OK, Im done with asking about which race this should be. Ive decided on mighty half-pets... err... Haflings... Anyways, my original intention was to take one lvl of fighter for bonus feats, but then monk came out. At first level, they get dodge, which I have to take anyways. Monk seems to have some advantages over fighter, due to ac boost, and cool looking unarmed combat =P So, I was thinking 9 rogue, 1 monk, 6 ranger.
Starting Stats:
Str 14
Dex 18
Con 12
Int 8
Cha 12
Wis 12
Leveling Guide:
1: Rogue: Dodge
2: Ranger
3: Ranger: TWF*, Weapon Finnese
4: Rogue
5: Rogue
6: Monk: Mobility*, Skill Focus UMD or Oversized TWF
7: Ranger
8: Ranger
9: Ranger: Spring Attack
10: Ranger: ITWF*
11: Rouge
12: Rouge: IC Pierce
13: Rouge
14: Rouge
15: Rouge: GTWF
16: Rouge:
*Bonus Feat
This way I get a good UMD, twf and pre-reqs for tempest.