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  1. #1
    Founder Riggs's Avatar
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    Default Blocking dr bugged

    Twice now, on 2 different characters, have been blocking and getting no shield dr.

    Once was getting 1 dr when blocking (addy shield), but 0 shield dr. Noticed after blocking and still taking '30 damage, 1 was stopped by your dr'. Second time on a different character, same thing. Happened for the entire instance (underground) or quest (new raid).

  2. #2
    Developer DeadlyGazebo's Avatar
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    Post Blocking DR

    Quote Originally Posted by Riggs View Post
    Twice now, on 2 different characters, have been blocking and getting no shield dr.

    Once was getting 1 dr when blocking (addy shield), but 0 shield dr. Noticed after blocking and still taking '30 damage, 1 was stopped by your dr'. Second time on a different character, same thing. Happened for the entire instance (underground) or quest (new raid).
    Can you provide any more details on your build and relevant equipment?

    Also, be aware that shield blocking DR only applies to attacks from the front... If you are surrounded, the guy behind you isn't going to care about the shield.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by DeadlyGazebo View Post
    If you are surrounded, the guy behind you isn't going to care about the shield.
    And of course, one new raid is chock-full of Barbazu, who only like to attack from behind.

  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by DeadlyGazebo View Post
    Can you provide any more details on your build and relevant equipment?

    Also, be aware that shield blocking DR only applies to attacks from the front... If you are surrounded, the guy behind you isn't going to care about the shield.
    Lets see here... madstone shield on a barbarian, blocking gnolls that were shooting at me from a distance in Chains of flame. Line of sight to all of them, none behind me. Combat log stated Blocking DR of 7, even though my UI stated I should have a blocking DR of 21.
    Barb lvl 16, maxed DR. Madstone shield.

    Fighter 2, pali 4, getting a blocking dr in combat of 5, when I should be getting 12 according to the UI. things.... somewhere out in 3 Barrel Cove I want to say. I know I've seen the issue on this character, but I can't remember the exact details of the npcs.
    Fighter 2, Paladin 4, a... +2 wooden heavy shield?

    I've also bug reported this.

    Oh yeah, getting out of blocking mode, moving around to a different spot and blocking again did NOT help at all. I forgot to add that into my bug report.

    BTW, If the DR isn't applying, the guy behind you doesn't care, nor does the guy in front of you. I've had that happen where I got surrounded, so I turtled up, and the DR being applied for the guy in front was the same as the guy in back.
    Last edited by Missing Minds; 06-10-2008 at 10:21 AM.

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by Missing Minds
    Lets see here... madstone shield on a barbarian, blocking gnolls that were shooting at me from a distance in Chains of flame. Line of sight to all of them, none behind me. Combat log stated Blocking DR of 7, even though my UI stated I should have a blocking DR of 21.
    Barb lvl 16, maxed DR. Madstone shield.
    Blocking projectiles only gives you a piece of the blocking DR. I'm sure the DDO Wiki is a good source for that sort of information.
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  6. #6
    Community Member Pellegro's Avatar
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    I'll add that the big blue shield from reaver raid - if you equip it, and check your DR on your stat sheet, you get nothing.

    Seems buggish. Was reported via in game reporter.

  7. #7
    Community Member Qzipoun's Avatar
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    Completely unrelated issue but I figured I'll throw it out there. I was on my cleric testing Lorick's Defender in the Vale and noticed that when the troglodyte attempted a Stunning Blow, my DR was not applied. Sitting there shield blocking, he would rarely get passed my DR expect for a few points of damage at a time but when he hit a Stunning Blow, I would get full damage and have to make my Stunning Blow save.

  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by MrCow View Post
    Blocking projectiles only gives you a piece of the blocking DR. I'm sure the DDO Wiki is a good source for that sort of information.
    Blocking DR I had always figured to be a dr/- which should be fully applied.

    Also in mod 6, blocking DR applied full to projectiles. How do I know? I did it often. So did they fix something that was wrong and in the process mess up a few other things?

    I'd wonder if the madstone tower shield ability is or isn't being applied hence a reduction in blocking capability compared to what it should be when it is in use.

    Took me a little bit to find that wiki page, and thanks for telling me about the halving from projectiles.

    However, MrCow, my DR being applied is STILL wrong. My barb has a passive DR of 7, An active DR of 21 when blocking with the madstone shield.
    My DR then when blocking projectiles should be 10 according to the wiki. HOWEVER, I'm normally blocking all of the damage coming at me. This value is much greater than 10, but less than 21. But when it bugs I'm only blocking 7.

    So, apparently there really are some blocking DR issues much more than what was initially realized. And in the process blocking DR against projectiles will more than likely get correctly nerfed. doh!
    Last edited by Missing Minds; 06-10-2008 at 01:27 PM.

