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  1. #21
    Community Member Mithran's Avatar
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    Apr 2006

    Default Up to you, man

    I rolled a 13 Ranger/3 Paladin Tempest, but she was Strength-based. I started her with an 11 Dex, gave her a +2 Tome to qualify for the Dodge Chain, and she's my Strongest character. As an elf, she's too light to tank, but I'm really loving the dps.
    The victorious strategist only seeks battle after the victory has been won, whereas he who is destined to defeat first fights and afterwards looks for victory. - Sun Tzu

  2. #22
    Community Member Naso24's Avatar
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    Apr 2006


    I am on my 3rd TWF build.

    The first is a drow 14F-2Rogue. 28 STR / 28 DEX with equipment and tomes I have used. This is a good all around character. Lots of feats, fighter haste boost IV is insane.

    My second build is a 15Ranger-1Rogue 22 STR / 34 DEX with equipment and tomes I have used.

    My current build was made based on my experience playing the other two. Currently level 6 Dwarf, 4 Ranger-2Monk. The final build will likely be 10 Ranger-2Monk-4Fighter.

    My stats are:

    STR 16 (1Fighter+3Tome+4Levels+6Item= 30) (+2 rams might +2 more if in fire stance = 34)
    DEX 14 (+3Ranger+3Tome+6Item= 26)
    CON 16 (+2Dwarf+2Tome+6Item= 26)
    WIS 14 (+1Monk+3Tome+6Item= 24)
    INT 12 (added +2 tome at L3 = 14)
    CHR 8 (dump stat = 8)

    The idea behind this build is high AC, evasion, lots of hit points, fast TWF, high STR, and tactics. The monk and fighter levels yield 5 bonus feats.

    1 Dodge
    3 OTWF
    6 Khopesh
    9 IC Slash
    12 GTWF
    15 ITrip
    F1 Toughness
    F2 Combat Expertise
    F4 Stunning Blow
    M1 Mobility
    M2 Spring Attack

    Notable Enhancements: Favored Damage III, Fighter Toughness II, Patient Tortoise I, Dwarf Tactics III, Fighter Trip and Stun Blow II, Fighter Haste Boost II, Tempest Ranger, and dwarven spell resistance. If I choose to change fighting styles (Daxe instead of Khopesh), the starting stats and levels would be the same. I could then pick up whirlwind or two weapon defense.

    AC potential self buff standing:

    10 base
    8 Dex
    7 Wis
    8 Bracers (or 6 robes & chaosgardes)
    1 Alchemical
    2 Tempest
    3 Barkskin
    5 CE
    1 Dodge
    4 Shroud
    3 Chat Ring
    +5 Prot Item
    +1 Hasted (shroud item, pot, or spell)

    A slight variation on this build with the same starting stats 6R-2M-8F would have 1 less dex AC, but could take two weapon defense to be even, and have an extra feat. The loss in ranger FE bonus would be made up by higher fighter toughness, tactics, and Fighter Haste Boost III (25% stacking). Saves would be unfortunately lower.

    Other AC boosts:
    +4 shield wand or clickie
    +2 recitation wand or spell
    +5 pali friend nearby
    +2 barkskin full spell
    71 AC. There are other modifiers I am not taking into account.

    Specials: Favored defense, +4 vs giants (dwarf)

    My recommendation for your build is to squeeze in 1 monk level for wisdom bonus to AC, higher saves, and 1 bonus feat. Consider a second level of monk for another bonus feat, evasion at an earlier level, some ki to play around with, and better saves. There is a tradeoff in the loss of L15 favored enemy. For manyshot, just use a divine favor clickie. The reset on manyshot is slow enough that a 5 shot should last you through most quests where you would activate it.
    Margolie L16 Wizard Beaar L16 Fighter14-Rogue2 Beaaar L16 Cleric Gwynneth L14 Paladin10-Cleric3-Sorc1 Relle L16 Ranger15-Rogue1 Aluzia L7 Bard Bareskin Rugg L16 Ranger2-Monk2-Fighter2 Manbearpigg L12 Cleric10-Monk2

  3. #23
    Community Member CSFurious's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2006

    Default elves & dex

    elven rangers should take dragonmarks, i.e., constantly being displaced & hasted equals at least 50 to 100 extra hitpoints IMO & almost closes the hitpoint gap between elven & dwarven rangers (not quite, but close)

    also, starting dex at 20 IMO is unnecessary, 18 is good & you can acquire a +2 tome by end-game to make it base of 20

    you do not need to take either weapon finesse or have a 36 dex to be effective in this game, i.e., if you have 30 str & 30 dex, you will do plenty of damage (way more damage than the others in your group in the average PUG so be careful because as an elf you are naturally frail)

    anyway, just say no to the weapon finesse & start dual-wielding longswords, you will still be happy with your dps

    ranger 12/4 fighter is a good break because all the additional levels of ranger give you right now are spells, one more favored enemy, an extra arrow for manyshot, & some favored enemy enhancements

    the fighter levels give you extra hitpoints for toughness & 3 extra combat feats which makes qualifying for tempest easy (fighter haste boost is awesome also & stacks with tempest)
    Last edited by CSFurious; 06-17-2008 at 07:01 AM.

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