Pulled a paralyzing rapier of enfeebling last night. What kind of interest does it bring. It is a very nice combo for the solo artists out there.
Any thoughts?
Pulled a paralyzing rapier of enfeebling last night. What kind of interest does it bring. It is a very nice combo for the solo artists out there.
Any thoughts?
Ooglys Pet WF 18Wiz/2Rogue, Oogli 18 Bard/2Fighter, Ooog Ly 12 fighter/6 Ranger/2 Monk, Ogly 20th Cleric, Oogly 20th Rogue, Ooogly 20th Paladin, Oooogly 20th Fighter , Gallion 20th Sorcerer
I think para of puncturing would be killer, but this is nice, especially against beholders. I think that for those who are already using a piercing build for stat damage, it's an excellent fit, and they (i.e. me) would trade very well for it, but it's not on the same level as a w/p or something like that. What are you looking for?
Ooogly, that raid last night was sick!
I was pleasently shocked to see that not ONE person left after all of those wipes.
Bummed we didnt get that first chest though...
Pulled a +4 Holy Burst Rapier of Pure Good for my end reward in addition to the raid loot!
Aamberly Evenstar, Rogue Extrordinaire, Winner of Eberron Magazine's Hottest Elf Chick of the Year / Ariion Evenstar / Blackcat of Greyhawk / Kazahiro Khan, Mischevious Monk
Proud Officer of The Dragonmark Alliance (Fernia, now Ghallanda)
Yeah, once you wipe once on those bats, it is hell taking control back, although i think we figured out a cool method in the end. Since most of us had only been in the once or not at all i think we did fine. Congrats on that piece of loot, great item!
I agree that the rapier is not on parr with a WOP, but I do think it is ever bit as good as a para of puncturing. In any case, I am only looking for two items, fire storm greaves and spectral gloves. I Guess I would accept an offer of ingrediants, tomes, or such. I am not going to use it, since I have WOP rapiers. Anyone make me a reasonable offer and I will probably accept.
Ooglys Pet WF 18Wiz/2Rogue, Oogli 18 Bard/2Fighter, Ooog Ly 12 fighter/6 Ranger/2 Monk, Ogly 20th Cleric, Oogly 20th Rogue, Ooogly 20th Paladin, Oooogly 20th Fighter , Gallion 20th Sorcerer