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  1. #1
    Producer Tolero's Avatar
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    Arrow Tell The DDO Community Team #24

    Welcome back! It's that time again!

    How it works:
    I'll be asking you questions, and here in my thread, you tell me: What comes to mind; what you think; how you feel; etc, as it relates to the question(s) at hand. If you missed the previous week's questions, they'll be listed below and you can answer them here too. Thank you so much to everyone for offering their answers!

    Ground Rules:
    Before we get started, let's lay down three ground rules if you're going to participate in the thread. These ground rules also have a few samples to help clarify participation:

    #1 - The single most important rule to remember while participating in this thread is:
    No personal attacks.
    If you disagree with the opinion of another participant, that's fine, but no one can make anyone agree to their opinion. Thus, please refrain from commenting on the personal qualities of others who offer their responses to the question(s). Personal attacks go against forum guidelines. Questions asked will be subjective, and some users will have a lot related to their opinion, while others may only define things in short phrases. All forms are acceptable.
    Hypothetical Example:
    Tolero "Do you like ice cream?"
    Player 1 "I hate ice cream because it's too tough to scoop"
    Acceptable "I like it. It's not that bad to scoop once you let it sit on the counter for a little bit before you try to dip it Player 1."
    Acceptable "I like it but I have the same problem as Player 1. What brand is it Player 1?"
    Acceptable "I don't think it's too hard, I never have any problem with it. I like ice cream."
    Unacceptable "That's cause you're a noob..."
    Unacceptable "You don't have enough experience with scooping to be talking about how difficult it is"
    Unacceptable "How about you back that opinion up with some numbers. If you can't prove it don't bring it here"

    Everyone has the right to offer their response to the question(s), whether they have scientific data to back up their feelings, or they simply just "feel" a certain way towards the question(s).

    #2 - Participate as well as discuss.
    If you would like to join in the discussion, please be sure to offer your response to the questions as well, in addition to your conversation with any other thread participants
    Hypothetical Example:
    Tolero "What's your favorite color?"
    Player 1 "Blue"
    Player 2 "Green"
    Acceptable "Purple... hey Player 2, how come you like Green?"
    Unacceptable "hey Player 2 how come you like Green?"

    Please be sure to take the time to offer your own opinion of the question(s) before you engage in a discussion about other people's opinions in the thread.

    #3 - Don't recycle the above hypothetical examples in your responses as it spams the thread.
    -------------------------- Let's Get Started! --------------------------

    If you missed last week's questions, you're welcome to answer them now in addition to this week's:

    Question 1
    What is something that strongly motivates you to convince others to play Online games with you?

    Question 2
    Rank the following in order of importance to you:

    • Introduction of new systems (Bounty bags)
    • Expanded existing systems (crafting, PvP, Favor, etc.)
    • New Quests (Subterranean, Three Barrel Quests, etc.)
    • Revamped regions (Three Barrel Cove, Cerulean Hills)
    • Events (Tent event, Race to the Subterranean, etc.)

    Question 3
    With the influx of Monks to the community at large, what have you found to be the best experiences either grouping with or playing with Monks? What are some Monk experiences that you are finding difficult?

    This week's question(s) are:

    Question 1
    What are your thoughts on Module 7?

    Question 2
    Some players have a "trusted weapon"... a weapon they would never leave behind, that they can always rely on for a majority of their questing. Other players have a "weapon of choice"... one that they could live without probably, but they still like it more than other weapons. Do you have a "trusted weapon" or "weapon of choice"? If so, tell us about it. (Note: This does not have to be a weapon you've crafted)

    Question 3
    Of all quests you've experienced, what are some elements of your favorite quests that you wish we'd do more often?

  2. #2
    Community Member
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    #1 Love the new content, great job, love the new UI features, another great job. HATE THE WAY TO MANY BUGS ALL OVER THE PLACE THROUGH THE UI, ESPECIALLY THE FRIENDS LIST, AND CLERICS BLADE BARRIER, ECT ECT there are far too many to list, that are having a huge imapct on the game at this point, and a GREAT DEAL OF GRUMBLING within the player base on the severs. I understand this happens though, please give us an idea on when and or if you will be fixing anything soon. Overall I like Mod 7 though. Raid designs were superb......

