Currently in DDO Clerics are largely relgated to the role of "healbot". I feel that the DDO Cleric should have a role that is still defensively oriented, but more pro-active than what exists currently.
A fine example is "Soundburst". Although the spell itself does not do significant damage, the brief stun portion of it provides a very valuable tool to the crowd controlling Cleric.
Unfortunately, the Clerics ability to crowd control is stunted.
Already strapped for SP, the failure of the developers to provide Clerics with heighten I and II as enhancements create a disincentive for Clerics to crowd control.
Crowd control is a fine alternative to healing because it allows Clerics to "get in the action", rather than largely stand passively waiting for the HP bars to go up and down.
Consequently, I'd like to see Clerics provided with the above Heighten enhancements, as well as more Crowd Controlling spells and abilities.