Shop is closed. Thank you for the trades.
Hin, Opal, Shera, Ditty-Fernia, Resin, Smurfkiller
Shop is closed. Thank you for the trades.
Hin, Opal, Shera, Ditty-Fernia, Resin, Smurfkiller
Last edited by Hin; 07-01-2008 at 02:22 AM. Reason: Got my scales!
I have four blue dragon scales available to trade for white scales. Send a PM or contact me in game. I'm usually logged in as Rakdos. Add him to your frends list. When you see me login we can make the trade. What time would be best for you?
Server: Ghallanda, Guild: Oblivion
Rakdos the Ancient 1 Fighter / 15 Wizard (main), Verdaloth 16 Ranger 32 pt, Volrrath the Defiler 12 Fighter 32 pt
Updated list
LOL what does one scale get me?
You wouldn't happen to have a +5 WIS ring (min: 11) for scales, would you?
Aamberly Evenstar, Rogue Extrordinaire, Winner of Eberron Magazine's Hottest Elf Chick of the Year / Ariion Evenstar / Blackcat of Greyhawk / Kazahiro Khan, Mischevious Monk
Proud Officer of The Dragonmark Alliance (Fernia, now Ghallanda)