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  1. #21
    Community Member Azarath's Avatar
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    May 2008


    Druids and Gnomes are not REMOVED from 4e, they published Gnomes in the Monster Manual and Druids are slated for the second Player's Handbook, along with Monks, Barbarians, Bards and Sorcerers.

    As for our wish lists being self-serving, isn't that WHAT a wish list is ABOUT? The things WE would like to see implimented into the game? That will vary from person to person, because we are not of a hive collective much as non-gamers would like to believe we are. I'm not saying you have to agree with everyone, but you don't have to flame others' opinions just because YOU don't share them! That said, we desperately need someone in this game who can fix bugs, answer help requests in a TIMELY fashion and give us more than 10 minutes notice of a complete game shutdown! So make that my #11.

  2. #22
    Community Member NickD44's Avatar
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    Jul 2006


    Wish list for mod 8

    level cap increase

  3. #23
    Community Member GATORZ's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2006

    Default top 5..............

    1- no hot fixes
    2- no downtime
    3-no extended downtime
    4-no1 wanting plus loot/xp cause my first 3 wants werent answered
    5- low level raids.....maybe 1-lvls 2-5 and 1lvls 6-9

    Blackbetty,Ramjam,Urdlen,Mange,Lutehor,Lutetor,,In timitard,Shadough,Intimitard

  4. #24
    Community Member
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    Jun 2008

    Red face Changes I would love to see made!

    1. By far my top wish for Mod 8 is an overall improvement in the Monster AI. Is it really that hard to make smarter monsters?

    2. Add a blink (short distance teleport) for casters.

    3. Add levitate/fly as a spell. Revamp game world so that flying/levitating wouldn't ruin any quests. I know it's a big job but one of the best things about playing a virual world is being able to swim/fly/levitate. Things you can't really do in real life.

    4. Add underwater content. Sharks, squids, manta-rays, giant piranahhs in 3barrel cove waters. While you are at it add seaweed and corals, and bubbles while you are under water.

    5. I really would like to see psionics and a psionist class added to the game.

    6. I would love to see player buffs show up next to party members (this should be a toggled feature)

    7. I would like to see the bug fixed that Charmed monsters hold up quest progression until they are killed.

    8. I would like to see Dimension Door buffed so that it could take you out of an instance or take you to another dimension where healing is increased and you can learn spells.

    9. I would like to see Drow Elf have some negatives such as lowwered charisma, vendors charging them more for items and/or certain vendors not selling to them at all making them have to travel further. Basically I would like to see some negatives to the drow race such as the negatives the old Forgotten Realms Drow had.

    10. I would like to see a black ninja outfit for monks to wear that increases stealth and move silently.

    11. I would really really like to see very rare item drops for really cool unique gear!

    12. I could probably make this list easily 100 items long but instead I will stop there!

  5. #25
    Community Member Zaganoth's Avatar
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    Jun 2006


    This is more of a total (not just mod 8) wish list

    #1 Just one way, any way to make myself not look like anyone else in the game. To have one totally unique feature to my

    #2 To use emotes on hot keys.

    #3 A fix to class end rewards, or end rewards in general. Limit the amount of times a certain item can be generated during
    generation. Any slot item, shield, robe, or scepter can only appear in an end reward list 2 times. That way you will not get 6
    robes to pick from.

    #4 A quest where you enter a building in the harbor and start the instance. You talk to someone who says something like
    "OH NO, the harbor is being attacked. go back out there and save us!" (I know, needs some directing :P)
    But when you zone back into the Harbor , its a new instance , and the place is empty, dragon riders on mini dragons are
    swarming from the sky and landing to fight.

    Well , something like that , use the towns and npcs in quests. There already there , use em

  6. #26
    Founder Xithos's Avatar
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    Feb 2006

    Talking Top 5

    1. Increase the level cap and add more high-level quests.

    2. See #1

    3. See #1

    4. See #1

    5. See #1

    Redundancy FTW.
    Current Project: Cercivesoul Uzuaki 17 Fav. Soul / 2 Monk / 1 Fighter
    Cersivsoul Uzuaki 20 Fav. Soul
    "Spreading ignorance and chaos among the forum community."

  7. #27
    Community Member GlassCannon's Avatar
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    Jul 2006


    1) Graphics for weapons and armor that would make the game look neater for everyone, with options to disable them for those with slower computers.

