One thing to say really..... WELCOME to best server in DDO
One thing to say really..... WELCOME to best server in DDO
Last edited by Lunewann; 06-12-2008 at 06:07 AM.
<|| “Lasciate ogni speranza, voi ch’entrate.” ||>
AEsahaettr | AlfredSartan | Botharel | PeterMurphy | Weesham etc.
Welcome to the Server. You sound like good people from what I gather in this thread. If I could I would like to offer a couple points of advice.
One of the traps that clerics can fall into, especially new ones, is they complain about healing a Warforged character. I'm sure you have noticed that WF characters are resistant to heals, this does not mean that you CAN'T heal them, just that they only benefit about half of what a "Fleshy" type would. There are enhancements that they can take to reduce the healing penalty they receive in later lvls, but try and be patient with them early on.
secondly, you will notice in your adventure comdendium that there are different factions of favor you can earn at completion of quests. most people try to get the "Coinlord" favor to at least 75 as quick as they can. This will give you a 4th backpack space to carry loot. 150 favor will require portable hole and 10,000pp, but it gets you a 5th backpack space.
Third, pick up the collectables. As a new clr the Khyber pamphlets can be very usefull as they turn into heal wands when you turn them in. Others with give you potions, armor, and weapons.. though these are rarely as usefull.
Again... Welcome and I look forward to running with you.
Thelanis > Melee: Galvis - Galvus / Arcane: Galvas / Divine: Sav
I'm going to give you advice from 3 perspectives.
1 - A person who has played since close to day 1.
2 - A person with 2 Capped Clerics and many other capped toons.
3 - A person that cannot and will not tolerate ignorant and / or stOOpid players.
Your cleric build sounds fine... IMO, there are no real bad cleric builds.
If I were going to build a cleric now, I think my stats would be similar to yours and I would focus on raising my wisdom from then on with each ability point increase at levels 4, 8, 12 and 16.
I have a Warforged Cleric and an Elf Cleric and if I felt like putting myself through pug hell again, I know that I would make a halfling cleric because of the enhancement path of healing that they can go down.
Each race has different enhancement paths and some correspond better with certain classes.
Also, Feats are simple for a cleric, my advice is Extend, Quicken and Empower Healing in that order. After that, it depends on what build you want... Spell penetration if you are going to be trying to insta-kill things, Maximize and Empower if you want your DOT spells like Blade Barrier to kill *****, etc...
Now for the most important thing... Clerics cost a ***** load of cash to level, because everyone thinks it's up to you to keep them alive with Cure Wands... "BS" to that. You have mana and if you want to use a wand every once in a while, that's okay, but people should play smart enough to minimize how much damage they take and should be smart enough to back up from the fight when over there heads and SHOULD!!!!! SHOULD!!!! carry heal pots to take the strain off you.
In most groups, you will find that the Cleric can control the party with expectations and commands as they are the one that keeps everyone alive. If you don't want to zerg and use wands, etc... then tell people to smarten up or else. You can drop group and find a smarter one.
The smarter / better players will respect the cleric and their resources and the elite and / or nicest players will offer the clerics healing wants, mana potions and / or cash to help them out.
When I'm on my melee and I run with a pug cleric, I will either just give them stuff or will tell them to keep tabs on how many resources they use and I will pay them back at the end of completion, no matter what they need to spend.
Many of the top players on the server have responded to you already, so look any of them up in game, especially people like Trissa, Ringos and Memnir (on his toons), as they are known for their tolerance of new players and desire to help and guide them. Me, I'm too **** busy in game... this is all ya get.
GL bro.
Lol! thanks ministry,
I'll take what i can get an respect any response at all, its not like anyone owes me a reply bc i splatted my 2 cents up here.
If people expect me to spend money in groups they are gonna be disappointed bc i have none and am reluctant to accept handouts of cash bc i dont know if that would nerf the skills i need to have by bypassing knowledge with gear. I have already had a couple people offer to outfit my cleric with a complete set of gear i would have zero hope of getting myself all for free, and while this is unbelievably generous i am still a little leary of it.
what do you guys think? can i nerf myself by accepting handouts?
anyway one fellow offered me three toons worth of endgame gear and 7000000.00 plat if i would just switch to his server and claim it bc he was leaving. i almost fell outta my chair, but as you can see i am still here. I feel like i owe you guys at least a good attempt bc of the generous amount of advice and time you folks have provided so far ;-P
Brothertuck is the only fellow i have seen in game so far but i hope to say hello to each of you in person at some point. Again thanks Sooo much for the fantastic responses
Current Toons, (most level 1 -2 unfortunately ;-P) Omenborn/Cleric<---- almost 4!!, Badsign/Wizard, Farstriker/Ranger Painshadow/Rogue
I wouldn't leave Thelanis (the most winningest - is that a word - server in the game).