    #2 I still wouldn't leave home without my trusty vorpal khopesh of enfeebling (even though some seem to think vorpals are worthless) My weapo of choie at thsi pointit's a tie between WoP and my mineral 2 Khopesh.

    #3 I like the way the quests seem to have more mixed mobs in them. Some mobs casters can kill and melees have a bit of a hard time, and vis-versa. It's a good way to bring the cater classes back down to earth from theirver-powered postion. Mobs that they plain just can't kill or use and extreme amount of mana while doing so. It's made the game "fun" for melees again!

  3. #3
    Community Member Aeneas's Avatar
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    1.) MOD 7 has a couple nice raids with some fun loot. Both raids are challenging and it's nice to see some party wipes when people don't hold their own finally. Haven't really touched the mid level quests yet, but the new explorer area is trick.

    2.) Radiance II rapier (or at least it will be my go to very very soon )

    3.) Redwillow is still among my all time favorites, i think i like that a quest takes place in a big open area like that, it feels less linear and it's packed with a bunch of different mobs.
    Last edited by Aeneas; 06-18-2008 at 11:06 AM.
    Aeneas - Boosterseat - Eulogy - Diminutive - Moths

  4. #4
    Community Member miceelf88's Avatar
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    Question 1
    What are your thoughts on Module 7?

    So far, so good, and I haven't even tried monks yet. Nice to see mid-level quests.

    Question 2
    Some players have a "trusted weapon"... a weapon they would never leave behind, that they can always rely on for a majority of their questing. Other players have a "weapon of choice"... one that they could live without probably, but they still like it more than other weapons. Do you have a "trusted weapon" or "weapon of choice"? If so, tell us about it. (Note: This does not have to be a weapon you've crafted)

    Great axe of greater X bane. (I have a set)

    Question 3
    Of all quests you've experienced, what are some elements of your favorite quests that you wish we'd do more often?

    Honestly, I like the depths series, as a nice set of topically related quests that you don't need to complete in a chain, that are level-appropriate challenge, and that one can complete in a relatively short amount of time. These three elements are harder to find in higher level quests, particularly shorter ones. Sometimes, one wants to be able to play for a half hour or so...

  5. #5
    Stormreach Advisor
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    Q: What are your thoughts on Module 7?

    I don't have any slots to roll a monk, or anyone in the 3bc level range that I want to play. I'll get around to it eventually.

    Q: Do you have a "trusted weapon" or "weapon of choice"?

    Not so much. No in-game weapon is as effective as a decent mouse.

    My fighter finds all weapons to be situational, but he prefers to be in situations where he can use his Kopesh of Trippin

    Q: Of all quests you've experienced, what are some elements of your favorite quests that you wish we'd do more often?

    There are some good qualities to the Depths quests: They each have a theme without being monotonous, you can do them in any order, and they have a choice of paths that are equitable.

    I think a lot of your series chains are ignored because you chose continuity over playability. You can't jump into the middle of a series, so parties are locked in.
    There was a girl warforged named Cleaver.
    Every man that she loved would soon leave her.
    They all left so fast / as they couldn't get past
    the fact that she has a Brass Beaver

  6. #6
    Founder Sem34's Avatar
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    Question 1
    What are your thoughts on Module 7?
    Answer: Hmmm, the mod is great for re-rolls, new people coming into Stormreach, over very well done. Really liking the new Raid, really liking that it feels a little more like the TS raid…

    Question 2
    Some players have a "trusted weapon"... a weapon they would never leave behind, that they can always rely on for a majority of their questing. Other players have a "weapon of choice"... one that they could live without probably, but they still like it more than other weapons. Do you have a "trusted weapon" or "weapon of choice"? If so, tell us about it. (Note: This does not have to be a weapon you've crafted)
    Answer: Trusted Weapon: Prysuul’s Bane… Always carry this one with me…
    Weapon of Choice: +4 Wounding GX of Pure good, really like this one.

