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  1. #41
    Community Member Allice's Avatar
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    personally for end rewards i dont have a problem with this idea. Because in an RP sense you can say "Mr quest giver i dont really like any of the options you are giving me can i just get cash" and if hes resonable and has case he can say yes.

    Now out of chests no because you cant go to a chest and say "mr chest, I dont like anything in here that you have for me can i have cash" Theres no way the chest can do anything because its an inannimate object that has no way of controlling whats within it.

    So if thats being a hypocrite then yes im a hypocrite because Gods forbid me wanting some type of Role play realism to the game.

  2. #42
    Community Member villainsimple's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lorien the First One View Post
    [*squish splash squish*]

    And what the OP is asking is not simple. "What I can use" is in the eye of the beholder and setting the rules for what turns into cash would not be a small thing.

    Also limits on what you can carry SHOULD be part of the game, its part of every D&D game I've ever played.

    And if you can't be bothered to sell the low end stuff while you are powering through quests below your level..then don't pick it up.
    If you don't like it, don't turn the **** thing on. Simple as that. if you don't want to risk it... don't.

    And before you continue to outright LIE about what I said...

    "The Cash option would remove items that aren't of your class/race type in terms of armor and weaponry and replace them with gold and gems of an appropriate and equal value."

    This would leave all forms of jewelry/clothing. It would remove full plate from a character that is restricted to robes... it would remove greataxes from character restricted to monk weapons. If you have multiclass...then you can still use it.

    [I know better than to make derogatory comments about others]

  3. #43


    [nom nom nom]

    As for the topic, we have control, actually more control than before, over what is dropped. While I do agree to some of the posters to have a gold option (how they figure it out, I dunno) as end reward, but we are all so immature, such an idea will not be welcomed.
    +The Goddess of Tempest's Spine+Merc's Only, THELANIS: List is here: LEGIONNAIRE /Salute to Rameses, He has RETURNED!

  4. 06-25-2008, 03:29 PM


  5. #44
    *squish*splash*squish* The_Mighty_Cube's Avatar
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    Default *slurp*

    Remember that if you're going to flame each other, the only attention from Turbine you attract is mine... and I'm feeling awfully hungry at the moment. Leave the insults and name calling at the door please.
    Do not cross The Mighty Cube!

    Quote Originally Posted by MysticTheurge
    Everyone knows Gelatinous Cubes are Weapons of Mass Digestion.

  6. #45
    Community Member Lorien_the_First_One's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by villainsimple View Post
    If you don't like it, don't turn the **** thing on. Simple as that. if you don't want to risk it... don't.
    And you continue to ignore the other parts of what I said

    1) That most people wouldn't want it so its poor dev time (for the reasons given by 99% of the ppl in this thread)
    2) That the limits on number of items you carry and weight are approrpiate restrictions. If you choose to have an 8 str char or carry full bags then you shouldn't be able to walk out with everything you find. That has always been part of D&D and is reason enough to not do what you ask.

    Quote Originally Posted by villainsimple View Post
    And before you continue to outright LIE about what I said...
    How did I lie?

    I said what is useful is in the eye of the beholder, and that's true. For example, with one spell my Bard can use that great axe. Turbine tried to make rewards "class and race specific" for end rewards and ppl constantly complained that it wasn't well done. That shows that it is more complex than your simple analysis would make it out to be.

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