It would be hard to turn down all that plat and gear, but you will make that and more here in no time, especially if you keep a Cleric in your stable.
No, you won't be "gimping" your toon or yourself by accepting plat and gear here.
Most people love to "bribe" clerics to get them to be friends, so they can count on them for questing.
I love having clerics in my back pocket, you know, for those quests I can't or don't feel like soloing or short-manning.
Stick on Thelanis for a bit and you will see, but remember what I said in an earlier post... give it time... the best players are at the top levels, but every once in a while you will find some darn good ones on the lower levels, especially if it is some of our elite on new lowbies...
WooHoo! had my first couple groups today,
First one went into the kobold brothers, (if you guys remember its a level 2 quest in the nooblet area) with a halfling ranger, we kicked butt. noone died an we cleared it. He seemed surprised by this, so hopefully i did ok.
Second one i was with a Drow Sorc, level4 and another cleric level4 they basically ran me around cerulean hills for a couple hours, was pretty fun although we died several times, i panicked a couple times an let someone die while i swished my mace in the air in the general direction of the mobs, Overall they seemed very pleased though.
First question is, the other cleric later in the night was wearing a caster robe, is he crazy or is there something i'm missing? i was wearing half plate. secondly i seemed to need to melee a lot, several times i was the last one standing and had to finish off the last couple mobs and heal the other guys. apparently if i heal you quickly enough when you drop you can come back without needing to rez?? is this a lag thing? or am i missing something again?
I still feel totally lost in space here but i got the feeling i was doin pretty ok, havin a great time, The toons name is Omenborn, send me a tell and say hi if you are on! i usually get to play in the evenings after 7pm est or so until i fall outta my chair. i have spoken to Trissa and Brothertuck so far and they are great to actually talk to as well as post here! Wife is getting jealous tho! she wants to play and doesn't have time but she'll probably be on sometime this weekend.
Again thanks Tons everybody! Great advice, Lotsa luvs!!
Current Toons, (most level 1 -2 unfortunately ;-P) Omenborn/Cleric<---- almost 4!!, Badsign/Wizard, Farstriker/Ranger Painshadow/Rogue
Ringos-JohnDenver-Lillis-Dacta-Erahn-CPants-Jhain : Silver Waffle
"You assume that Clay is an ass because he's Legion..." Shyver
Cool! Sounds like you're having some fun.
A player can be incapacitated...or near death. They will be laying on the ground...negative HP anywhere down to -9 HP. When you hit -10, you die. If someone yells 'incap', it means if you throw a cure spell on them (that brings them abouve 0 HP) they will get up.
Some Clerics wear robes...a sign they are pretty good players or noobs!I throw on robes at times with Deathblock, Fearsome or a few other reasons. At end-game, My AC is almost worthless it seems, but up through lvl 10 content I rarely got hit wearing a heavy shield and mithril fullplate. Stick with fullplate and a heavy shield IMO.
Since you find yourself as that last one standing at times, it's good you have a bit of strength to help damage the bad guys. Divine Favor and later Divine Power are great when you have to melee. Bulls Strength is nice early as well.
As far as cash goes, I would advise to accept gifts that are offered within reason. Having someone hand you 200k plat might ruin things a bit, but accepting some decent armor, weapons or wands will just help you keep up a bit. Kinda like real life I guess...if I was given 20k dollars, I'd be the same person. Give me 20 million and I'm hangin' out with Gary Coleman and about 30 ladies on a yacht somewhere.![]()
Last edited by Ringos; 06-13-2008 at 02:02 AM.
Ringos-JohnDenver-Lillis-Dacta-Erahn-CPants-Jhain : Silver Waffle
"You assume that Clay is an ass because he's Legion..." Shyver
Hey maybe this guild from wow will be a great advertisement for DDO hehe anyway welcome to DDO I hope you guys stay here forever LOL thelanis is a great server not as good as Ghallanda but there pretty good enjoy ur stay this is a great MMO with great potential have fun
Shake N' Bake
+The Goddess of Tempest's Spine+Merc's Only, THELANIS: List is here: LEGIONNAIRE /Salute to Rameses, He has RETURNED!
Aww... cmon... you know me my dear.
If you are good to me and or my friends in game, I will treat you like gold.
And conversely as a few have learned over time... if you are not good to me or my friends, well... what would be the opposite of being treated like gold???