    Question 3
    Of all quests you've experienced, what are some elements of your favorite quests that you wish we'd do more often?
    Answer: All the house quests… from house P’s caged trolls to the house D depths quests.
    formerly Riedra now Khyber
    Red Gauntlet Regiment(Co-Founder)
    Here since 9/26/05 "Alpha" (when female characters had thongs )

  7. #7
    Community Member Largo_Kyber's Avatar
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    #1 Nice raids but once you hit lvl 15 raiding is primarily the only option for content. 5 Shroud quests, and the Littany pre-raid quests are the only quests past level 14. Short to Medium quests should not end at level 8. Monks are cool but are on the outskirts of being a useful class. As new builds are developed, I'm sure they will find there place.

    #2 Weapons are completely content dependant. I keep one weap with each elemental effect (holy, fire, cold, etc) , crit specials (vorp, disrupt,etc, and GRTr banes. I'd consider all of the above weapons of choice and I'm still looking for that "trusted weapon" that I can use for any quest.

    #3 Tempest Spine- Non raid timer raid (no raid loot included just named items and lots of chests). I also like the layout of this quest. The goal is to reach the summit and defeat the boss, but there are mulitple paths to take. It has a nice sense of scale, great variety of settings and mobs, and enough hack/slash mixed with challenges like Fire/Ice. I've never had a TS run that I didn't enjoy.

  8. #8
    Community Member moorewr's Avatar
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    Question 1
    What are your thoughts on Module 7?

    Although I've never been all that eager to play a monk, I'm glad to see a core class added. I am enjoying the new content, and I was very glad to see a raid explorer area added to the game. I hope that it will have objectives and quest entries added to it over time. I worry that development has moved away from traditional quests. Itw as too bad that there are only three new ones.. exploring them was the thing I enjoyed the most (except when Prove Your Worth bugs out).

    Question 2
    Some players have a "trusted weapon"... a weapon they would never leave behind, that they can always rely on for a majority of their questing. Other players have a "weapon of choice"... one that they could live without probably, but they still like it more than other weapons. Do you have a "trusted weapon" or "weapon of choice"? If so, tell us about it. (Note: This does not have to be a weapon you've crafted)

    My fighter carries about two dozen "trusted weapons." Power 5, a stack of greater banes, a nice puncturer, a Pit Fiend killer, and a nice curse-spewer for red name fights. If I had to go down to just one I'd stick with my transmuting bastard sword of pure good.

    Question 3
    Of all quests you've experienced, what are some elements of your favorite quests that you wish we'd do more often?

    I wish you had more "open movement" quests like Stormcleave..

    that said I really enjoyed your new quests, although their pacing is really strange. Each time I was surprised, quite surprised, when the completion chalice came up on the screen. I sort of stood there for a while wondering where the rest of the quest was.

    Somebody called Prove Your Worth the "level 5 Crucible." I agree. What fun that quest is when it works.
    <|| “Lasciate ogni speranza, voi ch’entrate.” ||>
    AEsahaettr | AlfredSartan | Botharel | PeterMurphy | Weesham etc.

  9. #9
    Community Member marcosoneghett's Avatar
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    Exclamation my opinion

    Question 1
    What are your thoughts on Module 7?
    I've been disapoited with the nerf on the firewall, the lack of a high 'non raid' level content and some other minor stuff. Most of all im ANGRY, as the new rituals dont work. The new weapons that can be crafted now are cool.

    Question 2
    Some players have a "trusted weapon"... a weapon they would never leave behind, that they can always rely on for a majority of their questing. Other players have a "weapon of choice"... one that they could live without probably, but they still like it more than other weapons. Do you have a "trusted weapon" or "weapon of choice"? If so, tell us about it. (Note: This does not have to be a weapon you've crafted)
    Yes i do. For my pally/ranger i always rely on a combo of a crafted pure earth shortsword and a paralizing shortsword. As rapiers came out on this mod im looking to make a new earth rapier.

