I`m very low on plat atm so if u want to offer $ for an item then please be reasonable
Trade / Sell
- + 3 Anarchac Greataxe of Pure Good
- + 4 Acid Greataxe of Maiming
- + 2 Holy Burst Greataxe of Shattermantle ( rr drw min lvl 12 )
- + 5 Keen Greataxe of Shatter
- + 5 Holy Greataxe
- + 1 True Chaotic Greataxe of Disruption
- + 1 Wounding Greataxe
- + 3 Greataxe of Greater Gaint bane
- + 5 Icy burst Falchion of Shattermantle
- + 5 Crippline Falchion of Pure Good
- + 2 Viscous Maul of Greater Elf bane
- + 2 Flaming Greatsword of Enfeebling
- + 1 Curspewing Greatclub of Enfeebling
- + 1 Holy Burst Adamantine Keopesh of Deception
- + 2 Anarchac Keopesh of Greater Ooze Bane
- + 3 Frost Keopesh of Tendon Slice 2%
- + 3 Adamantine Keopesh
- + 3 Frost Longsword of Pure Good
- + 5 Crippling Kama of Pure Good
- + 1 Paralyzing Silver Longsword of Righteousness
- + 1 Vorpal Bastard Sword of Lesser Elemental Bane
- + 4 Shock Handaxe of Deception
- Gaint Stalker Knives * 2
- + 3 Icy Burst Dwarven Axe * 2
- + 3 Flaming Burst Dwarven Axe
- Mace of Smiting
- + 1 Ghost touch Rapier of Puncturing
- + 1 True Choatic Light Mace of Disruption
- Striding Boots of Balance ( rr drw min lvl 13 stride 30 % and + 3 bal)
- Clever Goggles ( + 6 Intellegience )
- + 6 Str Bracers
- Health Belt of Greater False Life
- + 4 Con Necklace of Prayer ( 1 charges )
- + 5 Con Necklace of Jump ( 3 Charges )
- Striding 10% jump 10% boots
- Trapblast Goggles
- Dream Visor
- Chrasmatic Cloak + 2 of Protect from sonic 3 charges
- + 2 Str belt of Divine Power 5 charges min lvl 11 rr drow
- Goggles of the Eagle + 13 search
- Ogre Power Bracers of Sustance + 5 str + 3 heal
- + 5 Protection Cloak
- + 4 Resistance Ring
- Sacred Necklace of Rage 3 charges * 2
- Wise Necklace of Rage + 2 wis 3chrgs rage
- + 4 Mithral Full Plate
- + 2 Mithral Full Plate
- + 2 Fearsome Full Plate of Leser Ice res
- + 4 Elven Chainmail
- + 3 Elven Chainmail
- + 4 Heavy Mithral Sheild
- + 4 Mithral Tower Sheild of Bashing
I Will Be Updating This Thread Again When The Servers Are Up Again ..... Did this Thread Just of My Memory