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Thread: LFM Rant

  1. #1
    Community Member Allistair's Avatar
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    Default LFM Rant

    /Rant on
    Why is that people become Illiterate when it comes to LFMs?
    If I put up an LFM looking for a Cleric, only class checked off, I'm looking for a cleric
    to fill a role. I do not want Paladins, Wizards, Rogues, or what have you requesting to join.
    Also, I'm sorry but the level 9 - 8 fighter / 1 Cleric just doesn't qualify either.
    READ the LFM before requesting to join.
    Also note the LFM indicates the difficulty we wish to do the quest on. If we're doing TS with a bunch
    of level 7 characters and have NORMAL checked off, don't join asking Are we doing this on Elite?
    No We're no doing it on Elite, If we were the LFM would have been marked as Elite, not Normal!
    /Rant off
    Officer of the Holy Warriors ~Deport the Halflings over to LOTR!
    Main: Allistair Alts : Variant spellings of Allistair My friends know me as Alli as most alts name start with Alli
    *2nd Account been playing since 04/06 and registered on forums 05/06 User name: Nefahrin

  2. #2
    Community Member Cherry's Avatar
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    Hehe....I hope your week gets better....that's a tough way to start.
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  3. #3
    Community Member thatguy's Avatar
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    I have had this conversation a lot. People don't look at what toons your looking for a quest. I always have rangers unchecked but always get them clicking the join button. If I was looking for a ranger I would have that highlighted so why would you ask me if I would take a ranger or not? This happens all the time and most of the time people get extremely snotty. Which leads me to squelching you. What is the point if having a box to chose what toons you want in the party because most of the time its only people your not looking for that want to join. It puzzles me every time.
    Last edited by thatguy; 06-16-2008 at 10:40 AM.
    Quote Originally Posted by DelScorcho View Post
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  4. #4
    Community Member reefhut's Avatar
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    I tend to agree with the OP, but you also have to realize that the person POSTING the LFM, could be illiterate too

    also, there have been times (ok, almost daily) that I will be looking thru LFM's and find the perfect group to suit my needs, only they dont need my class. At that point I politely click TELL instead of JOIN, asking the poster if he would accept another class not listed in his LFM. I only do this if I suspect they need dps or if im on sorc and they need a wizzy, etc. I never...ever ever ever ever attempt this if the only class needed is marked for cleric only, or complete opposite of the class im currently playing.
    Grassi Grassii Neuk Trademarks Pantala

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  5. #5
    Community Member Varr's Avatar
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    Default For arguments sake

    Both in hosting or in joining groups, there comes a point that the lead will be requesting certain things in both class and level and those targets will become flexable. For me it is about 3 min into posting, even if party has a specific hole, if the run is not going to be max level 10 party doing pop e, or level 6 party doing co6 e...........I will eventually deviate from my inital hunt and take a body........esp if it is someone I know is compitent. Because of this, I also will ask to join groups when not the exact fit if it is not one of those tight situations..........I preface this with a little tell like.......See your looking for cleric, if one doenst come knocking Im happy to help...level 9 ranger as an example. It is not rude in my opinion to make yourself available to a party even if not exactly what they are looking for. It is fine if the lead decides not to go that route, and can respond with tell or not. If the lead decides to respond with a no can do that is fine..........just try and not be a total jerk about it for no reason (thatguy.) My guess is that the wrong class joiners are getting goofball responses to there offer to help which is what is making them all huffy, not the decline to enter party.
    Last edited by Varr; 06-16-2008 at 11:00 AM.
    Varr's all over. Cannith Varr getting the love currently.

  6. #6
    Community Member Inspire's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by thatguy View Post
    I have had this conversation a lot. People don't look at what toons your looking for a quest. I always have rangers unchecked but always get them clicking the join button. If I was looking for a ranger I would have that highlighted so why would you ask me if I would take a ranger or not? This happens all the time and most of the time people get extremely snotty. Which leads me to squelching you. What is the point if having a box to chose what toons you want in the party because most of the time its only people your not looking for that want to join. It puzzles me every time.
    Another Person Who Wont Take Rangers Into Their Group, /Sigh

    Anyways When I Toss Up An LFM I Take The First 5 Applicants With Very Few Exceptions.