    Question 3
    Of all quests you've experienced, what are some elements of your favorite quests that you wish we'd do more often?
    I still love quests like tempest spine and tear of dhakaan . I would also love to have a chain quest like Tangleroot or Waterworks for high level content.
    Last edited by marcosoneghett; 06-18-2008 at 12:17 PM.
    Gallandha Main:Selano; Alts: Phaenre; Bonno; Khazad; Montolio * Thelanis Main: Syrrion; Alts: Kaled; Aylon * Khyber Main: Toylan; * Argonessen Main: Steelcaster; Alt: Syrrion * Sarlona Main: Bonno. and many others on all these servers.

  10. #10
    Community Member
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    Question 1
    What are your thoughts on Module 7? 3BC is great, monks are great, I have zero complaints.

    Question 2
    Some players have a "trusted weapon"... a weapon they would never leave behind, that they can always rely on for a majority of their questing. Other players have a "weapon of choice"... one that they could live without probably, but they still like it more than other weapons. Do you have a "trusted weapon" or "weapon of choice"? If so, tell us about it. (Note: This does not have to be a weapon you've crafted) Only one trusted weapon and that's my Silver Bow on my archery focused ranger. I use it 90&#37; of the time. The improved crit range coupled with the deepwood sniper enhancments just makes it too good to use any other bow on a regular bases.

    Question 3
    Of all quests you've experienced, what are some elements of your favorite quests that you wish we'd do more often? I love any quest that involves wide open spaces. Three barrel cove and Stormcleave come to mind at lower levels and the Vale for high levels.

    Members of The Forsworn ~ A Roleplaying guild on Sarlona
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    "Oh! blame not the bard." ~ Sir Thomas More

  11. #11
    Community Member Forceonature's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tolero View Post
    This week's question(s) are:

    Question 1
    What are your thoughts on Module 7?

    I like it pretty well, but I haven't been in either of the raids yet, as I party wiped on one attempt. The monks are interesting, but I've only seen one that I would consider a good build. I was looking forward to the alchemal crafting, but its broken.

    Question 2
    Some players have a "trusted weapon"... a weapon they would never leave behind, that they can always rely on for a majority of their questing. Other players have a "weapon of choice"... one that they could live without probably, but they still like it more than other weapons. Do you have a "trusted weapon" or "weapon of choice"? If so, tell us about it. (Note: This does not have to be a weapon you've crafted)

    For my Tank, I have a weapon of choice, which is a +4 Cursespewing Warhammer of PG, which is great for the boss fights. I usually carry around 10+ weapons for him, depending on the situation (like golf clubs), since he has average DPS. For my barb, I have a trusted weapon: the SOS.

    Question 3
    Of all quests you've experienced, what are some elements of your favorite quests that you wish we'd do more often?

    I like the "once flagged and done" for raids like the Reaver, as I don't have a generous amount of time to play. The single mission raids are nice.

  12. #12
    Founder & Hero DagazUlf's Avatar
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    This week's answer(s) are:

    Answer 1
    Overall, a huge thumbs-up! The Three-Barrel-Cove revamp is a big winner; the Subterrane is pretty cool; and the opening of the new area was a great challenge (go Thelanis!). Are there negatives? Yeah.... The whole release feels like QA was an afterthought. As if you outsourced the entire endeavor to folks with no idea of what QA is, what DDO is, or how QA should be done. Very disappointed in all the little issues that have resurfaced, new issues that should have been caught/fixed by anyone that actually logged into the game, and just the slip-shod job in general. You guys can do better.

    Answer 2
    One, two! One, two! and through and through
    The vorpal blade went snicker-snack!
    He left it dead, and with its head
    He went galumphing back.
    Answer 3
    The new puzzles in the 3BC quests are awesome. I'm traditionally a puzzle-hater, but I love these! It's also nice that you can actually choose to do the puzzles or follow a different path.

