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  1. #1
    Community Member Pheng64's Avatar
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    Default High Saves Halfling Build

    Can someone tell me if my numbers are correct?

    At Lvl 6: 2 monk / 3 Paladin / 1 Ranger
    At Lvl 16: 2 Monk / 3 Pal / 11 Ranger

    S 12 -2 race = 10
    D 12 +2 race, +1 L4, +1 Halfling Dex = 16 (+3)
    C 14 (+2)
    I 8 (-1)
    W 14 (+2)
    Ch 15 +1 Paly Cha = 16 (+3)

    I am trying to get some nice saves, and I'm not sure if any of these do not stack:

    F R w
    L2 Monk 3 3 3
    L3 Paladin 3 1 1
    Divine Grace 3 3 3
    Aura of Good(enh) 1 1 1
    L1 Ranger 2 2 1
    Resistance +2 Item 2 2 2
    Feat: Luck of Heros 1 1 1
    Halfling 1 1 1
    Halfling Luck 2 (all 3) 2 2 2
    Stats 2 3 3
    Fort 20
    Reflex 19
    Will 17

    Temp bonus
    Paly Saves Boost 2 2 2 (20 seconds)

    Fort 22
    Reflex 21
    Will 19
    AT LVL 6(six)

    Chance of getting +2 Dex, +2 Wis, or +2 Cha items as well for +1 more each save.

    I don't want to use all my feats, or I would also take Lightning Reflexes and Iron Will.

    I figure this can be done without being too gimped.
    Tempest with Ranger, Evasion from Monk, Extra AC from Paly's Aura and from being small.

    Anyone see any problems with the saves numbers?

    Thanks for reading!

  2. #2
    Community Member Twerpp's Avatar
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    The saves all stack. I guess you will rely on really good weapons with lots of procs and favored enemy for damage?

  3. #3
    Community Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pheng64 View Post
    I figure this can be done without being too gimped.
    Tempest with Ranger, Evasion from Monk, Extra AC from Paly's Aura and from being small.
    Your ranger levels would give you evasion as well, meaning that you could skip those monk levels if you wanted to (Although the monk levels do help your saves some).

  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by Pheng64 View Post
    Can someone tell me if my numbers are correct?

    S 12 -2 race = 10

    If you start your STR at 12 with a halfling, your STR will be 12. The -2 penalty was applied before you allocated any of your attribute points (hence why your STR was a 6 to start instead of an 8).
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  5. #5
    Community Member Pheng64's Avatar
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    Thanks for the replies.

    The Monk levels are more for the saves, and bonus feats.

    My stat numbers are correct, I did them on paper at work. I also just entered them in DDO, and they are the same.

    As for dmg, ya fav enemy and wpn dmg.

    I think the one thing I will miss is UMD. I had considered Rogue instead of Ranger, but I have a couple rogues already, haven't tried a ranger yet.

  6. #6
    Community Member Sue_Dark's Avatar
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    You could get more out of dropping 5 levels of ranger and taking 5 added levels of monk. Possibly dividing those 5 between monk and pally if you really wanted a non-unarmed bab.

    Not certain of when, but monks also get imp evasion so if that puts you in range for it... I'd got that route. That leave you at 6 ranger, all that is required to get tempest. If youre only doing ranger for tempest, then definitely dump the extra levels in favor of more of one of the others. At L6 ranger (actually L4), you'll have access to self applied resist energy and/or rams for extra str. You just wont have bark, but the bark given at L8 isnt much better than a pot (when carried to L11). Besides, if you have a pure ranger in the party he/she will have better, longer lasting bark most of the time.

    Can someone please confirm when monks get imp evasion. Also how many extra feats would be gained by adding 5 more monk levels?
    Fyshie the Tasty, of Thelanis
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  7. #7
    Community Member Sue_Dark's Avatar
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    Meant to mention.... L16 halfie ranger, 20, 18, 35, 12, 20, 12 (all from items, +2, 1750 tome and a few +1's along the way)

    Reflex save +33
    Will save +22
    Fort save I dont Remember, but it's higher than Will. I can give a complete breakdown of numbers and gear later, when I get home. From what I've seen, my saves rank with alot of pally's out there. I just wish I had Imp Evasion
    Fyshie the Tasty, of Thelanis
    Notit of Khyber
    I may not like what you have to say, but I will defend to the death, your right to say it.

  8. #8
    Community Member Steveem's Avatar
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    Post Can someone please confirm when monks get imp evasion

    Quote Originally Posted by Sue Dark View Post
    You could get more out of dropping 5 levels of ranger and taking 5 added levels of monk. Possibly dividing those 5 between monk and pally if you really wanted a non-unarmed bab.

    Not certain of when, but monks also get imp evasion so if that puts you in range for it... I'd got that route. That leave you at 6 ranger, all that is required to get tempest. If youre only doing ranger for tempest, then definitely dump the extra levels in favor of more of one of the others. At L6 ranger (actually L4), you'll have access to self applied resist energy and/or rams for extra str. You just wont have bark, but the bark given at L8 isnt much better than a pot (when carried to L11). Besides, if you have a pure ranger in the party he/she will have better, longer lasting bark most of the time.

    Can someone please confirm when monks get imp evasion. Also how many extra feats would be gained by adding 5 more monk levels?
    9 I belive

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