Hey Sarlonans (Sarlonians? Sarlonists?),
Sorry to butt in, but I was eavesdropping over here and thought I might just make a quick commentary.
You may know that Ghallanda is home to DDO Korea (now re-named DDO Korea Season II). Their guild is well known for furious zerging, power looting, and all around fearless play. Sure, we have communication issues, but there are some ways around that. First, TYPE. I know it's a pain, but if it is important, you need to type it. Second, make your requests and explanations short, i.e. 'Do you have Niac's?' or 'Stay behind the wall.' Remember to keep it simple; that means no colloquialisms, idioms or slang.
Most of the group leaders will speak English, or will let you know if they are unable to do so. They will likely ask you if it's OK. That's your clue to drop group if you don't feel up to it. They may also say something like, (and this is a direct quote) 'We are all powerful players. It's ok. We run to door then fight.' Unless you don't speak English either, you should get the point. If you can't, then just say so (well, type it, really). They will be as patient with you as you are with them. They will usually be courteous enough to say 'stop' and 'go' when group buffing and/or charging.
Raids will be more challenging, but it's not too bad IF you follow the above suggestions. As a matter of fact, one of the most well known raid leaders on our server is from DDO Korea Season II. Again, if you keep it simple and TYPE anything important, it will go much better for you.
Some of my fellow Ghallandans refuse to group with DDO Korea folks. That's their choice, as it is yours. As for me, I've learned a number of interesting tricks from them (their style of play is COMPLETELY different to anything I had seen before) and have a some great laughs with them (and they seem to pull the BEST loot, I just don't know how!) Part of the fun of DDO for me is the challenge: sometimes it just comes from outside of the game mechanics.
Happy hunting!
Coming from the person with the Japanese forum name.
Yes, for those of you interested in peaceful coexstance and tolerance......short simple sentances, and types prefered is the way to deal with non-english speakers.
Everyone in the world is taught some English in school (I think).
In my travels I have found that simple statements......and preferably written go a long way.
Good manners and tolerance for others goes even farther.
*peeks in from argo*
Ok, just needed to add that one of my favorite moments in DDO happened with someone who we deduced didn't speak english very well.
He (she?) was a good player, and we were doing vons. So we're in the second part and the guy (gal?) types "stop." So we stop. He wanted us to wait around the corner when the beholder spawned by the shrine. And then when I guess we waited too long (it took a little while to figure out what he wanted) he typed something to the effect of "kill the evil eye demon!"
I loved it!
Plus he was bouncing around all over the place the whole time (you know like a child hyped up on sugar who is ADHD?)!
Oh, and he (she?) possibly made the ugliest character I've ever seen! Now that's an accomplishment!
Now stop worrying about playing with different people and kill the evil eye demons!
*skulks back to argo*
Reading some of these posts really makes me wonder why I'm proud to be an english speaking American.....
Yes, communication inthis game helps a lot, no doubt..... But having run wiht a rather few DDO Korea players, with mixed results. I'd still much rather have them around than not.
Tell you how to solve the problem..... In your LFM just say English speaking Western ******** only![]()
I've learnt chinese, though it now seems a long time ago. While I can't guarantee that I'll be right, it probably won't be too far off.
So if anyone thinks of any phrases that might be commonly used or might help, I'll give it a shot. =p
Sry Ghallandians, dunno korean. =p
I consider myself to be a fairly intolerant Republican but come on people, it's a game! Are you going to discriminate against deaf people now? .. actually scratch that.. I know people on this server already do.
If 'they' (borrowing the apparent need to distinguish Them vs Us as seen in the rest of the thread) want to play the same great game we play and are competent players that is very cool in my eyes. Suck it up and learn how to revert to MMO hand signals.
Also, as it has been noted, their 'poor' English I bet is infinitely better than our complete lack of any knowledge of any other major language. (except maybe for some horrible HS Spanish of course..)
The Server Formerly Known As Aerenal ...and Cannith
Legends of Aerenal: Officer - Gods and Heroes: Peon
Allectus Siff, James Tiberius Kirk, Spanner Siff, Syphax Siff, Ulixes Siff, Etc.
Well I have also witnessed these players to be great and on top of their game,I noticed when I said something from the mic they didnt understand but then I typed what I said and then some 1 did short and simple
Yes their style of play is very interesting and we did alot of gianthold quests on elite without a cleric or designated healer
no wonder why they were the first to beat abbot I have not seen such great teamwork displayed without good communication before but some how it worked
We all can learn a thing or two from these great players
Don't congratulate mediocrity,It makes people comfortable with being Normal. (Hurtzz)
Nameerror,Bluezz,Tankzz,Powersupply,Rezzin,Ohmzz, Critz,Skillzz,Bullzzeye,Frenzyzz,Killzz,Mishezz, Favorzz,Hurtzz,Stuntzz,Panttera,Stuntzz,Beastzz, and Sinnzz
bu hui shuo ying yu bu shi wo de cuo. zhe shi jie you liu shi yi ren, shuo hua yu de zhan le liu fen zhi yi. wo men de ren bi ni duo.![]()
If you want to know why...
was playing during the day... caster joined us... on lowbies... durk's. no big deal. took a while to figure out he didn't speak english. yup - text, short and simple, was the way to go. it worked out fine and didn't take us any longer. it was interesting to get his reaction to me being a woman. took a while for him to figure out how to ask me (first couple tries i had no clue what he was typing).... till finally he was like "you girl?" gave me a chuckle.
also did tempest spine with another non-native english speaker. very little english. again - typing short simple things worked best. but 95% of the time didn't need to. do you need to be told every minute instruction? no. just because they don't speak english doesn't mean they can't play well.
and for whoever said english is taught in most schools in the world, it is not. sure, there are plenty of countries where it is, but it is not that common. such an ego-centric view. most countries have an official language and that is what is taught in school. IF you are lucky enough to get to go to school. believe it or not, not every country gives their children the priviledge of going to school regardless of economic status.
besides - with a 12 hour time difference, you are not talking a lot of prime-time playing time overlap. and i think it would be really neat to learn phrases but would be scared to use them never knowing for sure whether to trust them, and being scared of butchering it so badly into a different meaning and saying something really bad. lol
My DDO Vids: http://www.youtube.com/profile_video...princessfairee Added vids Mar'08
Legends of Aerenal: Here in the beginning; here until the end! Caelan guild officer
You are a beautiful dog man?
An American would have said, "Wo shi mei guo ren!"
There is a generally accepted way to write chinese words in the roman alphabet. While misunderstandings are possible, I find them pretty rare.
Aranticus' entire post was made in chinese and I understand it alright.![]()
Last edited by Kerrn Siff; 06-14-2008 at 07:14 PM.
The Server Formerly Known As Aerenal ...and Cannith
Legends of Aerenal: Officer - Gods and Heroes: Peon
Allectus Siff, James Tiberius Kirk, Spanner Siff, Syphax Siff, Ulixes Siff, Etc.
SO I LIKE IT! OK .......deal with that people ;(
My DDO Vids: http://www.youtube.com/profile_video...princessfairee Added vids Mar'08
Legends of Aerenal: Here in the beginning; here until the end! Caelan guild officer