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  1. #1
    Community Member Line-dog's Avatar
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    Default Please Help Me Tune-up My Old 28pt Rog8/Ftr4/Pal3

    OK I know he's multi-classed but I think of this guy as a rogue first. So, I've come to you guys for some ideas and insight. I want to dust off this old character and give him a new paint job and maybe some nice rims.

    Original plan for the character:
    This 28 pt. character was started in Mod1. I created him back when you could have Evasion while in Full Plate and the +4 to skills from Human Versatility was not a boost. After reading Illuminati's original Evasion Tank build, that was a Fighter/Paladin with a splash of Rogue, I thought that I would make a Rogue with a splash of Fighter/Paladin. This guy would focus on (but not obsessed with) being a trapbuster first, but still be able to Tank Up and intimidate a Fire Giant Champion. He has what used to be considered good saves, a high AC, and a respectable Intimidate. Someone later posted a build called Batman that became pretty popular. The Batman seemed to me more balanced than either Illuminati's or mine. Things have changed alot since then.

    I would like to keep this character relevant and useful in the content they introduced with Mod 6 and 7. I would still like him to handle traps going forward. I think his remaining levels will probably need to be Rogue levels. I've got 4.7 Dragon Shards and the cash to respec his feats and Enhancements. Too bad I can't respec skill point allocation.

    One thing I've found is that I _really_ need to start running Xorian to get a few Planar Girds.

    He doesn't have a high strength. It seems to me, that to keep him contributing in a meaningful way in combat he'll have to use crit effect weapons. Perhaps I should respec for two more Imp. Crit feats. Also, since I have puncturing and cursespewing repeaters I thought I would add the repeater feat repeating xbows.

    Human - Level 15.00
    Rogue 8 (no Imp. Evasion yet )
    Fighter 4
    Paladin 3

    STR 14/22 +1 Lvl, +1 Tome, +1 FtrEnh, +1 HumEnh, +5 Glove Item
    DEX 13/22 +1 Tome, +2 RogEnh, +6 Boot Item
    CON 12/20 +1 Lvl, +2 FavTome, +1 HumEnh, +5 Neck Item
    INT 14/19 +5 Head Item (only while Searching, and Disabling)
    WIS 11/16 +5 Ring Item
    CHA 15/22 +1 Lvl, +1 Tome, +1 PalEnh, +5 Ring Item
     5 Balance 
     5 Bluff 
    18 Disable Device 
     1 Haggle 
     6 Hide 
    16 Intimidate 
    10 Jump 
     4 Listen 
     4 Move Silently 
    18 Open Lock 
    18 Search 
    16 Spot 
     8 Tumble 
    15 UMD
    His Attack Bonus is currently only +24 with a +5 weapon but most of his cool weapons are +1 to +3.

    +13 BAB (Rog8/Ftr4/Pal3)
     +6 Strength
     +1 Burst light mace w/+10 to Stunning Blow
     +2 Divine Power
    Level 16 he could add 1 level-up to Strength and equip a +6 gloves (already in bank).

    EXAMPLE AT 16:
    +13 BAB (Rog9/Ftr4/Pal3)
     +7 Strength
     +1 Burst light mace w/+10 to Stunning Blow
     +2 Divine Power
     +4 GH (get some Planar Girds)
    ROGUE SKILLS WITH GEAR (no buff or boosts):
    50 DD (includes +5tools) (HWM > 65)
    48 OL (includes +5tools) (HWM 59-68) 
    40 Search (HWM Traps < 44, Secret doors 45-48)
    35 Spot (HWM >44)
    10 Base
     6 Dex Bonux
    10 +5 Mith. BP
     7 Mith. Heavy Shield
     5 +5 Protection Cloak
     2 Chaos Guard
     2 Aura of Good
     1 Dodge Feat
     3 Barkskin Pot (hotkeyed)
     1 Haste Pots and clickies
     5 CE (defensive mode)
    HP: 302 with gear (before buffs)

    Fort: 26 (9 Base, 4 Con, 6 Feat, 7 Enchantment)
    Reflex: 27 (8 Base, 6 Dex, 6 Feat, 7 Enchantment)
    Will: 23 (4 Base, 3 Wis, 9 Feat, 7 Enchantment)

     L1: Rog1 Toughness
     L1: Humn Iron Will 
     L2: Pal1
     L3: Pal2 Dodge
     L4: Rog2
     L5: Ftr1 CE
     L6: Rog3 Exotic: Dwarven Waraxe
     L7: Rog4
     L8: Ftr2 Imp Trip
     L9: Rog5 Bull Headed
    L10: Ftr3 
    L11: Rog6
    L12: Pal3 IC:Slashing
    L13: Ftr4 Stunning Blow
    L14: Rog7
    L15: Rog8 Nimble Fingers
    These are the feats I was considering dropping:
    1 Bull Headed
    2 Iron Will
    3 CE (problematic with clickies, wands, etc...)
    4 Imp Trip (goes when CE goes)
    5 Dodge
    6 DAxe (Is the marginal additional DPS with these worth it for this guy?)

