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  1. #1
    Founder Zarbryn's Avatar
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    Default How about some BARD love!!

    OK, i have Clerics and Pally's and Sorc's oh my.. but seriously, where the heck is the BARD love when it comes to spells???

    I'd be really happy if a dev could shoot in quick and answer this one... even if they say, "2020 is when we're thinking about some different spells for Bards." at least then we'll know.

    One of the things i noticed is that low to mid levels there are quite a few bards, then by the time you hit level cap there really aren't that many around. My thoughts are two-fold, people make bards cause they look like a cool class to play and then find out that there's such a limited select of spells, and songs they get bored. OR! people make them for haggle-bots and by the time they get leveled up to cap, no one is playing them because there is no reason except to log them in and sell vendor trash.

    C'mon dev's, make my favorite character fun to play again!!! After two years of the same old song and dance she's just not as feisty anymore.

    ( I'm sure some ambitious soul will dig up the exact Mod, update, date, time and thread when Bards were "updated". Thanks, but anyone who plays a bard regularly like myself knows exactly what I'm talking about... so thanks in advance for your leg work, but its not really needed. Fact is, Bards need some help. )
    Guardians of Light
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  2. #2
    Community Member Lorien_the_First_One's Avatar
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    Ah well they were "helped" in the most current release where their most powerful weapon was nurfed back a bit.

    Oh wait, that's probably not what you were looking for...

  3. #3


    Well, spellsingers could use some love. I'm sure it'll come afer the fighter, paladin and monk love. Spellsinger II might do it., #1 source for DDO information.

  4. #4
    Community Member efreet5's Avatar
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    Nah, what he and everyone else in the community wants are more spells. We don't need anymore of this **** they've given us (i.e. mass versions of previous spells). Before any cap raising gets done we need more spells, because if the cap gets raised again and all they give us is more spells with recycled animations and effects in the mass form it will not bode well. Plus, they should make the classes more unique by not drawing from the same pool for all the classes. Why not focus on granting more class based spells that are unique for each class. This would allow for more variety and also make more options for variety even within a class based on what spells are used. People ahve been crying for spells for paladins but to no avail. Frankly, right now a paladin is a cleric with 1/5th the sp and none of the useful spells (save deathward) and 75% of the spells are useless in end game. This is unacceptable. The bard list is even worse as the only unique spell is focusing chant...
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  5. #5
    The Hatchery sirgog's Avatar
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    Despite the low-ish number of spells, the bard class is very potent at all levels - as long as you choose the Warchanter style and make a high-Str, high-Con build. (Charisma needn't be high - I started mine with a 12 Cha).

    The buffs are an amazing boost to any group - and doubly so for a raid party. And if the bard is well-built, they can melee about as well selfbuffed as a barbarian can unbuffed.
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  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by sirgog View Post
    Despite the low-ish number of spells, the bard class is very potent at all levels - as long as you choose the Warchanter style and make a high-Str, high-Con build. (Charisma needn't be high - I started mine with a 12 Cha).
    Athough they are not a priority right now, Spellsinger-types do need a little more love. But I agree, Warchanters pwns., #1 source for DDO information.

  7. #7
    Founder Zarbryn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by efreet5 View Post
    Nah, what he and everyone else in the community wants are more spells. We don't need anymore of this **** they've given us (i.e. mass versions of previous spells).

    What the hell does Mass Bull's strength do for a party that's wearing +6 items... And if you don't have a +6 strength item on, then you obviously don't need it... These Mass stat spells at high level are WORTHLESS!!! Tell me one bard that has even one of them mem'd. And if you do have one please... elaborate, cause i'll need something to subside the laughing for 10 or so seconds.
    Flat out bards need more spells. New and different one's, not recycled Wizzy and Sorc spells that we get to take, but at a much higher level.

    And building a melee spec'd warchanter bard is a'ok if you've built your bard after those Enhancements came out. If your bard was built for Crowd Control like 99% of them were built 2 years back, then ok, i'll agree with you, Warchanter pwns. But, for those like myself taking warchanter and all the feats associated to it really isn't a very viable option, espcially with a 36 CHA, and 19 Str (+6 item, lol). I did respec my bard for warchanter when it first came out but, spellsinger was much more benefical to the groups i am in as well as the way my character was built.

    Dev's can we get someone to hop in on this one?? Please and thank you in advance.

    And thanks for those that have left opinions. Hopefully we can get some more.
    Guardians of Light
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  8. #8


    I agree, I want to see a Spellsinger Cacophonic Burst nuking bard build.
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  9. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by MrCow View Post
    I agree, I want to see a Spellsinger Cacophonic Burst nuking bard build.
    That'd actually be cool., #1 source for DDO information.

  10. #10
    Community Member Deriaz's Avatar
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    Haven't gotten far with a bard, myself (*Might reroll his.*), but one of my best friends, Jaggie, plays a bard. And she throws around spells like crazy. . . So, um. . . Even though it isn't me directly saying "Give us more spells!", for her sake, and for other bards' sake, I wouldn't mind seeing more pretty colors-- I mean, spell variety, being thrown around.

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