Remember, I am a bit knowledgable about the game and pretty much know most, if not all the people that are worth knowing in game, and I think everyone needs to chat with people like you and Ringos, Memnir and even someone from Legion like Satya who are all great at knowing the game and the politics so very well.
As always, I don't say things to be nice or not nice or to score points or gain the bad points from Turbine, I just call em as I see them and hope that someone would benefit from them.
Speaking of that... Hey Turbine folks, I've been mostly good lately, can someone please fix my loot tables... I'm so tired of always getting such horrible loot and having to take Eriik's and Scars handmedowns (even if they are finessable vorpals... haha).
Well that blows! I am so sorry to hear that.
They go down on my people who suck list.
It was fun learning Ghosts of Perdition with ya, been a while since we ran anything together.
(BTW, 3 of the other people in that group wanted me to thank you for your help).
Been trying to get the Baby Monk to level up and see what he can do, but try to log Xman in periodically to get some loot.Will give you a shout if you are not grouped when I log in (although with you that status (ungrouped) lasts about 2.3 sec after you log in.
This space for Rent
Well Badsign, looks like we've got ya hooked!One rule that I recommend people that play DDO learn and learn early is this: It's a game. We pay to play. Play= fun, entertainment, destress, loot, socialize, whatever qualifier applies to you. If you're not getting the feel of "play" then what are you paying for?
As for accepting the largesse of others: I believe that any person that finds themself in a party with a competent cleric should at least offer to tithe. It is up to the cleric whether to accept the offer or not. It's not taking advantage of someone to take what is given, since you can't squeeze blood from a stone. However, if you're uncomfortable with large amounts of plat or gifts of twinking gear, then decline. You're not obligated to accept. Happy hunting.
xX-----==<<<Yes, I roleplay. Get over it.>>>==-----XxOriginally Posted by Beol
hand me downs???? you just gotta know how to juke and jab mini. scars is hated by turbine so here is my idea of a dish of things. if you are hated by them they will give you better loot. i mean look at me i **** off everything in my path. but i also install fear into people too. remember you run over everything i am more of a twisted person to sit and make things dance singing the "dacne to the music." that mindflayers didn't see that comming. also remeber i have feeblemind on both my sorc and wizard. it's a spell they never let go. it's all about how you run the mission if you zerg to zerg then u miss out on all the fun and enough that the loot tables ight ajust itself for you.
trissa so you know for an evil being ministry has good guy traits same with most of legion members. people think they are mean cause well they drink during the mission and then if you mess up they tell you how much of a nub you really are. hence i think some of the devs ran with them and "couldn't keep up" with the speed they run at and were called out. this might be the reason why the devs in general hate legion altogether. they aren't suppose to show it but we all know different. yup and since my guild leader can't post due to the fact they give major infraction points of him saying how he is displeased with certain actions of the devs parts so he can't post his mind
xoriat player
Caliestro Calierron Dovavin Caliergod Ishane Escaflowne Rander
Ya, I get the extras from Eriik and Scars, but you give me the premium stuff that you should keep for yourself, but then again, I've given you a couple of things you can use...
Ya, I run over everything, but doesn't help when I open up chests and get level 5 stuff and people are pulling tomes and vorps all around me...
Yes, Legion has some very good traits, but it is the one that is perceived as bad (zerging at light speed while intoxicated and calling people out for not being able to keep up, or not picking up their stones when they die while trying to keep up) that has people having a hate on for us. Cmon really now... how many times can you do a quest before you get so bored that you start running it on a timer to see how fast you can beat it? We did VON 3 in 4 or 5 minutes a couple of weeks ago, just to see how fast we could...
All in all, for all the hate, there are more people in game that know we are not all that bad... only when we want to be, and mostly... well... okay, some of the time, just for fun.
Last edited by Ministry; 06-13-2008 at 03:27 PM.
+The Goddess of Tempest's Spine+Merc's Only, THELANIS: List is here: LEGIONNAIRE /Salute to Rameses, He has RETURNED!
Hey guys!
Yeah Ministry dont feel alone i have pretty much a zero bs tolerance too, but i am so laid back 99% of the time that noone notices until i pull a lung out of thier left nostril.Unfortunately i am getin kinda scared. there seems to be pretty much noone here that isn't cool, great, nice, helpful, etc etc. Looks like i'll have to save my lung pullin trick for somewhere else!
Lol! Lotsa luvs!
Current Toons, (most level 1 -2 unfortunately ;-P) Omenborn/Cleric<---- almost 4!!, Badsign/Wizard, Farstriker/Ranger Painshadow/Rogue