    Here's just a general list of quests I really enjoy, and you can see if there are any commonalities:
    • The Pit
    • Rainbow in the Dark
    • Garrison's Missing Pack
    • Redwillow's Ruins
    • The Tear of Dhakaan
    • Stromvauld's Mine
    • Caverns of Korromar
    • Stormcleave Outpost
    • Made to Order
    • Ghola Fan
    • Dreams of Insanity
    • Foundation of Discord
    • Flesh Maker's Laboratory
    • and the Hound!
    Last edited by DagazUlf; 06-18-2008 at 11:34 AM. Reason: typo

  13. #13
    Founder akla_thornfist's Avatar
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    question 1- the new mod is ok but not enough of it the raids are fun but allready completed by 75% of the player base in a few days, monks are fun but not much differant than a 2 weapon fighter with a few clickies i have a monk at lev 4 and have not played him since. so at a scale of 1-10 you get a 5. i do like the new chat channels

    question 2- i like my +5 transmuting khopesh every mob takes damage from it just a great all purpose weapon.

    question 3- i like the chain quest alot vons are still my favorite i wish you could do them in any order would be easyer to get groups.
    akla thornfist lev 17fighter- healalot thornfist lev 19cleric- aklasek thornfist 13fighter 4 paly- healthis thornfist lev 17 32pt cleric- seakla lev 8 rogue, proud member of unbreakable

  14. #14
    Community Member Yaga_Nub's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tolero View Post
    -------------------------- Let's Get Started! --------------------------

    If you missed last week's questions, you're welcome to answer them now in addition to this week's:[/center]

    Question 1
    What is something that strongly motivates you to convince others to play Online games with you?

    I don't try to convince others to play online games with me.

    Question 2
    Rank the following in order of importance to you:

    • Introduction of new systems (Bounty bags) 4 - Tied
    • Expanded existing systems (crafting, PvP, Favor, etc.) 1
    • New Quests (Subterranean, Three Barrel Quests, etc.) 2
    • Revamped regions (Three Barrel Cove, Cerulean Hills) 3
    • Events (Tent event, Race to the Subterranean, etc.) 4 - Tied

    Question 3
    With the influx of Monks to the community at large, what have you found to be the best experiences either grouping with or playing with Monks? What are some Monk experiences that you are finding difficult?

    I've only grouped with one monk and it was fine.

    This week's question(s) are:

    Question 1
    What are your thoughts on Module 7?


    Question 2
    Some players have a "trusted weapon"... a weapon they would never leave behind, that they can always rely on for a majority of their questing. Other players have a "weapon of choice"... one that they could live without probably, but they still like it more than other weapons. Do you have a "trusted weapon" or "weapon of choice"? If so, tell us about it. (Note: This does not have to be a weapon you've crafted)

    Either my w/p rapier or my silver bow depending on the job at hand.

    Question 3
    Of all quests you've experienced, what are some elements of your favorite quests that you wish we'd do more often?
    Get back to chain quests like Co6 and the Threnals. Make each part much longer though so we can get that DnD feel of doing one module in a series and then coming back and doing the next one (unless it's an all-nighter where we want to do all the modules in a series ) I would love a high-level Co6 type quest chain (with 4 to 6 quests) that took about 2 to 3 hours to do per quest until we got them down and then it would only take about 45 min to 1 hour. Make each quest have progressively better RARE loot so that you want to do the whole chain not just farm 1 quest.
    Characters - Brion, Damerchant, Deathbot, Goode-, Minusten, Sepiriz, Spiritstrike, Stee, Steilh, Vorpaal, Wyllye, Yaga, Yagalicious, Yga. RIP - Catpizzle and Qazpe
    Beware My Gifts!!!

