crit, and the abjuration/necromancy/evocation/etc. family), and I've seen one spell penetration kama, and that's it.

    If we have a multiclass monk with spell casting abilities (and don't want to leave our stance), are we left with only two-hand-piggy quarterstaffs as an option for casting? Such a pain that monks can't wield even clubs without breaking their stance....

    Or are there kamas and handwraps out there, but they are in such high demand they never reach the market?

    Of the two, of course kamas are far more important because they can be dual-wielded. Handwraps would be just as piggy and limiting as quarterstaves, just without the big stick.

    Can anyone confirm if such things as potency kamas/handwraps exist or not? And if not, can I ask that they be added on the next loot table refresh? Thanks!

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  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by arminius View Post
    Can anyone confirm if such things as potency kamas/handwraps exist or not? And if not, can I ask that they be added on the next loot table refresh? Thanks!
    For them to drop would require the combination of three rare events.

    1. Most caster items are on simple weapons: scepters, staves, and daggers. When a caster item is generated, there is only a small chance it will come on another kind of weapon.

    2. Most weapons are not kamas. When a random weapon is generated, it's only very rarely a kama. Not only is kama only one entry in a list of dozens of possible weapons, but the more popular weapons have higher individual probabilities. (The fastest way to earn kamas is from monk end-rewards, but those won't be caster-items)

    3. Most caster items are "forked" and worthless. By "forked", I mean it has a prefix and a suffix, instead of just one or the other. Having both usually means that neither is at full strength like you want it to be.

    Aside from all that, there's the large amount of caster items which are clickies (and thus worthless), or which have spell lore for pointless energy types (and are also worthless). Put it all together, and a Superior Potency VI kama is going to have rarity like a Wounding Rapier of Puncturing. Of course, you can easily make a Green Steel Kama of Superior Devotion VI, but a monk-caster hybrid is mainly going to want it for spells like Blade Barrier and Cometfall.

  3. #3
    Community Member arminius's Avatar
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    I'm sorry to hear that, because this Cleric/Monk is the most fun I have had in the game in a while, and it would be a great shame if it were gimped solely due to lack of items.

    Maybe it will change, as Monk hybrids become more popular.

    Gwyneira : Cattari : Gorobei : Berylore : Zelphia : Aanouk : Beatriice : RobotMaria : Dalrymple : Ainouk : Bearatrice
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  4. #4
    Founder Cordelia's Avatar
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    Furthermore, Simple weapons have a lower minimum level, and are thus more common when it comes to effects. ie, Superior potency VI scepters are ML14, while Superior potency IV Axes, or Longbows, or, in this case kamas, are ML16, and thus are less likely to be generated randomly.

  5. #5
    Community Member In_Like_Flynn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by arminius View Post
    I'm sorry to hear that, because this Cleric/Monk is the most fun I have had in the game in a while, and it would be a great shame if it were gimped solely due to lack of items.
    Oh, a cleric/monk isn't gimped because of a lack of items, believe me.
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  6. #6
    Uber Completionist Lithic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cordelia View Post
    Furthermore, Simple weapons have a lower minimum level, and are thus more common when it comes to effects. ie, Superior potency VI scepters are ML14, while Superior potency IV Axes, or Longbows, or, in this case kamas, are ML16, and thus are less likely to be generated randomly.
    That cant possibly be true. Weapon type has no effect on min lvl for any other effect, why would it on caster gear?
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  7. #7
    Founder Cordelia's Avatar
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    Well, it is. I carry a Superior Potency VI Bastard sword in my clerics off-hand (simply for flavor), and it's ML16. For all of lvl 14 and 15, I was forced to use a scepter.

    PM an email addy, and I'll send you screens if you like.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lithic View Post
    That cant possibly be true. Weapon type has no effect on min lvl for any other effect, why would it on caster gear?
    It's not exactly true in the way it was stated, but there is a truth behind it.

    Simple/Martial/Exotic does not matter for minimum level.

