Some of the Finishing Moves available to monks are nice, but they're a little too hard to activate. It takes too much effort and restraint on the part of the player to actually have the move available at the time you want to use it. The following suggestions could improve things to where finishers are a concrete benefit of being a monk. Right now, the cost (restraining your attacks to stay within a combo) are too high compared to the benefits (usually a debuff against which the monster will probably pass his fort save anyhow)
Usability Suggestions
1. Durable finishers. Actions like opening a door, drinking a potion, or looting an item should either not interfere with finishers in any way, or at least not break a prepared finisher. Becoming uncentered can still break the finisher. If it is felt that this change allows monks to walk around with a prepared finisher for too long, then a time limit of 30-60 seconds can be added (that timer would reset each time the monk gains Ki).
2. Persistent finishers. Once you have a finisher prepared, it should stay prepared even if you make other special attacks that do not form a finisher. Using a notation of PNFWAE to denote the 6 possible attack categories, consider the attack sequence EPEEEP. There are 6 attacks in the sequence, and under the current rules you could add a finisher either after the 3rd attack (EPE) or the 5th attack (EEE). You couldn't make one after the 4th attack (PEE) or 6th attack (EEP), because those are not valid combos, even though you had earned a finisher earlier.
If my suggestion is taken, then a monk who had assembled a finisher but made other special attacks which haven't yet formed their own combo would still have the first finisher available. A monk who started a fight with FNF would have Karmic Strike available until he activates it, becomes uncentered, or makes another finisher.
3. Unfunded finishers. If you attempt a finisher and do not have enough Ki, it should remain available for later when you have enough.
Nerf Suggestions
4. If you attempt a special attack while blocking and do not spend Ki or make the attack, it should not count towards a finisher. It should mean nothing.
5. If you die, you should lose your finisher. Otherwise is silly.
Buff Suggestion
This would make finishers a little faster to achieve and less costly overall. It would have to be viewed as increasing the power of monks (but making them more dependent on stance). I'm not recommending this change as strongly- it's just food for thought. (It could be added as an optional higher-level enhancement)
6. If you are in an elemental stance and have fewer than 3 moves in your finisher combo, you are considered to have a move matching your stance as the first entry of the combo. For example, that would mean a monk in Mountain stance could execute Pain Touch with only NE to prepare it. In another stance (or no stance) he'd have to use the full ENE sequence for Pain Touch. This means that finishers are faster to earn when in a stance matching their energy.