  15. #15
    Community Member Beherit_Baphomar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tolero View Post
    This week's question(s) are:

    Question 1
    What are your thoughts on Module 7? - Horrible. The only high level content you added was two "raids"? Really? And I say "raids" because Hounds is a five minute jaunt in the park...Oh so this MOD wasn't meant for endgame content? Then ya messed up, because every MOD should give something to those capped. We've now had a total of FIVE endgame quests in TWO MOD's. You've broken more in this MOD than you've fixed. You've introduced greensteel weapons that we asked you time and time again if you were gonna introduce and now we are grinding out the ingredients to build them. We are still using /death as a means of transport, didnt we discuss a teleporter to Meridia? Coulda swore we did. The Abbott raid is now dead, loots junk and people have forgotten about it. How long are we gonna be waiting for the next MOD? What was it you said, 3 months each MOD? Oh yeah, but we'll get BUNCHES more to do each MOD now!! Oh but monks are cool

    Question 2
    Some players have a "trusted weapon"... a weapon they would never leave behind, that they can always rely on for a majority of their questing. Other players have a "weapon of choice"... one that they could live without probably, but they still like it more than other weapons. Do you have a "trusted weapon" or "weapon of choice"? If so, tell us about it. (Note: This does not have to be a weapon you've crafted) My barbarian couldn't leave behind his Sword of Shadows...until he gets his Mineral II greataxe..2 shrapnel and 2 scales to go \m/ My sorc could leave behind his crafted CHA dagger and my ranger couldnt leave behind his wounding of puncturing ss and dagger, or his smiting rapiers or his vorpal kukri's or his banishing rapiers.

    Question 3
    Of all quests you've experienced, what are some elements of your favorite quests that you wish we'd do more often? My favourite quest has always been VON3. It just has everything, from a lil of the outdoors to a twisting, turning dungeon with beholders and casters and barbarians and spawns and deadly traps and elemental. VON3 has everything, its like a mini Tempest Spine. If you want to make better quests you need to look at both VON3 and Tempest Spine.
    Answers in Angry That We've Had FIVE Quests in TWO MOD's Red.

    And can you PLEASE update/take away the race to unlock the new raids? Please?
    Binding is Admitting Defeat ~ Yndrofian
    Of The O.S.D, Argonnessen
    Quote Originally Posted by Grace_ana View Post
    At least I'm not on G-Land.

  16. #16
    Community Member Talon_Moonshadow's Avatar
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    Question 1
    What are your thoughts on Module 7?

    Very good. Love it. Wish the bugs would get fixed.
    Wish we had Druids.
    Really wish we had Druids.

    Question 2
    Some players have a "trusted weapon"... a weapon they would never leave behind, that they can always rely on for a majority of their questing. Other players have a "weapon of choice"... one that they could live without probably, but they still like it more than other weapons. Do you have a "trusted weapon" or "weapon of choice"? If so, tell us about it. (Note: This does not have to be a weapon you've crafted)

    My +2 Holy Adamantine Longsword of Pure Good!
    I pulled from a chest a long time ago.
    Probably the best thing I ever pulled.
    It is the generic all purpose, I can at least damage it a little weapon.
    For some reason, you guys have decided that the common longsword shold be rare in the loot tables. And that 90% of weapons from loot should be exotic. Also you guys seem to think that 50% of weapons with special effects should be chaotic of some sort.
    I've puled more Dwaven axes, bastard swords, khopeshes of uberness that I cannot use, than I can even count.
    I've pulled about 2-3 nice longswords in two years of playing.
    Luckily the drop rate for rapiers and shortswords is sligtly better.
    But why is the common longsword the rarest weapon in the game?

    Question 3
    Of all quests you've experienced, what are some elements of your favorite quests that you wish we'd do more often?

    I'm not sure I have a favorite quest.
    I like good loot. I like good xp.
    I don't like doing things 1000 times and getting 1 uber collectible, but needed 1,000,000 to get something for it!

    I like raids, but don't like puzzles.
    HATE JUMPING! Cause i can't do it.

    Like to explore, but need a reason for my friends to come with me (since no one will without great reward)

    Like surprises.
    Hate respawns.
    hate not being able to get to a quest entrance by myself. (vale/gianthold)(restless isles)

    Like random traps that can be avoided.
    Hate traps that cannot be avoided.

    Like needing special weps to damage something.
    Everyone else hates this, so better have a good reward at the end.