    However, there are two separate systems used to generate magic weapons: caster-weapons and warrior weapons. When loot is rolled the first choice is caster-weapon or warrior-weapon (which is strongly controlled by your class in end-rewards). Caster-weapons can only have spellcast boosting effects on them, and they have an attack enhancement bonus added which does not count against minimum level. Caster weapons can only be simple melee weapons (and as far as I can see, only scepters, daggers, or staves).

    Warrior-weapons have the wide range of effects like Holy and Puncturing which you all know and love, and they can produce any kind of weapon.

    Because caster and warrior weapons use completely separate loot generation with their own minimum level rules, it may be that you just can't find the same effects on exotic weapons of the same level.

  9. #9
    Community Member arminius's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Angelus_dead View Post
    It's not exactly true in the way it was stated, but there is a truth behind it.

    Simple/Martial/Exotic does not matter for minimum level.

    However, there are two separate systems used to generate magic weapons: caster-weapons and warrior weapons. When loot is rolled the first choice is caster-weapon or warrior-weapon (which is strongly controlled by your class in end-rewards). Caster-weapons can only have spellcast boosting effects on them, and they have an attack enhancement bonus added which does not count against minimum level. Caster weapons can only be simple melee weapons (and as far as I can see, only scepters, daggers, or staves).

    Warrior-weapons have the wide range of effects like Holy and Puncturing which you all know and love, and they can produce any kind of weapon.

    Because caster and warrior weapons use completely separate loot generation with their own minimum level rules, it may be that you just can't find the same effects on exotic weapons of the same level.
    That makes sense, the whole "plusses don't matter so much on caster weapons" effect.

    Sounds like the bottom line is, don't count on kamas or handwraps happening ever, give up dual wielding scepters or clubs or daggers, and learn to love the quarterstaff.

    Annoying, because you then can't combine, say, potency and evocation (unless you got either on a clothing or jewelry, which has a much higher minimum level and takes up a slot better used elsewhere), or spell penetration and necromancy, etc. The two-fisted-caster-weapon-clutch is an addictive habit to break.... Oh well!

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  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by arminius View Post
    Annoying, because you then can't combine, say, potency and evocation (unless you got either on a clothing or jewelry, which has a much higher minimum level and takes up a slot better used elsewhere), or spell penetration and necromancy, etc.
    Evocation? Necromancy?

    Get a Reaver's Napkin. Nobody uses spell focus items on weapons anymore. Your hands are for potency + lore or potency + penetration, or potency + wisdom if you've build a Shroud weapon.

  11. #11
    Community Member Bronko's Avatar
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    Default Superior Potency VI Kama

    Quote Originally Posted by arminius View Post
    I'm sorry to hear that, because this Cleric/Monk is the most fun I have had in the game in a while, and it would be a great shame if it were gimped solely due to lack of items.

    Maybe it will change, as Monk hybrids become more popular.

    Here's a true short story about a Superior Potency VI Kama...

    There was a Character named Bronko. He opened a chest in one of the Gianthold side-quests and found a most peculiar item: a Superior Potency VI Kama. It was a long time ago and although Monks were a long ways away from being a player class Bronko knew that one day they would be in the game.

    Bronko thought to himself, "How can I best make use of such a thing?" He then remembered a guildie (and real life friend as well) who had come back to the game from a long absence. This 'friend' had a just finished creating and leveling a new Sorcerer and he was looking for a Superior Potency item. This was in the days was Superior Potency items were still fairly rare.

    Graciously, Bronko lent the item to his friend with a caveat. Bronko told him, "This is just on 'long term' loan. When you loot a Superior Potency VI item of your own or I find another one I want this kama back. It's really unique and I will probably have a use for it some day." The 'friend' was more than happy to comply.

