Hi all I've been playing since Beta and lately it seems my old guild is pretty much dead so I'm looking for a good group to sign on with. I'm a laid back casual gamer with a fairly good grasp of the game. My characters are:

Thargorv Level 13 Dwarf Fighter/2 Barbarian.
Khalas Level 15 Human Cleric
Stralos Level 14 Human Ranger
Margrave level 12 Drow Wizard
Falek Level 7 Halfling Rogue/2 Ranger
Pathos Level 5 Warforged Paladin/2 Fighter
Halidal Level 4 Elf Bard
Shunney Level 4 Dwarf Barbarian
Fargorne Level 4 Dwarf Monk

As you can see I keep characters at every play level just about so as to easily fit into group needs. Any guild that is actively recruiting good members please feel free to contact me.

Thargorv Helmsplitter