    I don't mind slimes, but I hate them mixed in with other creatures.

    I like to be able to use crowd control or tactics to make fight easier.
    I hate red named immunities, but understand why you guys have them.

    Like stealth.
    Hate that I can't use it more.

    Hate failing a quest (fail condition)

    Like the dragon gold piles.
    Should be more gold there....they are dragons....more gold!

    More randomness would be good.
    less grind.
    More hand-designed named items that players actually want to have. (+5 Ghost touch silver long sword of greater undead bane.....and disruption!!!!)
    I gave up a life of farming to become an Adventurer.

    Quote Originally Posted by Jandric View Post
    ..., but I honestly think the solution is to group with less whiny people.

  17. #17
    Community Member Deriaz's Avatar
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    Question 1
    What are your thoughts on Module 7?

    I haven't been underground much, nor have I played a Monk (Wanting to hold off for a few months), but I'm really enjoying it. The little bits of Three Barrel Cove I've seen are very enjoyable. The user channels are very nice, allowing guild alliances to become a little stronger. I think my only complaint is the bug about not being able to see chat, except for tells, sometimes. But that's only a little complaint.

    Question 2
    Some players have a "trusted weapon"... a weapon they would never leave behind, that they can always rely on for a majority of their questing. Other players have a "weapon of choice"... one that they could live without probably, but they still like it more than other weapons. Do you have a "trusted weapon" or "weapon of choice"? If so, tell us about it. (Note: This does not have to be a weapon you've crafted)

    I like my Charoush's Inferno. A friend, Shiningeagle, gave it to me awhile back. I really haven't used any other sword since. Need Transmuting? I don't have one, sooo. . . Charoush's Inferno! Better just to Vorpal? I don't have one, sooo. . . Charoush's Inferno! I always have it in my hand.

    Question 3
    Of all quests you've experienced, what are some elements of your favorite quests that you wish we'd do more often?

    I like puzzles. All of then, really. BUT, that being said, I'd like to see some more variability in quests. Maybe make two endings to a quest, for example. Do you slaughter the kobold infestation, or do you leave them alone to, instead, take out the troglodytes that are harassing them? The kobolds are a quicker completion, so not worth as much EXP. The trogs take longer, so make it a little more (Not an optional!). But both options have the same amount of loot (Make the trogs a little more valuable, though.). That's just my example. :3

    Also, more stealth kinda things. Yeah. ;P

    Thelanis - Warforged Shield of the <Fellowship of the Golden Night>

  18. #18
    Community Member Beherit_Baphomar's Avatar
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    Dec 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by Deriaz View Post
    I like my Charoush's Inferno. A friend, Shiningeagle, gave it to me awhile back. I really haven't used any other sword since. Need Transmuting? I don't have one, sooo. . . Charoush's Inferno! Better just to Vorpal? I don't have one, sooo. . . Charoush's Inferno! I always have it in my hand.
    I lol'd.
    Binding is Admitting Defeat ~ Yndrofian
    Of The O.S.D, Argonnessen
    Quote Originally Posted by Grace_ana View Post
    At least I'm not on G-Land.

  19. #19
    Founder Shaamis's Avatar
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    Feb 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by Tolero View Post
    Question 1
    What are your thoughts on Module 7?
    Monks are great, revitalized interest in the game for me, but once I have capped my main RP character (Shaamis "Kegtapper" BloodAxe rerolled as Shaamis "Kegtapper" BloodFist, the drunken <dwarf> style martial artist), I will be looking for additional classes such as Druids. Shaamis is levle 8 now. A new race would be a distant second place for me to find the desire to level another character up, sorry.

    Quote Originally Posted by Tolero View Post
    Question 2
    Some players have a "trusted weapon"... a weapon they would never leave behind, that they can always rely on for a majority of their questing. Other players have a "weapon of choice"... one that they could live without probably, but they still like it more than other weapons. Do you have a "trusted weapon" or "weapon of choice"? If so, tell us about it. (Note: This does not have to be a weapon you've crafted)
    My melees carry DPS weapons primarily, and a smattering of other weapons necessary to bypass most damage reductions. Some monsters that require crazy material/enhancement combos to bypass are kept in my bank, and honestly, used sparingly.