    2) Complete Crafting Weapon Set, including Double Maces, Spears, Handwraps, etc.

    3) Items that cumulatively boost XP bonuses from quests, over 10% per(I would like the Voice of the Master to be a 10% bonus, and other items later on to yield at least a 25%), with a maximum consistent bonus of 1,000%. It's easy for a powergamer to cap. It's nigh impossible for a casual gamer to get from level 8-12 in any less than a month(due to a small number of people playing in that level range at most times).

    4) Ability for the potential unlocking of a God character(Limit 1 per Credit Card/Name, essentially one per person), or a build that starts with over 38 creation points(singular, i.e. ONE AT A TIME. If you already have one and want another, delete it.)

    5) A more definitive way to tell who is talking. Yellowing their name is often not enough. Example: "Lesser restore please! Ray of Enfeeble ahs me crippled!" "WHO SAID THAT" "dude turn your mic down" "I did... your Rogue...." "WHICH PARTY MEMBER THOUGH, WHAT NAME?" "seriously turn your mic down!" "The only Rogue in pa... oh right, multiclass. Derpderp the Trapbait" "OH OK HERE YOU GO" "my god, the pain in my ears...." "Thanks!" "NO PROBLEM" "holy God... why.... so loud..."

  8. #28
    Community Member krud's Avatar
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    Jun 2006


    1) level cap increase
    2) more high level quests
    3) more quests (high level)
    4) more quests that are high level
    5) more 13-18 level quests

    ...and maybe some high level chain quests, too
    Ghallanda: Neatoelf15wiz/1rgr, Neetoelf17wiz, NeatoManhuman13rog/6pal/1mnk, NeatoHombrehuman12ftr/6pal/2rog, Kneetoedwarf17clr, Kneedoughdrow18clr/2mnk

    Minimize expectations and you'll never be disappointed

  9. #29
    Community Member
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    Apr 2006

    Default Hmmmm... do I have to just chose five?

    1. Additional skill choices such as a repair skill that affects equipment, an alchemy skill that allows the crafting of poitions, and an arcane lore skill (more on this later)

    2. Having to have magic items identified by paying an npc, or by someone with the arcane lore skill.

    3. Guild Housing.

    4. Artificer skill

    5. Familiers and/or animal companions.

    6. NPC's being able to charm PC's.

    7. Competitive party vs party quest.

    8. More spells.

    9. A wider variety of mid and low range content.

    10. Some reward for "earning" xp after you are allready level capped.

    11. Ability to change the color and/or appearance of armor, helms, weapons, and cloaks (see below)

    12. Cloaks that show up

    13. Gnomes

    14. Ability to sit in a chair.

    15. Guild bank

    16. Favor rewards between 400 and 1750.

    17. A practice dummy that will report back your DPS number.

    18. Druids

    19. Psionics

    20. is that everything, or did I miss something?
    Valiant Accord

  10. #30
    Community Member Kaldais's Avatar
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    Jan 2006


    1.) level cap increase to 20
    2.) More spells
    3.) more spells
    4.) more Spells
    5.) More Spells

  11. #31
    Community Member Porkchop's Avatar
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    Feb 2006


    1. Additional skill choices such as a repair skill that affects equipment, an alchemy skill that allows the crafting of poitions, and an arcane lore skill (more on this later)

    2. Having to have magic items identified by paying an npc, or by someone with the arcane lore skill.

    3. Guild Housing.

    4. Artificer skill

    5. Familiers and/or animal companions.

    6. NPC's being able to charm PC's.

    7. Competitive party vs party quest.

    8. More spells.

    9. A wider variety of mid and low range content.

    10. Some reward for "earning" xp after you are allready level capped.

    11. Ability to change the color and/or appearance of armor, helms, weapons, and cloaks (see below)

    12. Cloaks that show up

    13. Gnomes

    14. Ability to sit in a chair.

    15. Guild bank

    16. Favor rewards between 400 and 1750.

    17. A practice dummy that will report back your DPS number.

    18. Druids

    19. Psionics

    20. is that everything, or did I miss something?
    You forgot to mention more high level quests.

  12. #32
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2008


    A real parsar DPS not just kill counts
    Druids (but have to have shape shift or don't bother)
    A ring of Evasion
    Just simply fix everything that is broken
    More Quests
    A revamping of the Orchard
    More low/mid/high level raids, maybe have those new multi item sets but have all the peices fall from differnt raids.

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