Oh, we are far from calm and will still bite the head off anyone who ****es us off (which is easy to do).
Respectable - NEVER
Ex-Xoriat - NEVER - You are who you are and you come from where you are born, no matter where you are transplanted, thus making us from Xoriat forever. You can take our home away, but you can't take our home out of our dark black hearts.
Just like those coming from WOW. You can leave one game to come to another, but what you learned in one world will help you in another. I came from COH/COV and within days felt comfortable in DDO within days, because ultimately all gaming worlds are made by people and up of people from the same world.
I live by many principles, but the one that has faired me well in DDO is this one... "It's not what you are saying or what you are asking for, it's how you say it". Based on my experience, about 50% of the people on the server will respond afirmatively to you if you pose a question in a proper manner, but then there is the tricky part... What percentage of those answers will be of any value. I could talk to 10 of my best mates in game and get a number of different answers. Ask many people many questions and get many answers and then jump in there and see what works best, using your own personal storehouse of knowleged and that information you have acquired from people in the game and GOOD LUCK!