  9. #9
    Founder Riggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DeadlyGazebo View Post
    Can you provide any more details on your build and relevant equipment?

    Also, be aware that shield blocking DR only applies to attacks from the front... If you are surrounded, the guy behind you isn't going to care about the shield.
    +5 adamantium heavy shield in one case, kundarak delving suit, no other dr or dr enhancements. Dwarf ranger.

    other case +5 heavy shield of lesser fire resistance, 2 dr from warforged enhancements, no other dr. Warforged fighter/pally/rogue.

    Is the facing a new change? Many monsters go for your back or sides, and I have never seen this before, at least not that I can remember. It would be obvious fairly quickly when your missing the 15-18 dr from blocking. And my wizard has stood in many a firewall blocking with the madstone shield while there are wraiths/undead/whatever else all in a circle attacking me - and I have always gotten dr before from all sides.

    And as someone below/above posted - I noticed no change between monsters in front or behind. I had six devils or so surrounding me and swinging while I was blocking and drinking potions. At least 2 of them should be getting the shield bonus (front and left say) but 0 of the attacks got any dr other than the 1 from addy shield. After I died I went back through my combat log and did not see a single instance of any blocking dr at all.

    Thanks for replying, I hope it just a bug that can be fixed fairly easy.

  10. 06-10-2008, 02:55 PM

  11. #10
    Community Member Sillk's Avatar
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    I was in a quest with a bard that had played the Ironskin Chant and it appeared to lower my shieldblocking DR from my +4 Mithral Tower Shield (and everything else) from a 16 to a 5. My character screen showed the DR of 16, but I was only getting 5 in the combat log. Making the assumption that it was the song, I asked the bard to not play the song, and my DR returned back to the 16.

  12. #11
    Community Member Strumpoo's Avatar
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    A Warforged Tank in our guild has noticed this as well.

    He has a passive DR of 7/adamantine and I beleive a 25DR when blocking with Tower Shield.

    He noticed that when fighting the gnolls and devils in Rainbow in the dark that he was only getting 7 DR when blocking against the mobs.

    Something is definitely wrong with DR.. He has noticed this a lot lately when turtling up.

    I don't know about the flanking thing either. The DR from actively blocking always worked before, even when being flanked. Then enemy just got a +2 bonus to hit from flanking you. After all you are in "full defensive mode" and would be blocking actively if it were possible in this game.

    Also, DR from ranged weapons should be the same as from melee... Why would it matter what type of attack it is??
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  13. #12
    Community Member Sue_Dark's Avatar
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    L14rgr/2ftr Dorf with only 1 level of shield Enhancement (no feats) and a +5 addy shield, in Coal Chamber.

    DR worked fine unless I let them get a top shot or back shot, but then again, that would be working fine as well... since angles outside front dont count.
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  14. #13
    Community Member captain1z's Avatar
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    I had brought this up before in an older thread. The mingling of debuffs and DR is causing weird things to happen.
    Check it out here---------> if you have not already.
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  15. #14
    Community Member Sue_Dark's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Riggs View Post
    +5 adamantium heavy shield in one case, kundarak delving suit, no other dr or dr enhancements. Dwarf ranger.

    other case +5 heavy shield of lesser fire resistance, 2 dr from warforged enhancements, no other dr. Warforged fighter/pally/rogue.

    Is the facing a new change? Many monsters go for your back or sides, and I have never seen this before, at least not that I can remember. It would be obvious fairly quickly when your missing the 15-18 dr from blocking. And my wizard has stood in many a firewall blocking with the madstone shield while there are wraiths/undead/whatever else all in a circle attacking me - and I have always gotten dr before from all sides.

    And as someone below/above posted - I noticed no change between monsters in front or behind. I had six devils or so surrounding me and swinging while I was blocking and drinking potions. At least 2 of them should be getting the shield bonus (front and left say) but 0 of the attacks got any dr other than the 1 from addy shield. After I died I went back through my combat log and did not see a single instance of any blocking dr at all.

    Thanks for replying, I hope it just a bug that can be fixed fairly easy.
    In that devil example, were you holding shift and hitting pots at the same time? I've noticed lately that I had to release shift and re-press it to actually go back to blocking. I'm glad shield blocking while wielding a wand works now tho. <sure does, if I could run fraps on my box while playing i'd prove it >
    Fyshie the Tasty, of Thelanis
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  16. #15
    Community Member Greeka's Avatar
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    Have encountered this same issue with blocking DR with my WF cleric. I am using the Madstone shield and will be blocking getting a dr of 28, but if I cast a spell while blocking and after the spell finishes and I am back in blocking mode (have not released button on keyboard while blocking) I loose the dr from the madstone shield. However if I release the block and press it again I regain my blocking dr as long at they are attacking me head on.

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