I'm approaching level 6 and have to pick my next feat.
My original plan was to take Combat Expertise as the prerequisite for taking Improved Feint. I've read the discussions on Improved Feint here on the board and my people agree that it's not worth the two feats. I'd like explore that a bit more.
The main complaint I hear about Improved Feint are that it's not very useful because if you're group is performing well and your tanks are doing their job, you should be getting plenty of SAs without having to Feint. While I would certainly agree with that, I've found myself wishing I had the ability to generate a SA in face-to-face combat quite often already. This includes soloing (which I do quite a bit) and when my group isn't doing a great job of controlling aggro. So my question is this: even though Improved Feint may not be completely useful, does it work as intended when it is used?
My second question is around Weapon Focus. In all the D&D games I've played, I've ignored weapon focus because it used to be tied to a specific weapon. I considered it a fighter feat and since my rogues always dual wielded, I didn't want to take a feat for each weapon (usually rapier/ss or rapier/dagger). However, with the 3.5 rules, Weapon Focus can be taken for all piercing weapons. I'm now wondering if it's a viable rogue feat.
Thanks in advance.