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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Default User/Third Party Add ons?

    Does anyone know if there are any Legal add on's for DDO. A user created map would be nice, as would an xp tracker and other stuff...mind you not an "autoplayer/bot". I know alot of games have them, City of Heroes has a nice user created map interface that lists where everything is, and WoW (which I no longer play) has a huge amount of fan made content...I have looked and the only things I can find are cheat bots. So, if anyone knows either where to find them, or why they are so scarce, perhaps Turbine is not allowing people to create add ons, or maybe DDO is not main stream enough for people to want to code add on's, I for one would love a couple decent add-ons, if anyone, user and devs alike, can tackle this subject I would appreciate whatever information you may come up with.


  2. #2
    Community Member Turial's Avatar
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    DDO has been very unfriendly to third party and user add ons so they dont really exist.

    In the user written strat section of the forums there is a nice map shop and a lot of interesting out of game programs/charts but thats about as good as it gets.
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  3. #3
    Community Member
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    Default sigh

    Hopefully they will take a hint at those other MMO's and realize that the subscribers might want some things like that and open the gates, and let in a couple freelancers take a stab at it, don't get me wrong it isn't a deal breaker for me, but I do know people that have left DDO to go to other MMO's because as they said, "there's more 3rd party stuff", and really, who doesn't want to have access to cool little quest trackers and xp tracking ect.

  4. #4
    Community Member Hanam's Avatar
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    Press "L" and "C"

  5. #5
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    Default right

    Quote Originally Posted by Hanam View Post
    Press "L" and "C"
    Hanam, how bout this, if you don't have any useful information, try not replying at all.


  6. #6
    Community Member Vizzini's Avatar
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    Yea man I'd love to see a Mousepad Maphack for DDO >

    Quote Originally Posted by ScaScott View Post
    Does anyone know if there are any Legal add on's for DDO. A user created map would be nice, as would an xp tracker and other stuff...mind you not an "autoplayer/bot". I know alot of games have them, City of Heroes has a nice user created map interface that lists where everything is, and WoW (which I no longer play) has a huge amount of fan made content...I have looked and the only things I can find are cheat bots. So, if anyone knows either where to find them, or why they are so scarce, perhaps Turbine is not allowing people to create add ons, or maybe DDO is not main stream enough for people to want to code add on's, I for one would love a couple decent add-ons, if anyone, user and devs alike, can tackle this subject I would appreciate whatever information you may come up with.

    ~Requeim ~ Aviale ~ Tomein ~ Twillee ~ Vizzini
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    Quote Originally Posted by Keeper
    <+Keeper> Monks make the best guacamole..

  7. #7
    The Hatchery GeneralDiomedes's Avatar
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    only add-on ATM are the customizable skins
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  8. #8
    Legendary Founder Ron's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GeneralDiomedes View Post
    only add-on ATM are the customizable skins
    Yep, and here's hoping they keep it that way. The third party add-ons were what destroyed AC1. They were supposed to be entirely harmless (by which I mean they could not allow you to cheat at the game). That lasted all of 2 minutes until the coders figured out all the exploits that were possible using such systems.

    I very seriously doubt you are ever going to see a third party hook in. Turbine learned their lesson with their first game, it's not a mistake they are likely to repeat.
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  9. #9
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    Third party addons are always a bad idea as someone usually figures out how to cheat someway with them or harrass other people with them. DEATH TO 3RD PARTY ADDONS.

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  10. #10
    Founder fefnir3284's Avatar
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    I like third party addons. wow has some vital ones that make playing the game so much easier. maps, a note feature, information on items, thats all i have, but Ive noticed there are over 100 other ones, but I dont care for 'enhanced' playing, just helpers
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  11. #11
    Community Member Griphon's Avatar
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    The absolute only 3rd party program I want to see for DDO is a program that logs combat in a significant and useful way. Perhaps displaying it in reports or something as well.

  12. #12
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    The reality is, people don't want 3rd party add ons, they want basic UI functionality common to other MMO's. The call for "3rd party add ons" is just a recognition of the lack of dev time able to be devoted to this and a willingness to do it on their behalf.

  13. #13
    Community Member jamvaru's Avatar
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    Question hacks and cheats

    Last edited by jamvaru; 09-01-2011 at 03:48 PM.

  14. #14


    Well... via a few APIs they have released.. you can keep track if you are or are not on timer, character stats, and last known gear. Providing myddo is working correctly.

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