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  1. #1
    Community Member valczir's Avatar
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    Feb 2006

    Default Posting a file for download

    I don't really know where else to put this, so I'm just posting here. If it should be somewhere else, please move it for me, or if I should be emailing someone instead of posting on the forums, please let me know.

    All I have is a simple little question: would it be ok for me to upload the patchclient.dll file from LotRO to a server where those who want to play DDO in linux can download it? That file is required for updating DDO in linux, and I wanted to throw it up somewhere to help others in getting DDO to run on linux.

    However, I wanted to make sure I'm not breaking any rules or anything, first. I could read the ToS and everything, but I would still be asking for confirmation, no matter what I found out, so I just decided to skip right to asking.
    Disclaimer: I like to ignore the fact that this game is not D&D
    Yay for monks dual wielding their fists! Naysayers: D&D v3.5 FAQ! (bottom of page 19)
    DDO now works on linux! Link to the AppDB page for DDO on wine

  2. #2
    Community Member GlassCannon's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2006


    Turbine needs to do something about it... whether it's allowing a user to host said file, or start a hosting service for it, or something. If you have actualy acquired the file, please PM me about sending it and I'll see what I can do about distribution.

    This is my first day running Linux and getting DDO to run is literally MADNESS. I'm one step away - that file.

    I *can* download the LotRO Trial and pull it from there, but I would just delete the trial anyway.

    Edit: The most recent version *has* to be yanked from the LOTRO installer, or it has issues. Yes, this means sitting through a day-long download process, but it works. Start it and go do something else. As for the file, it was lost on my 5th format in a row(thanks to my brother using the computer and destroying the OS again)
    Last edited by GlassCannon; 03-14-2009 at 06:24 AM.

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