I forgot to get them spayed and neutered, so now I have 2 beautiful new bloodstones that need a home. Guaranteed de-wormed and wont go on your carpet.
Looking for:
Cleansing item (Not sure on the item yet, probably a helm or necklace or cloak)
W/P rapier
+3/4/5 W/P dagger/ss, got a +2 W/P dagger I can include in the upgrade)
Shield piece 3
Tome piece I, II, V, VII
+2 tomes
Paralysing of puncturing rapier/SS/Dagger (need 1 rapier, 1 ss/dagger)
Lots of plat
I can toss in some other stuff from my trade list (in sig), which is admitedly about 3months out of date and most of the lower end stuff was put on the AH.