Okay, so trying to get Stunning Fist by respeccing is annoying, as many of you know. Despite the fact that I could take the feat at level ONE, the ONLY feat Fred allows me to swap out for it is Weapon Finesse (got at level 2 as a monk special feat)

I'm looking for advice on if I should go ahead and do it. WHAT kind of impact will it have on my hit chance? The difference in my strength and dex isn't much, buffed. I have 20 dex, 18 strength, at level 9 (With a +4 str gloves, and +3 dex boots that take me to an even number)

My main weapon is +5 handwraps, as I haven't found anything with interesting other mods yet for higher levels. With them, in Air stance, my to-hit is +19.

Would I lose anything other then 1 to-hit by dropping weapon finesse for stunning fist? (just making sure). I put my first two level-up points into dex, and i'll probably put my next two there as well, so in the end i'll want to pick it back up, but i'll be able to do it easily before it becomes an issue.

(I don't know exactly how the respec system works, so like I said, i want to be sure before I blow my freebie)