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Thread: Trade House

  1. #1
    Stormreach Chronicler
    Virus's Avatar
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    Feb 2006

    Default Trade House

    Was thinking that perhaps trading house network in game, like a third party/drop shipping firm.
    Something where I can post items I'm willing to trade for another item... say like I have a vorpal bastard sword that I'm not proficent in but would like to trade for like a vorpal kopesh.
    Could post this up like an auction and add a brief description of what I'm looking for. Set it up that someone can post an offer and then it has to be accepted by both parties before items change ownership, like in the AH where the item is removed from out inventory, but still technically ours.
    I think added functionality would be to be able to offer up 5+ items for a single trade, and both parties could cancel the trade at any time and have postings like expire after a week or something.
    Think this would be helpful since not everyone trolls the forums looking for a tradeable item and then don't have to arrange a meeting time or risk of sending item to wrong person or what not.
    Details of the setup I can see as...
    item offerings (always just for 1 item to be receive)
    money with item offerings for an item
    Description of what your looking for
    search (not sure on this, maybe search on posting keywords, or item levels...?)

    just a ruff idea, perhaps others can add thoughts?
    Server - Thelanis
    Zessa - Ranger-Deepwood Sniper (Drow)
    Zessb - Ranger-Tempest (Human-UMD)
    Zessc - Favorite Soul (Human)

  2. #2


    not a bad idea, I know Tolero was looking into whether we can get a trade channel setup as a permannent channel for the next mod, this wouldn't be as good but it is at least at start.
    Fallen former minion of the Gelatinous Cube
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  3. #3
    Community Member Zaodon's Avatar
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    Maybe you could do this similar to an "offline" trade window.

    - Go to Trade House, click "New Trade Post"
    - You put 1 or more items into your Trade Post window. Give a description of what you want in return.
    --- The items leave your inventory, go into the Trade Post.
    - Someone searches thru the Trades, selects yours, and puts 1 or more items into their side of the window, hits "Accept".
    --- Their items leave their inventory, go into the Trade Post.
    - You get an email "You have a pending trade acceptance."
    - Second person searches thru the Trades, selects yours, and puts 1 or more items into their side of the window, hits "Accept".
    --- Their items leave their inventory, go into the Trade Post.
    - You get an email "You have a pending trade acceptance."

    - You go to the Trade House, open the panel for existing posts, select your Trade
    - You examine the trade, and offers from both people.
    - If you like one of the offers:
    --- Select the offer you like best, and hit "Accept".
    --- It will mail their items to you, and your items to them, and also return the items from the 2nd person to them.
    - If you don't like any of the offers:
    --- Hit "Decline", system will mail their items back to that person.

    - Trade Posts last 72 hours, then the system mails it back to you (to prevent the Trade House from becoming a limitless bank)
    --- If someone has items posted against your trade when it expires, they get back their items, also.
    - Posting a Trade into the Trade House has to cost money per item you offer (also to help prevent it from being a free bank)

    Can you tell I'm a software designer?
    Last edited by Zaodon; 06-27-2008 at 03:43 PM.

  4. #4
    Community Member GlassCannon's Avatar
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    We definitely need a better alternative to the Auction House. If the player base were honest and sensible the AH wouldn't have a problem. The problem is.... kind of obvious.

    We formerly had tabs out to denote LFM/LFG... and the LFG system back then worked MUCH better than it does now(LFG chars get buried under the In Party listing instead of getting sorted to the top of the ungrouped). Perhaps a Trade Window could be added in such a manner, with a replacement to the now completely useless LFG system(LFM still works fine)?

    This would mark the return of the 3 tabs on the Social Panel.

    They stick out from the right side, about the middle of the thing. MOD 2 and prior.

  5. #5
    Community Member Zaodon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GlassCannon View Post
    We definitely need a better alternative to the Auction House. If the player base were honest and sensible the AH wouldn't have a problem. The problem is.... kind of obvious.