  7. #7
    Community Member Starspawn's Avatar
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    I'm sorry if it bugs you but really, you don't have to click accept if they request to join. Why does it bother you so much? I tend to put up LFM's for anyone and just remind people to be self-sufficient if we don't have the perfect makeup. You really don't need anything in particular these days unless you're trying something extremely hard or something extremely new. If I see a quest I want to do with a particular character, I will usually send a tell asking if they can use a "fill in the blank". Oftentimes the leader ignores the polite tell and that's fine although I've never really been too busy to respond to all tells I get as leader, but sometimes I get a hostile response and that's what I don't understand (yes I can read, that's why I'm sending the tell and not clicking to join).
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  8. #8
    Community Member Allistair's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Starspawn View Post
    I'm sorry if it bugs you but really, you don't have to click accept if they request to join. Why does it bother you so much? I tend to put up LFM's for anyone and just remind people to be self-sufficient if we don't have the perfect makeup. You really don't need anything in particular these days unless you're trying something extremely hard or something extremely new. If I see a quest I want to do with a particular character, I will usually send a tell asking if they can use a "fill in the blank". Oftentimes the leader ignores the polite tell and that's fine although I've never really been too busy to respond to all tells I get as leader, but sometimes I get a hostile response and that's what I don't understand (yes I can read, that's why I'm sending the tell and not clicking to join).
    And sending a polite tell is different than just clicking to join and being down right rude and snotty when you are turned down.

    This happened to be a group heading into TS with what I'd call a real squishy party.
    As I said all around Level 7/8 and we had 11 people and were looking for 1 more Cleric to help eliviate the work load of the one
    Cleric we had.
    Officer of the Holy Warriors ~Deport the Halflings over to LOTR!
    Main: Allistair Alts : Variant spellings of Allistair My friends know me as Alli as most alts name start with Alli
    *2nd Account been playing since 04/06 and registered on forums 05/06 User name: Nefahrin

  9. #9
    Community Member Boldrin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by thatguy View Post
    I have had this conversation a lot. People don't look at what toons your looking for a quest. I always have rangers unchecked but always get them clicking the join button. If I was looking for a ranger I would have that highlighted so why would you ask me if I would take a ranger or not? This happens all the time and most of the time people get extremely snotty. Which leads me to squelching you. What is the point if having a box to chose what toons you want in the party because most of the time its only people your not looking for that want to join. It puzzles me every time.
    What kind of noob DOESN'T want a ranger in their group, lol. I guess some people just like making things more difficult on themselves.
    Boldrin//Grandmaster Flash//Cartaras
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  10. #10
    Community Member Altarboy's Avatar
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    I don't know...
    To each his own I guess
    LFM's that exclude classes, to me, at least, indicates either a weak leader or a weak party(there are exceptions of course)
    I've run just about every quest with a non typical group and hardly ever have problems
    Done most of the vale quests without a cleric....
    I really don't understand the poster that excludes rangers.
    He obviously has no idea what a ranger can be.
    Chaotic Evil:-Baptismoffire-Tantholos-AltarboyBaptism- Sabott -Caneye-DunkachinoThingamabob- Dejay-Cubscout
    “Ah, this is obviously some strange usage of the word"safe" that I was previously unaware of"; -Douglas Adams

  11. #11
    Community Member Samadhi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Altarboy View Post
    I don't know...
    To each his own I guess
    LFM's that exclude classes, to me, at least, indicates either a weak leader or a weak party(there are exceptions of course)
    I've run just about every quest with a non typical group and hardly ever have problems
    Done most of the vale quests without a cleric....
    I really don't understand the poster that excludes rangers.
    He obviously has no idea what a ranger can be.
    Or a certain need for speed that XXX will work perfectly for. Sure, we can do it without XXX, but it will be so much faster with XXX, that I will leave the LFM up for XXX while I'm clearing the beginning.
    sravana, kirtana, smarana, dasya, atma-nivedana

  12. #12
    Community Member Allistair's Avatar
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    It's not about what is needed or not needed.
    It's not about what YOU feel is needed or not needed.
    It is about READING the LFM. People post what THEY are looking for, If you don't meet what they want,
    why would you send harrassing tells? Just move on and find another group or start your own.