    Feats I was considering adding:
    1 Power Critical (this is in addition to the +2 to confirm criticals from Fighter Critical Accuracy I)
    2 Precision (to help boost his weak attack bonus)
    3 IC:Bludgeon (Banisher, Disruptor, Paralyzers, Stunning Weapons)
    4 IC: Ranged
    5 Exotic: Repeating Xbow (he has Puncturing, need to get more)
    6 Rapid Reload

    Other feats I considered:
    Skill Focus: UMD
    Resilience (to help with saves on uber trap DCs)
    IC:Piercing (he's got Puncturers, and a rapier of Smiting)
    2x Dragon Marks for Dim Door to help with his Rogue role. Perhaps two feats is too much of a sacrifice for a little used ability?
    Khopesh (Green Steel Khopesh -- is this a huge time-sink for casual players?)

    One thing I just noted -- to get the additional Improved Crit feats its going to take many more full Dragonshards than I have because my BAB isn't +8 unitl level 10. To get the IC feats i need, I'll have to bump the feats I took at level 13 and 14 and respec them lower to make room for feats I want to move into those slots.

    Notable Equipment:
    Minos Legend
    GFL Belt
    +5 Mith. BP
    +5 Protection Cloak
    Karagan's Eye
    Ring of the Ancestors
    Bludgeon Banisher, Disruptor, 5% (+10) stunner, paralyzer
    Falchion of Smiting (with IC:Slash this crits on a 15+)
    Piercing Puncturers (rapiers and SS), Smiter (rapier)
    Longbows Puncturing, Cursespewing, Distruction
    Tons of DP clickies, tons of haste clickies,
    +15 DD, and Search items
    +13 OL, and Spot items
    Repeating Xbows Puncturing, Cursespewing (should I take the feat?)

    Any constructive discussion is greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance. Hope to see you in Stormreach.


  2. #2
    Community Member Accelerando's Avatar
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    I really wish I could say you could save this, your to hit is way low with either str or finesse at this point. Let me
    take some time and look at your build some more and maybe something can come out of it.

    First thoughts,
    you NEED diplomacy. it really is a shame skill point respecs are not available. Exisential Stalemate goggles from the shroud will
    give you +10, I don't know where you can go from there.

    Invest heavily in feats/enh that give you added to hit. That means weapon focus, Flanking bonuses, Sneak Attack Accuracy, etc.

    You need a battle coin from the titan, or some other similar item.

    In the shroud, craft a weapon for your offhand to give you exceptional strength bonus, that also frees up your glove spot for backstabber gloves.(That is Neg, Neg, Neg, or Water, Water, Water (Escalation and Material)

    Switch every focus into Str, grab a +2 str tome, dump your next point into it, or grind for a +3 in reaver or shroud (although you would be better off with the cleansing shard.) With a shroud str weapon and a +2 tome you are hitting 28 str, which is not too shabby especially considering you can grab rage pots and hit 30.

    Divine power clickies are your friend. Stock up on them in some easily swapped out spot, ring or goggles for example.

    Maybe I can add more later my forum account is running out though.
    Cache - Katet
    In the words of the immortal Ryu - "See ya Suckas!"
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fenrisulven6 View Post
    What a word weasel.

  3. #3
    Community Member krud's Avatar
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    He is almost the same as NeatoMan, my human 7rog/4ftr/2pal (plan 8rog/6ftr/2pal). I still see hope for this guy. The good thing is you have plenty of feats to rearrange to salvage this guy (too bad you can't change them all at once), and you still can maintain a similar playstyle. You are correct to put the next level raise into str. You are also on the right track about the feats. I was thinking almost the same as you regarding feat choices:

    L1: Rog1 Toughness
    L1: Humn Iron Will (--> Force of personality)
    L2: Pal1
    L3: Pal2 Dodge (--> you can play around with this one)
    L4: Rog2
    L5: Ftr1 CE
    L6: Rog3 Exotic: Dwarven Waraxe (--> Precision)
    L7: Rog4
    L8: Ftr2 Imp Trip
    L9: Rog5 Bull Headed (--> Resilience)
    L10: Ftr3
    L11: Rog6
    L12: Pal3 IC:Slashing
    L13: Ftr4 Stunning Blow
    L14: Rog7
    L15: Rog8 Nimble Fingers (--> IC pierce)

