You fail to understand that is totally the point and, that alone, makes it worth to boost paladins.
You see, Turbine will always add more and more feats, spells and enhancements to the game, always. They will always add more. It's not a question of balancing, because even if they would reach perfect balance, they would keep on adding enhancements, spells and feats because this is an MMO and thus will always have new content to keep its players occupied. Now, if we petition developers like this is that paladins have remained at the very bottom for too long.
Honestly, paladins have fallen to the botom in Module 4.0 and Turbine has improved all other classes ever since.
The whole reason we ask them to give the level 12-16 paladins some love is to keep the sort of balance we have. Since they keep adding sutff, if they don't add anything to the paladin, he'll fall further behind. That's the point of targetting, paladins, and to petition for some love. After that, you will see me jumping on fighter, then on monks... then, we'll see what happens.
The whole point is to keep a balance.