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Sweet thx for the info. What I envison my sorc pally to be is for the most part a nuker/buffer+1 or 2 Choices of CC if the need comes to it. Also I wanted to take the high cha road well med-Hi and a wf atm without a 32 pnt build I just dont have enough points to make good stats and have the skill pnts to max UMD and Jump and Dip. Currenly As for stats I am 16 str 8 dex 14 con 10 int 8 wis 16 cha, Not to good with the number game yet but I am thinkin I will beable to get in the 30s for cha and for str a 26(+6 item, +3 tome and +1 human bonus) Also with taking human I will beable to have the +5 attack boost which does help sometimes.
Looks good to me but I am thinking endgame I'm not to sure if when I am meleeing(which I will pretty much only be doing if I am solo) If the **** hits the fan can I get that heal scrolls to go off fast enough for me. And as for spells, I am on the fence of either going energy/acid or fire/cold. Point would be with energy/acid there would be less spells to take and then I will have more spell slots for buffs and the nifty little insta-death spells later on(which I know I wont be hittin every time but hell I am happy with 1/3). So that is what I am going for so far. A wf sounds good but Humans just have to much over em with this build the High saves make the wf immue almost redundent(almost!) Also I will have a extra skill point or 2 along with +1dc and able to get a racial ench for str, And also having 2 extra feats(Human bonus+wf armor which most will say respec out of later on).
Thanks for the advice
Oohh ohh also WHats ASF mean, and when did ya take yer Pally lvls so far I am 2 sorc/1pally.
And with divine power it doesn't give ya the extra attacks only the bab. And How long does Tensers last?