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I am unaware of this - but because of your input I have modified the build. The person I was responding to for my last posts was again stating opinion as fact and I wanted to clarify it as such, plus this person was also ignoring I added a feat option to include toughness if it became necessary - so in essence the poster was beating a dead horse.
Aye greater twf, and spec'd for superior if they ever release it. And yes at those times. But from lots of experience those times are when its necessary, Vs a single opponent you just trip them and kick their A**. Vs a group you go hyper speed. Vs a raid boss with good heals backing you go madstone and throw the fighters boosts on as well.. and you get off 18 attacks in the same time you used to do 10. With rangers tempest itll go to 20 attacks...
Yes rapiers are fun for puncturing.. but meh why waste the shards is my point, especially for a temporary line. And with good dps you can drop most mobs (ouside of the elite level orthons/devils) quicker with dps anyway. And a 25% of 1d6 con damage vs 1 con tick every hit... its going to be close and the wounding may be better depending on that d6 roll.. better off to stay slashie save your shards and plat and use two wounding dwarven ax's.
I did not put points into intim, but this would be easily attainable. Start him with a slightly higher int..Drop dex 1 point since there are +3 tomes now and points go to jump balance and intimidate. I suppose he could comfortably land in the 40's+ with an item. My solution is just to jump into the middle of a mob and damage them all then settle in and kill them 1by 1.
Last edited by The Phenx; 06-26-2008 at 12:43 PM.
Ghinsuu, Spikey, Preying, , Pyroclastic
Khyber, Jesters Court
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Last edited by The Phenx; 06-26-2008 at 12:44 PM.
Ghinsuu, Spikey, Preying, , Pyroclastic
Khyber, Jesters Court
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DDOwiki.com, #1 source for DDO information.
I will look closer at not taking ICP at all, but swapping out and using a shard doesn't bother me - but for those that it may, then sticking with wounders may work.
If you run the numbers two wounders will do more con damage than two puncturing rapiers with imp crit pierce.
25% each hit to do 1d6... so 1 of every 4 hits will puncture. Which means it will have to roll a 4 or better every time to = out with just using wounding.
I think thats the end of my comments.
You may now go in peace.
Oh and out side still rules!!!
Ghinsuu, Spikey, Preying, , Pyroclastic
Khyber, Jesters Court
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Even kargon can do bettermer math than this.
rapier with improve crit pierce will crit on 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, and 20. which are actuamally 30% of the time, not 25%. Then takaming into account the DDO loadamed dice (1d6 are actuamally somemathing like 1d5 +1) and the averamage come out pretty even. kargon still a bit too lazy to go look up exact numabmers howevamer.
Here's exact numbers:
For every 20 swings, assuming equal distribution (which we do for these discussions) and that all rolls better than 1 hit and confirm, a wounder will do 19 con damage. A puncturing rapier will do between 5 and 36 con damage, averaging out to 20.5.
Rapier wins.
Ravensguard, Ghallanda. Leader of two dead guilds and counting
Averroes: 16w | Manasponge 20bbn | Mistoffelees 12f/6p/2r | Macavity 18p | Deadweight 17n/1f/1r | Bringpotions 14c | Zergling 16s/2p/2r | Toastiness 19s | Is 20m | Toastless 18brd | Toastme 13r/6p/1m
Try again. It's called logical inference. There are a multitude of differences between how enhancements become available and how feats become available. It is absolutely fact that they are therefore coded differently. The same code would result in the same functionality.
And my god, I wish they'd start teaching basic logic again in schools.
Ravensguard, Ghallanda. Leader of two dead guilds and counting
Averroes: 16w | Manasponge 20bbn | Mistoffelees 12f/6p/2r | Macavity 18p | Deadweight 17n/1f/1r | Bringpotions 14c | Zergling 16s/2p/2r | Toastiness 19s | Is 20m | Toastless 18brd | Toastme 13r/6p/1m
DDOwiki.com, #1 source for DDO information.
Feat pre-reqs can be drawn from: other feats, base (unenhanced) stats, or class/race.
Enhancement pre-reqs can also be feats or class/race, but not stats, and they can also have other enhancements as pre-reqs.
Further, it is impossible to remove a feat that is being used as a prereq for another feat, whereas removing a feat that is a prereq for an enhancement just makes the enhancement become inactive, but doesn't remove the enhancement completely (and no, it isn't just toughness -- try it with power attack).
Different systems.
In any event, this is a really remarkably pointless argument. I'm done.
Ravensguard, Ghallanda. Leader of two dead guilds and counting
Averroes: 16w | Manasponge 20bbn | Mistoffelees 12f/6p/2r | Macavity 18p | Deadweight 17n/1f/1r | Bringpotions 14c | Zergling 16s/2p/2r | Toastiness 19s | Is 20m | Toastless 18brd | Toastme 13r/6p/1m
False, monks have stat-based enhancements. And what they prereq doesn't teach you anything about the way they are coded.
If you could remove a feat that has repreq, the same would happen. But the respec option is different.
They're the same.
Last edited by Borror0; 06-26-2008 at 05:18 PM.
DDOwiki.com, #1 source for DDO information.
Couple things....
-Puncturing is better than wounding for the pure fact it is not subject to DR. If you have a non - good type wounding weapon or what have you, an Elemental or Evil Outsider may DR your base damage to 0, and you will not wound. Puncturing however, is not subject to DR stat mitigation.
-Fighters Haste Boost - It is awesomesauce. Work it in some how and give it a whirl. It is especially nice when you know you are going to engage large mob groupings.
I am a fan of the Divine Righteousness / Intimidate lock down so kudos and play it well.
Main: Illuminati (Halfling Iron Monk), Stonewolf (Dwarf Pally), Vyking (TWF Barb), Illuminatrix (Batchick), Illumino (Drow Ranger), Fuji (Human Monk)
Proud Member of the Twilight Avengers
I will see where fighter haste boost can fit in. I will also remove Improved Crit Pierce as the instances this build will not punch thru DR are too rare to use a feat for.
Thanks all for the input.