    Do we NEED a second Cleric for a TS run? No, will it make it easier? Maybe?
    But it's what we want, that matters not what YOU think we should want or need.

    Maybe we're just not as Uber as you or as you think you are, so you really don't want to group with us anyway.
    Move on, nothing to see here. Yup we have no clue what we are doing, but guess what, we're doing it anyway :P

    No one put up a LFM with a message saying " please Critique my group make -up"
    READ the LFM, if you fit what is being advertise, request to join. If you don't fit what's advertised, move on, Don't
    send harrassing tells, insults, or tell me what I actually need.
    Officer of the Holy Warriors ~Deport the Halflings over to LOTR!
    Main: Allistair Alts : Variant spellings of Allistair My friends know me as Alli as most alts name start with Alli
    *2nd Account been playing since 04/06 and registered on forums 05/06 User name: Nefahrin

  13. #13
    Community Member Altarboy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Samadhi View Post
    Or a certain need for speed that XXX will work perfectly for. Sure, we can do it without XXX, but it will be so much faster with XXX, that I will leave the LFM up for XXX while I'm clearing the beginning.
    Thats why I said .."To each his own"
    I tend to like it better with a weird party makeup ...keeps things interesting
    When you don't have the perfect makeup you have to think to get through the quest...
    I guess it just feels like less of a grind that way to me
    and you'll meet more interesting weirdos
    after you've capped your 34,785th toon what else is there?
    Chaotic Evil:-Baptismoffire-Tantholos-AltarboyBaptism- Sabott -Caneye-DunkachinoThingamabob- Dejay-Cubscout
    “Ah, this is obviously some strange usage of the word"safe" that I was previously unaware of"; -Douglas Adams

  14. #14
    Community Member Altarboy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Allistair View Post
    It's not about what is needed or not needed.
    It's not about what YOU feel is needed or not needed.
    It is about READING the LFM. People post what THEY are looking for, If you don't meet what they want,
    why would you send harrassing tells? Just move on and find another group or start your own.

    Do we NEED a second Cleric for a TS run? No, will it make it easier? Maybe?
    But it's what we want, that matters not what YOU think we should want or need.

    Maybe we're just not as Uber as you or as you think you are, so you really don't want to group with us anyway.
    Move on, nothing to see here. Yup we have no clue what we are doing, but guess what, we're doing it anyway :P

    No one put up a LFM with a message saying " please Critique my group make -up"
    READ the LFM, if you fit what is being advertise, request to join. If you don't fit what's advertised, move on, Don't
    send harrassing tells, insults, or tell me what I actually need.
    Mainly....because it's fun!
    Chaotic Evil:-Baptismoffire-Tantholos-AltarboyBaptism- Sabott -Caneye-DunkachinoThingamabob- Dejay-Cubscout
    “Ah, this is obviously some strange usage of the word"safe" that I was previously unaware of"; -Douglas Adams

  15. #15
    Community Member jkm's Avatar
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    i always make it a point to apply to animate's groups. just so he can punt me...4 or 5 times

  16. #16
    Founder Indel_Eventine's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Allistair View Post
    /Rant on
    Why is that people become Illiterate when it comes to LFMs?
    If I put up an LFM looking for a Cleric, only class checked off, I'm looking for a cleric
    to fill a role. I do not want Paladins, Wizards, Rogues, or what have you requesting to join.
    Also, I'm sorry but the level 9 - 8 fighter / 1 Cleric just doesn't qualify either.
    READ the LFM before requesting to join.
    Also note the LFM indicates the difficulty we wish to do the quest on. If we're doing TS with a bunch
    of level 7 characters and have NORMAL checked off, don't join asking Are we doing this on Elite?
    No We're no doing it on Elite, If we were the LFM would have been marked as Elite, not Normal!
    /Rant off
    Yeah, I agree - I will let the leader know I am available - sometimes groups get tired of waiting and will go ahead and take you. Or, if they have the "dps" classes up, and I am on my ranger melee guy, I will send a tell letting them know that. But I don't ask to join (well, I have by accident with an errant double click a time or to, but not on purpose or by habit)>
    Athealas - L20 Dr Cl, Indel - L20 Elf Rngr(ranged), Zirak - L20 Dw Barb(2WF), Axen - L13 Dw Barb(2HF), Aghilles - L20 H Ranger(Tempest), Ankalegon - L20 Dr Sorc, Ingole - L7 TR2X Drow Mage, Azealas - L18 Dr Cl, Kamaivin - L20 H Mo, Turaneuma, L13 Dr Mechanic Rogue