    Quote Originally Posted by Tolero View Post
    Question 3
    Of all quests you've experienced, what are some elements of your favorite quests that you wish we'd do more often?
    I primarily prefer melee/puzzle type adventures, and Tempus Spine, Stormcleave, and Madstone Crater are some of my favorites. The common elements of those are long outdoor adventures, plenty of skirmish battles where tactics can be employed, and limited rest shrines, where smart play and conservative actions can make the adventure easier, and more fun. As always, a good final battle at the end, to capitalize the adventure, is grand.
    Shaamis is REBORN! Stronger!Faster! DRUNKER THAN EVER!!! - DeathSmile Guild on Hardcore - The Drunken Monk of Stormreach on all other servers!

  20. #20


    Question 1
    What are your thoughts on Module 7?

    A well thoughtout and designed out low to mid level monk might be the most over powered character in game. I noted this in the first look on risia. However a a full single class Monk is slightly underpowered at the high levels, it might be gear, it might be a playstyle issue, it might be simply they don't put out enough DPS.
    As people experiment with Monks I have found too many "Mana Syncs" for my low level cleric. I realize it may be experimentation but it is an issue right now.
    The biggest problem with monks is that "splash" to well with almost every other class and create too uber of character.
    Three Barrel Cove
    Extremely beautiful adventure area. I have yet to hear people make "this is awful comments" about that aspect.
    A few too few mobs along the coast and a few too many through the interior.
    Would have been nice if idas would have been a lot closer to the actual fire caves. It is too far of a run through the toughest fight two times at least in the adventure area. Similiar comment to Red Tom. I don't mind it to bad for "Scoundrel's Run " as it is a single run and not a quest chain.
    Unlocking the Subtrane
    This was interesting but I found it interging that the smaller servers were able to do it faster than the larger population servers seems like something was out of whack. Also comments by the Devs and Turbine Staff I think made them think it was going to take much longer.
    The Subtrane
    I found this area fascinating and wish there was more exploring and less this is the fastest way to the hound.
    The Hound
    TOO EASY. It is both too easy to complete or too easy to get wiped and there is no in between. After defining the strategy it was way to complete, I am thankful that end rewards reflect that by the way.
    The Devil
    If the hound is too easy this one is about right. I dislike the fact you can reenter and I hope that gets changed as the end rewards are pretty awesome so it is to easy to reenter twelve times to complete.

    Question 2
    Some players have a "trusted weapon"... a weapon they would never leave behind, that they can always rely on for a majority of their questing. Other players have a "weapon of choice"... one that they could live without probably, but they still like it more than other weapons. Do you have a "trusted weapon" or "weapon of choice"? If so, tell us about it. (Note: This does not have to be a weapon you've crafted)
    My cleric has his Superior Potency Heavy mace he never leaves home without.
    My Paladin has a +4 Transumting Great Axe of Pure Good and a +5 Silver Dwarf Axe of Pure Good and a whole collection of other specality weapons
    My Bard is looking for her favorite Heavy Repeater, probably will be the crafter one when complete.
    My Rouge has a set of +3/+2 Wounding of Puncturing Rapairs in her hands
    My Low Level Melee characters all start with Maelstrom and progress from there.

    Question 3
    Of all quests you've experienced, what are some elements of your favorite quests that you wish we'd do more often?

    In the harbor I like Irestone Inlet, it is long and challenging and it feels like a test for level equivalent characters.
    I like the depth series in House D, I like the fact you can pick one, two three or all for to do.
    I like Tear of Drakaan, again it is a nice challenge for level characters
    I really like the VoN Series of quests just not the flagging aspect. Each is a nice Challenge. Velah is still my favorite creature in the game, just wish she fly on Hard and Elite.
    Last edited by GoldyGopher; 06-18-2008 at 01:11 PM.

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