    We formerly had tabs out to denote LFM/LFG... and the LFG system back then worked MUCH better than it does now(LFG chars get buried under the In Party listing instead of getting sorted to the top of the ungrouped). Perhaps a Trade Window could be added in such a manner, with a replacement to the now completely useless LFG system(LFM still works fine)?

    This would mark the return of the 3 tabs on the Social Panel.

    They stick out from the right side, about the middle of the thing. MOD 2 and prior.

    The downsides to that idea are:
    1. You can only trade while online, and only to other players online at the same time you are, and who are looking.
    2. It interferes with your online play, when someone responds while you are in a quest, etc.

    Having a "Trade House" which you can check on your own schedule, available to all people, is IMHO a superior idea.

  6. #6
    Community Member aurus33's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zaodon View Post
    The downsides to that idea are:
    1. You can only trade while online, and only to other players online at the same time you are, and who are looking.
    2. It interferes with your online play, when someone responds while you are in a quest, etc.

    Having a "Trade House" which you can check on your own schedule, available to all people, is IMHO a superior idea.
    I support your idea Zaodon, same platform as the AH but for trading.

    I'd add something like this:

    Set up a number of items to trade (not just one), with a note "Will trade all these items for...<Insert your wanted item(s) here>", the fee will increase according to the number/value of the items you place.

    And, another one. You could receive multiple offers, that is:

    Player A place an item on the Trade House with his respective note/want list.

    Player B goes to the Trade House and check for open trades, he sees something he likes and make his offer, triggering the email, etc.

    Player C goes to the Trade House and he liked the same offer that Player B, but he doesnt know he's been offered, still, he makes his offer.

    Player A receives two emails, one per each offer. He goes to the Trade House and he can review both offers and click on which one he likes the most or just decline both, the items will be transfered for the accepted parties and returned for the declines parties.

  7. #7
    Community Member Sue_Dark's Avatar
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    And while they're at it, add a discription/add box for the AH. So auctioneers can put in a description of their item in plain text. If we cant get a view of the item while on auction, we can then at least get a written desc of style and color, etc etc. No more buying fugly armor cause it has the stats you want but you couldnt see how ******** it looked.
    Fyshie the Tasty, of Thelanis
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  8. #8
    Community Member Zaodon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aurus33 View Post
    I support your idea Zaodon, same platform as the AH but for trading.

    I'd add something like this:

    Set up a number of items to trade (not just one), with a note "Will trade all these items for...<Insert your wanted item(s) here>", the fee will increase according to the number/value of the items you place.

    And, another one. You could receive multiple offers, that is:

    Player A place an item on the Trade House with his respective note/want list.

    Player B goes to the Trade House and check for open trades, he sees something he likes and make his offer, triggering the email, etc.

    Player C goes to the Trade House and he liked the same offer that Player B, but he doesnt know he's been offered, still, he makes his offer.

    Player A receives two emails, one per each offer. He goes to the Trade House and he can review both offers and click on which one he likes the most or just decline both, the items will be transfered for the accepted parties and returned for the declines parties.
    Great ideas, I've modifed my post to include them.

  9. #9
    Community Member Avelin's Avatar
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    I love this idea.

  10. #10
    Community Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sue Dark View Post
    And while they're at it, add a discription/add box for the AH. So auctioneers can put in a description of their item in plain text. If we cant get a view of the item while on auction, we can then at least get a written desc of style and color, etc etc. No more buying fugly armor cause it has the stats you want but you couldnt see how ******** it looked.
    Ah, a real RPer's desire.

    I like it.

  11. #11
    Stormreach Chronicler
    Virus's Avatar
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    Feb 2006


    You guys all really filled in the idea... was also thinking that if a pending trade comes in it would let the trade posting out further, to help those out that don't get to play everyday.
    Server - Thelanis
    Zessa - Ranger-Deepwood Sniper (Drow)
    Zessb - Ranger-Tempest (Human-UMD)
    Zessc - Favorite Soul (Human)

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