  17. #17
    Community Member Desteria's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Boldrin View Post
    What kind of noob DOESN'T want a ranger in their group, lol. I guess some people just like making things more difficult on themselves.
    I often don't want fighters or pallys or barbs, but not wanting a ranger, well at least not wanting a TWFing ranger just seams silly to me

    meh when i have LFM's up i put certen classes there because i want certen roles i hate it when random peopel app that don't fit whati had listed I how ever dont mind stuff liek a tell sayign i'm a XYZ but I'm built to do bla which fills one fo the roles you had open would you like me ... they get invited

    Btu it also depends on the quest i me afro shroud i aim for 2 casters noramly btu if a buddy want to come and onyl has a caster sure i'll take a 3rd maby a 4th even, but I won't take random Pug005 that does not fit a role i wan't filled.
    Prophits of the New Republic-- Khyber--PnP Vetren of more years then I wish to admit
    Desteria MoonStar-Sorc20--Mcgruf The Crime Dog-Dwarf Ftr12/Pal3/Rgr5
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  18. #18
    Community Member jkm's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Desteria View Post
    I often don't want fighters or pallys or barbs, but not wanting a ranger, well at least not wanting a TWFing ranger just seams silly to me

    meh when i have LFM's up i put certen classes there because i want certen roles i hate it when random peopel app that don't fit whati had listed I how ever dont mind stuff liek a tell sayign i'm a XYZ but I'm built to do bla which fills one fo the roles you had open would you like me ... they get invited

    Btu it also depends on the quest i me afro shroud i aim for 2 casters noramly btu if a buddy want to come and onyl has a caster sure i'll take a 3rd maby a 4th even, but I won't take random Pug005 that does not fit a role i wan't filled.
    the problem is that the original poster is making assumptions about roles based on class. its one of the reasons i'm not a big fan of the current lfm screen. as someone who tries to fill a role with a non-standard class, i can relate to trying to get into some groups.

  19. #19
    Community Member Allistair's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jkm View Post
    the problem is that the original poster is making assumptions about roles based on class. .

    I am not making assumptions about any class.
    I'm telling you straight out if I'm looking for a Cleric, Don't click to join with a Wizard.

    Quote Originally Posted by jkm View Post
    its one of the reasons i'm not a big fan of the current lfm screen. as someone who tries to fill a role with a non-standard class, i can relate to trying to get into some groups.
    If you have an off build that might be able to fill a role in the non-standard way, SEND A TELL, talk to the person setting up the group.
    Don't just click to join. It makes it look like you do not know how to read.
    If the leader still doesn't think you can fill the role he's looking to get filled, move on. There's no need to get ****y and be rude.
    Officer of the Holy Warriors ~Deport the Halflings over to LOTR!
    Main: Allistair Alts : Variant spellings of Allistair My friends know me as Alli as most alts name start with Alli
    *2nd Account been playing since 04/06 and registered on forums 05/06 User name: Nefahrin

  20. #20
    Community Member jkm's Avatar
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    what if you are looking for a cleric and get a battlecleric that doesn't heal? did he fill the role you wanted? or were you looking for a healer and that halfling dragonmarked wf healer might have fit that role? not saying it would ever be the case, just saying there is a chance. my point is that people are looking for peeps that fall into a category (healer, dps, etc) and class doesn't tell the whole story.

    if they harass you for your decision, then that says more about them than anything. i've sent some snarky tells before when i was in a bad mood (like the group of 5 16's that was doing mirra's on elite and wanted a cleric and declined my rogue, please accept my apologies for that comment about your uberness)...

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