    For many months this 'friend' put that kama to good use. On many a run Bronko and his 'friend' were happily killing mobs, defeating evil, and generally have a great time in DDO. Bronko was happy to see the item being used and not gathering dust in a bank slot, especially by a fellow guildie and real life 'friend'. The 'friend' often joked about the "!" symbol perpetually sitting in the top-right corner of his screen but the lack of proficiency wasn't much of an issue for a Sorcerer since he wasn't using his melee skills very often.

    Then one day Turbine announced the release of Monks as a playable class. The servers trembled with excitement and anticipation as the release of Module 7 came closer and closer to being a reality. Finally, that fateful day was upon us and Bronko turned to his friend saying "I just bought you a Superior Potency VI scepter from the AH. Take this and give me back the kama please." The 'friend' replied, "Oh, I can't. It's bound. I didn't want to take any permanent damage on it so I put it through that ritual of binding."

    Needless to say Bronko was dumbfounded. Who the heck binds an unbound item other than possibly those coveted WoP weapons? More importantly, who binds something that's not theirs?

    Unfortunately that particular player does not read the forums. In fact, upon taking over the leadership of his guild Bronko gave his 'friend' the title of "Guild Noob" on their guild website and that player still hasn't noticed. It is a shame that this lovely story and it's dripping sarcasm will be lost on Bronko's 'friend' but at least the tale has been told.

    Name dropping is potentially a ban-able offense, but if anyone happens to see my friend Exsivia/Spangle online while you are running around on Ghallanda be sure to ask him if he has paid off Bronko with enough beers yet. He'll hang his virtual head in shame and know what it means.
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  12. #12
    Founder Cordelia's Avatar
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    Here's a screen of that sword i was talking about. Notice the ML16, whereas scepters, light maces, daggers and staves of the same enhancement value are only ML14.

    Now if this exotic weapon exists, one would think that Kamas do also. (handwraps are another story).

  13. #13
    Community Member arminius's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Angelus_dead View Post
    Evocation? Necromancy?

    Get a Reaver's Napkin. Nobody uses spell focus items on weapons anymore. Your hands are for potency + lore or potency + penetration, or potency + wisdom if you've build a Shroud weapon.
    Point taken, but those others you point out still involve two-fisting, which one can't do with a quarterstaff, and which was my original point. The only item a monk can do that with, without breaking his or her stance, is a kama.

    If only monks could use clubs, at least. Oh well, if, if, if.....

    Gwyneira : Cattari : Gorobei : Berylore : Zelphia : Aanouk : Beatriice : RobotMaria : Dalrymple : Ainouk : Bearatrice
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  14. #14
    Community Member maddmatt70's Avatar
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    I have to say how about a superior devotion VI kama from the shroud (you could also wear a sup devotion VI helm from the abbot raid or something like that) and an exceptional wis kama from the shroud. You might have to go uncentered and equip a sup potency item if you drop a bb but oh well you still can destruct, cast heal spells, and cast clerical cc spells.
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  15. #15
    Community Member Fennario's Avatar
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    I also have an upcoming Cleric/Monk and am enjoying him alot. I was a little worried about this issue as well. These items might help a bit:

    Drops in the Blue Dragon chest in Tor. Not quite the 50&#37; boost as Superior Potency, but it will still give your Blade Barriers a little more ooomph. And it takes care of your Spell Pen item as well.

    Final upgrade for your Silver Flame item in the Necropolis. This will do nicely for your healing abilities, as well as add some nice power to your good spells.

    Personally, I've got a Superior Potency 6 quarterstaff banked and ready for level 14. Sure it would be nice to have the option to dual wield different kamas, (a shroud built kama, and superior pot 6 kama come to mind), but I wouldn't call myself gimped if I could not.
    Last edited by Fennario; 07-02-2008 at 07:08 PM.

  16. #16
    Founder Guildmaster_Kadish's Avatar
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    I can comfirm that spell improving kamas exist, I am currently in possession of a superior potency VI kama for my cleric/monk.

    Screenshot to come if necessary (currently in quest on my sorc).
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