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  1. #1
    Community Member Gearrik's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2006

    Default Monk Gear Price Check

    Are deathblock outfits in high demand these days with all the monks running around?

    What sort of monk gear is in high demand at this point?

    Furthermore, what gear is considered "epic" these days? (I quit shortly after gianthold was released and just recently returned)


  2. #2
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2006


    Epic is really debated these days. Vorpals and Banishers seem to drop quite a bit, at least in my experience. Paralyzers don't really work after level 12-14, so you can probably take them off the list. Smiters are common too, but still have their place. Vorpals also have their place, but again, very common it seems. If you look at the Auction House, you'll notice the price shift since you last played, I bet!

    Honestly, I only consider weapons that bypass DR, and have a ton of effects such as:
    +5 Icybursting of Pure Good (any elemental damage would make me happy)
    +4/5 Holy Silver of Pure Good (if it's Holy Bursting, I'd consider it epic)
    +4/5 Holy Silver of Greater Outsider Bane
    Wound of Puncting Rapiers and/or Shortswords
    +5 Transmuting of Pure Good

    That's all I look for right now. Especially the wounding of puncturing. As far as clothing/armor gear is concerned, the usual suspects still apply:

    Wiz VI and VII items (Ive only looted VI items so far)
    Planar Girds
    Kardin's Eye
    Boots of the Innocent
    Firestorm Greaves
    Scales for the poor casters without Arcane Lore items
    Res Rings (although I've noticed a drop in requests for these)
    +2 tomes (+6 ability items are SOOOO common now, it's crazy)
    Last edited by djinni69; 06-24-2008 at 10:12 AM.

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