    Your going to be using your puncturing rapiers most of the time. Precision will give you enough of a boost to hit most things (plus the half base damage will help keep aggro off you while you puncture them to death). I wouldn't bother with IC bludgeon. The paralyzer and disruptor are effect on hit, so IC doesn't help there, and anything you might want to banish can be punctured to death instead. I wouldn't get exotic repeater either, unless you drop both Imp Trip and Stunning Blow. You have plenty of other weapon options, and it'll require a few feats to make it worthwhile. Without your weighted weapon stunning blow might be difficult to land on anything but casters. If you want to experiment with your weighted weapon, you might want to consider quickdraw, to make switching back to your puncturer when you've stunned the mobs a little smoother. If you are still having a hard time hitting things, get a high plus weapon of destruction, or royal scimitar (in which case quickdraw becomes more desirable).

    Skill focus UMD would also be another good feat. It's always nice to be able to UMD heal scrolls. With your HV boost, golden cartouche, and GH you should be close to 40 umd. As far as planar girds one work around is to drink a heroism pot, to give your UMD a slight boost, then UMD a GH scroll (burn a rog skill boost or HV boost). Then make sure you refresh GH while your old one is still active. Good thing the rest of your rogue skills are maxxed. With resilience and your pally CHA save bonus your trap saves will be right up there with pure rogues, so you will still be fully functional with traps.

    Here's NeatoMan for some ideas
    Character Plan by DDO Character Planner Version 2.96
    DDO Character Planner Home Page
    Level 16 Lawful Good Human Male
    (6 Fighter \ 2 Paladin \ 8 Rogue) 
    Hit Points: 229
    Spell Points: 0 
    BAB: 14\14\19\24
    Fortitude: 17
    Reflex: 15
    Will: 11
                      Starting          Feat/Enhancement
    Abilities        Base Stats          Modified Stats
    (32 Point)       (Level 1)             (Level 16)
    Strength             16                    24
    Dexterity            14                    16
    Constitution         14                    16
    Intelligence         13                    14
    Wisdom                8                     8
    Charisma             13                    16
    Tomes Used
    +1 Tome of Intelligence used at level 1
    +2 Tome of Strength used at level 16
    +1 Tome of Constitution used at level 16
    +1 Tome of Charisma used at level 16
                      Starting          Feat/Enhancement
                     Base Skills         Modified Skills
    Skills           (Level 1)            (Level 16)
    Balance               6                     7
    Bluff                 5                    22
    Concentration         2                     3
    Diplomacy             5                    18
    Disable Device        6                    21
    Haggle                5                     7
    Heal                 -1                    -1
    Hide                  2                     3
    Intimidate            1                     3
    Jump                  4                     8
    Listen                1                     1
    Move Silently         2                     3
    Open Lock             6                    22
    Perform               n/a                   n/a
    Repair                2                     2
    Search                6                    21
    Spot                  3                    20
    Swim                  3                     7
    Tumble                3                     4
    Use Magic Device      5                    25
    Level 1 (Rogue)
    Feat: (Selected) Combat Expertise
    Feat: (Human Bonus) Skill Focus: Use Magic Device
    Level 2 (Fighter)
    Feat: (Fighter Bonus) Stunning Blow
    Level 3 (Fighter)
    Feat: (Selected) Force of Personality
    Feat: (Fighter Bonus) Improved Feint
    Level 4 (Rogue)
    Level 5 (Paladin)
    Level 6 (Rogue)
    Feat: (Selected) Resilience
    Level 7 (Fighter)
    Level 8 (Rogue)
    Level 9 (Paladin)
    Feat: (Selected) Improved Critical: Piercing Weapons
    Level 10 (Rogue)
    Level 11 (Fighter)
    Feat: (Fighter Bonus) Improved Critical: Slashing Weapons
    Level 12 (Rogue)
    Feat: (Selected) Toughness
    Level 13 (Fighter)
    Level 14 (Rogue)
    Level 15 (Fighter)
    Feat: (Selected) Imp Trip
    Feat: (Fighter Bonus) Quickdraw?
    Level 16 (Rogue)
    Enhancement: Rogue Skill Boost I
    Enhancement: Rogue Skill Boost II
    Enhancement: Fighter Armor Mastery I
    Enhancement: Fighter Strategy (Stunning Blow) I
    Enhancement: Fighter Strategy (Stunning Blow) II
    Enhancement: Fighter Strategy (Trip) I
    Enhancement: Fighter Strategy (Trip) II
    Enhancement: Human Adaptability Charisma II
    Enhancement: Human Adaptability Constitution I
    Enhancement: Human Improved Recovery I
    Enhancement: Human Improved Recovery II
    Enhancement: Human Versatility I
    Enhancement: Human Versatility II
    Enhancement: Human Versatility III
    Enhancement: Human Versatility IV
    Enhancement: Rogue Sneak Attack Accuracy I
    Enhancement: Rogue Sneak Attack Training I
    Enhancement: Rogue Sneak Attack Training II
    Enhancement: Rogue Sneak Attack Training III
    Enhancement: Rogue Spot I
    Enhancement: Rogue Spot II
    Enhancement: Paladin Charisma I
    Enhancement: Rogue Dexterity I
    Enhancement: Rogue Dexterity II
    Enhancement: Fighter Strength I
    Enhancement: Fighter Strength II
    Enhancement: Fighter Toughness I
    Enhancement: Fighter Toughness II
    Enhancement: Rogue Improved Trap Sense I
    Enhancement: Rogue Improved Trap Sense II
    Last edited by krud; 06-15-2008 at 01:37 PM.
    Ghallanda: Neatoelf15wiz/1rgr, Neetoelf17wiz, NeatoManhuman13rog/6pal/1mnk, NeatoHombrehuman12ftr/6pal/2rog, Kneetoedwarf17clr, Kneedoughdrow18clr/2mnk

