I pulled this today and am not really interested in using it for any of my toons, so pls make with some offers.
i know you guys hate it, but i'm into whatever. just offer whatever you think is fair.
I pulled this today and am not really interested in using it for any of my toons, so pls make with some offers.
i know you guys hate it, but i'm into whatever. just offer whatever you think is fair.
Not sure what these go for these days but I could use it for my Barbarian that is up and coming. I'll give ya 30K Plat.
[Founder/Leader of the Bloodlords of Argonnesen]
[Davey•Khealer•Acapella•Parlospi•Godith•Gearey Gygax]
if you can find a vorpal one-handed weapon on the argo ah that is not umd, i.e., race-required or pure good, that is going for less than 75,000, please let me know, because i look every day
that is where i get my 100,000 plat from, i.e., you post it for 100,000 & walk away with approx. 75,000 plat
also, probably 10% of the player-base uses a scimitar, so i do not see where the demand is for that weapon
you have cookie-cutter dwarves who forsake the dwarven axe for the khopesh & drow & elves do not have scimitar as favored weapon, why any of those races would fight with anything other than their enhanced favored weapons makes no sense to me
therefore, i would rank scimitars just ahead of the bastard sword in the usefulness category
anyway, vorpal kukris are precious, it took a lot to get my first one (not so much my 2nd one, only 4 larges)
If that goes for 50kpp i am moving to your server. That's the best slashing smiter available in the game, and it would go for at least 250kpp on khyber.
Aeneas - Boosterseat - Eulogy - Diminutive - Moths
first off i would like to say welcome to the game you must have started after mod 7 and picked a great server to play on. let me give you a heads up about smiters. smiters are an insta kill weapon that works off of its own crit range. unlike a vorpal that requires a confirmed nat 20 , a smiters insta kill feature aplies when you roll within your weapons crit range and confirm your crit. therefore if a smiter has a 18-20 crit range and you have improved crit, you now have a smiter that crits on a 15-20 which by my calculations means you kill that mob about 75% of the time. therefore this makes scimitars one of the BEST smiters as far as usefulness. furthermore as far as vorpals go, aside from finesable vorps, which benefit the finesable toons, all vorpals do the same thing on a confirmed nat 20 so here a scimmy is no more or less valuable in terms of effectiveness than a bastard sword or dwarven axe. the value may increase for people like me that only like a specific weapon because that is the type of weapon i prefer to use and am willing to pay a premium for it. just figured i would give you a heads up because you seemed not to know what you were talking about and the argo forums can be brutal. hope this helps out.
btw, i know this was 2 mods ago but i traded a smiting scimmy thru the forums for a vorp, 2 banishers, a wis +6 ring and 400k plat. at the time it was a great deal and im sure they can be had for significantly cheaper now but it just goes to prove that a smiting scimmy with a 15-20 crit range is a valuable item
It sounds like you don't quite understand why a smiting scimitar is valuable. Scimitars are great for effects that process on a crit (smiting, enfeebling, crippling, etc.) because of the base crit range 18-20. With the improved crit feat on a smiting scimitar, you're processing a crit on a 15-20 roll assuming your Attack Bonus is high enough to hit at those levels and you confirm. A slashing spec barb can get that to 13-20. A khopesh is 19-20 base, 17-20 with improved crit, 15-20 with improved crit and Barbarian Crit II. A Dwarven Axe? Even worse at 20 base, 19-20 with improved crit, 17-20 with Barbarian Crit II.
Am I making sense? The scimitar is a better smiting weapon than a khopesh....much better than a dwarven axe. Same as a rapier but different spec (slashing vs. piercing).
Eaux ~ Crankh ~ Yoomaykmee ~ Gwalchmai ~ R.I.P. all others
AoK ~ Putting the COLOR in Argonnessen since 2006
Got a slasher fighter who would dearly love to trade off the thundering warhammer of smiting he got trapped with to that scimmie.
How about a hint of some of the stuff you'd be interested in (aside from the standard ubers).
While im sure its not needed, ima gonna put in my two cp here.
i keep my eye out for smiting rapiers and scimitars on all servers, because i have multiple characters on all servers that i play. Khyber is and always will be my home server so it goes without saying that my characters their are my best geared ones.
Two of my three clerics have keen smiting scimi's, im still looking for a third for my newest cleric. My two heavy tanks have vicious smiting rapiers and my barb has two vicious smiting scimi's.
My last three characters on my first account all have elemental, regular or vicious smiting scimis or rapiers waiting for them.
Most of these are vicious obviously, however with the number of hp my toons have or will have its not even noticable at that crit range. People just throw away (pricewise) vicious smiters and i just keep buying them at crazy low prices.
They still work folks. Even on servers where im not fully established yet, ive already gotten at least one smiting scimi or rapier, vicious or otherwise. Every server thinks they are junk for some reason.
And every server seems to have a different opinion as far as how much they are worth, and Khyber does indeed seem to have highest retail value atm. For regular anyhow, anything vicious on all servers seems to just get dumped.
I understand the market is saturated with them, but i dont really think they are worth the low amount some are saying, i know i would regularily gobble them up for 100k, whether i needed em or not at that particular moment. And ive gobbled up a lot of vicious ones for 50k or less, sometimes a lot less.
These are just some random thoughts, no flames intended. Agree or disagree as you will, OP, i know at least one person that will pay 100k for that
Fallen former minion of the Gelatinous Cube
Proud Member of Ascent
Arko Highstar
Arckos Highstar
Its not a matter of varying opinions. Its fact.
Whether people are spec'd for scimmies (??) or not its the (2nd) best slashing smiter in the game. If yer paladin is longsword spec'd he's still better using a scimitar to smite, if yer cleric is morningstar spec'd yer better using a scimitar.
Its the crit range, forget about the name of the thing, its all about the crit range...
Why is this so hard to understand?
Dont worry about the base damage, dont worry about it being a **** weapon, when it has smiting on it it rocks.
And getting health back every hit?!?!?! Who cares??
Please, please read the posts above...my god.
Binding is Admitting Defeat ~ YndrofianPlook~Squidgie~Eyern~Irnbru~Grotesque
Of The O.S.D, Argonnessen
I thought this was stated clearly above, but I will try again. Smiting is save for instakill on a confirmed crit. If you are using a smiter, you have no intention of kiling the construct with damage. For a smiter, the only thing that matters is criting and confirming the crit. A scimitar has a crit range of 18-20, improved critical makes this 15-20. The weapons damage is irrelivant. A higher + (+2 vs +1) does add some value as it helps confirm the critical role.
I smiting scimitar for a slashing specced melee is better that any slasher with a 20 or 19-20 crit range, see Khopesh, Dwarven Axe, etc...) So unless you are using a weapon for flavor or RP, a kukri or scimitar is your best smiter for slashing.
To the OP, I would have some interest in this weapon, please let us know what you are looking for or maybe, since this thread will be active, make it an auction.
Thumpz Alot Level 14 paladin (Drow)
Creepen Death Level 1 rogue level 13 wizard (Drow)
Smokes The Dank Level 14 wizard (Drow)
Thumps Bot Level 2 rogue Level 12 Fighter (WF 32pt)
Healonator Level 14 cleric (Drow)
Incarnation Officer