see my other post plz
see my other post plz
Last edited by Justicar; 06-18-2008 at 01:59 PM.
Arobot - Consummate - Katanee - Leatherneck - Tanaki - Thejusticar - Transcendent - Tufelhunden - Ultimatum
Forsaken Souls Ghallanda
Vendor Trash![]()
Code:Sil - Human Paladin 14 Lava Divers Tad - Drow Wizard 14 Semolina - Elf Rog 13/Ftr 1 on Rava - Drow Sorceror 7 Riddikulus - Human Cleric 14 Khyber Clamor - Warforged Barb 7 Durum - Dwarf Ftr 10/Pal 3/Rng 1 Ridd - Dwarf Ftr 6/Rog 2/Pal 2
looks like u have a a big blue clay brick on your shoulder =-)
++ Jealous.
Vilified -Depraven - Frontloader - Primacy
aka Villainous - Pre-June'08.
Is it the FP that is making your A$$ look so big or is it your A$$ that is making the FP look so big? And the follow up question, if it is indeed your A$$ that is sooo big, who wants to wear that armor after that nasty A$$ was in it?
Who is the Chubby Chaser!
Ooglys Pet WF 18Wiz/2Rogue, Oogli 18 Bard/2Fighter, Ooog Ly 12 fighter/6 Ranger/2 Monk, Ogly 20th Cleric, Oogly 20th Rogue, Ooogly 20th Paladin, Oooogly 20th Fighter , Gallion 20th Sorcerer
Arobot - Consummate - Katanee - Leatherneck - Tanaki - Thejusticar - Transcendent - Tufelhunden - Ultimatum
Forsaken Souls Ghallanda
Arobot - Consummate - Katanee - Leatherneck - Tanaki - Thejusticar - Transcendent - Tufelhunden - Ultimatum
Forsaken Souls Ghallanda
Have you had any offers?
If not... 2 larges, boots of the innocent and... Hm... vorpal handaxe?
Valar Odinson - Lvl 20 Dwarf Cleric
Dagnes Odinson - Lvl 20 WF Sorc
Vaalar Odinson - Lvl 19 Elven Arcane Archer
Dragonmark Alliance - Ghallanda (Formerly Fernia) Server
take wolf's offer and run with it before he finds out your armor is worthless.
Arobot - Consummate - Katanee - Leatherneck - Tanaki - Thejusticar - Transcendent - Tufelhunden - Ultimatum
Forsaken Souls Ghallanda
Arobot - Consummate - Katanee - Leatherneck - Tanaki - Thejusticar - Transcendent - Tufelhunden - Ultimatum
Forsaken Souls Ghallanda
Arobot - Consummate - Katanee - Leatherneck - Tanaki - Thejusticar - Transcendent - Tufelhunden - Ultimatum
Forsaken Souls Ghallanda