    Minimize expectations and you'll never be disappointed

  4. #4
    Community Member Line-dog's Avatar
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    Yeah, his Attack bonus requires him to work mostly in a flanking position or to go after casters (which he stuns). Currently he has the Fighter flanking, and Rogue sneak attack accuracy enhancements. However, he can get seperated from the party, or is the last one standing due to saves, HP, AC, and Evasion. When that happens he can have trouble against a tough high AC adversary. I'm not crazy about using attack boosts but maybe I should warm up to Fighter and HV attack boost.

    I really don't know why I haven't been using rage pots. I've been using Bark Skin pots for a long time. A 24 Str at level 16, plus Rage 26 Str, plus GH would go a long way to helping him when he has to stand alone against a tough foe. However, I hadn't considered an off-hand exceptional strength bonus weapon because my Dex is too low to qualify for the TWF feat. If I get a +2 Dex tome I could take TWF. WotA would possibly help him in combat. I took WotM to keep him viable for traps.

    I wish I had realized how useful diplomacy is earlier when leveling him.

    I have many 5/day DP clickies but most are in either the cloak slot (his +5 Protection item), or the boot slot (his DEX item), which is bad. I'll need to look up some of the other items you've mentioned.

    Because I'm only playing 2-3 times a week, and my static group needs me to play my Sorc too, I'll probably be limited to grinding for one thing only; either the +3 tome or the crafting items.
    Last edited by Line-dog; 06-15-2008 at 03:06 PM. Reason: Correction

  5. #5
    Community Member Line-dog's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by krud View Post
    I still see hope for this guy.
    If I level something else up from level 1 to 16 I would like it to be something completely different.

    Quote Originally Posted by krud View Post
    Your going to be using your puncturing rapiers most of the time. Precision will give you enough of a boost to hit most things (plus the half base damage will help keep aggro off you while you puncture them to death).
    I had not considered that. These days, unless I'm trying to save a caster from a beat-down, I'm very interested in keeping the aggro down.

    Quote Originally Posted by krud View Post
    I wouldn't bother with IC bludgeon. The paralyzer and disruptor are effect on hit, so IC doesn't help there, and anything you might want to banish can be punctured to death instead.
    Another interesting point.

    Quote Originally Posted by krud View Post
    Without your weighted weapon stunning blow might be difficult to land on anything but casters. If you want to experiment with your weighted weapon, you might want to consider quickdraw, to make switching back to your puncturer when you've stunned the mobs a little smoother.
    I've considered quickdraw many times because when I stun something at high-level they have so many HP that the light mace that stuns _so_ often, is not doing as much damage as I would like. Even shaman seem to have tons of HP. Stun, then QD to dual-puncturers would be awesome. Funny thing is that my Sorc does that to Ogres and Gnolls in the Vale to pass the time. Dual-wield puncturers and hit them with hold-monster.

    Quote Originally Posted by krud View Post
    Skill focus UMD would also be another good feat. It's always nice to be able to UMD heal scrolls. With your HV boost, golden cartouche, and GH you should be close to 40 umd. As far as planar girds one work around is to drink a heroism pot, to give your UMD a slight boost, then UMD a GH scroll (burn a rog skill boost or HV boost). Then make sure you refresh GH while your old one is still active. Good thing the rest of your rogue skills are maxxed. With resilience and your pally CHA save bonus your trap saves will be right up there with pure rogues, so you will still be fully functional with traps.
    Good to know.

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