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  1. #1
    Founder pjw's Avatar
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    Default Please, some healer-love (not just clerics)

    I play a healer-spec'd cleric, and have to say that for people who see their main job as healing, the new mod offers almost nothing of value:


    - Lorrik's Stuff
    * Turn undead is still mostly a joke (esp. for healer specs).
    * Devotion VIII (for the set), again we will still mostly cast lower level mass heals and use a Sup Potency VI item (+20% vs. +50% is a big difference). And which healer really wants to give up a fearsome shield or the reaver shield?
    * +6 Wis and Wiz VI? Shroud items have that.
    * Efficient Metamagic? (Edit: this IS useful, it stacks with Improved Em;power Heal....actually quite nice). Well....that would be useful if it saved me any AP, but I use Improved Emp Heal III, and it does not save me any AP getting there.
    * OK, it's probably nice stuff for a fighting spec'd cleric so they can do a better job healing, but it really doesnt help a healer clr (or bard, since bards dont need wis, most likely dont have emp heal, and have no 8th level spells)

    So...Lorrik get (Edit: 4/10 -- Lorrik's is useful). Was ... 0/10 ...until I understoon Lorriks better.

    - Ring of Thelis? Just for casters or people who dont have a decent SR spell.


    - Nothing. Zip. Nada.

    What do we need? Perhaps one or all of:

    - Things that reduce the cost of 'curative' spells (like the staff from the abbot, but maybe more effective but only for healing)
    - Things that further amplify heals in a useful way - Sup Dev VIII (not just Dev VIII)
    - More mana? Who knows...this is probably not a good idea.
    - Useful criticals (been there before, I know), but most *healing* crits are wasted. Give us an option for crits to be *cheaper* rather than more effective

    I am sure devs or others can come up with more imaginitive ways to help healer-clerics, but atm I play any of my other chars in preference to my cleric because I know they will be fun, and I am pretty sure that they won't come out of a raid poorer. That's just me, and I know there are clerics out there for whom the money/costs don't mean much.

    Anyway, please consider people who actually choose to spec for healing....
    Last edited by pjw; 06-21-2008 at 12:06 AM. Reason: Corrections

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