OK, i have Clerics and Pally's and Sorc's oh my.. but seriously, where the heck is the BARD love when it comes to spells???

I'd be really happy if a dev could shoot in quick and answer this one... even if they say, "2020 is when we're thinking about some different spells for Bards." at least then we'll know.

One of the things i noticed is that low to mid levels there are quite a few bards, then by the time you hit level cap there really aren't that many around. My thoughts are two-fold, people make bards cause they look like a cool class to play and then find out that there's such a limited select of spells, and songs they get bored. OR! people make them for haggle-bots and by the time they get leveled up to cap, no one is playing them because there is no reason except to log them in and sell vendor trash.

C'mon dev's, make my favorite character fun to play again!!! After two years of the same old song and dance she's just not as feisty anymore.

( I'm sure some ambitious soul will dig up the exact Mod, update, date, time and thread when Bards were "updated". Thanks, but anyone who plays a bard regularly like myself knows exactly what I'm talking about... so thanks in advance for your leg work, but its not really needed. Fact is, Bards need some help. )