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  1. #1
    Community Member GrayOldDruid's Avatar
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    Default Shroud Collection Quests

    Are there any plans to fix these?

    Right now, you get the quests from the diases(??) around meridia, talking to the Eladrin up there, one Dias you have to jump to from on top of the bar... anyway, you get the quests to collect x number of things - portal fragments, healing totems, infernal pacts, blade storm shards ... .. and something orothon plating maybe?

    In the Shroud, you go in and there are these four or five collection quests with "0 of 100 collected" thrown up on your tab.

    ... and it stays at 0 of 100 for EVERYTHING... why?? Because only two things EVER drop - portal fragments and healing totems - and in order to get those, you have to be the one to land the killing blow. Stupid? YES! Annoying? YES!! I have credit for ONE portal fragment so far, even though I've collected 18 or so. I have credit for 0 healing totems, even though I've collected 8 or so. I've never seen the blade storm shards drop anywhere (pretty sure they should drop in part three and maybe four and five, since those all have blade storms). I've never seen an Infernal Pact drop. Orothon Nail Plating drops all the time, but you try to pick it up and get the "You look through but find nothing of interest." Wondering if that is supposed to be an Infernal Pact?

    I was about to try abandoning the quest this morning, but maintenance started before I got to it. LOL...

    I'd love to see these FIXED, so that we can complete them. End Rewards for turning them in? Choice of Ingredients?? Choice of crafted component (material essence, etc)??? Cleansing item????

    The quest is there... let us have some chance of completing them!!
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  2. #2
    The Hatchery sirgog's Avatar
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    I'd rather that everyone in the party gets credit for them whenever anyone picks one up.

    Then, we may complete them before 2013.
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  3. 06-09-2008, 09:18 AM

  4. #3
    Community Member Qzipoun's Avatar
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    Also, have you seen the XP you get for getting 100? Ridiculous...

  5. #4
    Community Member GrayOldDruid's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wizzly Bear View Post
    last time i checked, you dont get the count for picking it up, you get the count for making it drop. in other words, you get a portal fragment count if youre the one to get the killing blow on the portal, not if youre the one who picks up the bag.
    Yeah... I mentioned that. ( "- and in order to get those, you have to be the one to land the killing blow." )

    That is what is broken. 12 people beating on a portal and the only one who gets credit is the one lucky enough to be the one to do the last point of damage. And they don't even have to pick it up - anyone picking it up gives THEM credit for having it... so they can turn in objects they never even picked up. They drop rarely enough that it will still take the average player a LONG time to collect 100.

    My suggestion would be to make it like the corpse collectibles - have everyone have a chance at picking it up and more than one person can get it. I like the still having everyone take the time to pick it up... otherwise you'd have a designated collector... one more "job" for the shroud runs... lol.

    And, how are we supposed to get Blade Storm Fragments?? Infernal Pacts??

    Yeah, its optional, yeah its a side-quest, yeah its a grind... but it is IN the game and I'd like to have a chance to be able to COMPLETE all of them.

    My question was - is this even being looked at??
    Last edited by GrayOldDruid; 06-09-2008 at 12:58 PM.
    It is not about the destination, it is about the journey.
    All my Characters Loathe the stupid term " Toon "

  6. #5
    Founder MageLL's Avatar
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    My guess is they were designed for a purpose other then what we are seeing. You are 100% correct the current system doesn't make any sense to anybody that including the developers.

    I will also go out on a limb here and say that they got cut off for development due to time restraints. Instead of just removing them from the game until they were ready they launched in a un-finished state. IMO a big no-no.

  7. #6
    Community Member MyrddynDraconis's Avatar
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    Default OK that answer the question has to why, But

    ARE THEY GOING TO FIX IT???????And if so when. DDO a lot of people would really like to know this Please have the Nerve to give us an answer and not ignoring us.

  8. #7
    Community Member Doxmaster's Avatar
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    Default Justified necro

    Is this fixed yet?

  9. #8
    Hero RandomKeypress's Avatar
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    Wow - that's one heck of a necro there.

    Why not just start a new thread, linking this one if it's important?

  10. #9
    Community Member Doxmaster's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RandomKeypress View Post
    Wow - that's one heck of a necro there.

    Why not just start a new thread, linking this one if it's important?
    1-I ninja'd your recognition of this being a necro with that very same necro post.

    2-Necro-ing a tread that is three years old is a lot more potent than starting a new one. It got you to pay attention to the date, didn't it? I would say "Yes, it did." since you actually commented on it.

  11. #10
    Community Member Silverwren's Avatar
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    If you look at Wiki regarding the Shroud you will run across the part where it says that this particular collectibles part of the raid is bugged. My guess is that it has been broken for a long time, if not since the beginning.

    My question is: Is it worth it? Has anyone traded in 100? What did you get? Wiki doesn't touch on this so it's a mystery. As far as any XP garnered, I can't see it being worth it for that either, since most people running in there are of high levels and aren't really looking for XP anyway.
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  12. #11
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    They need to give all credit when one is picked up as it is now I
    See lvl 20's picking them up and there is about zero chance now of ever completing this

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  13. #12


    The way it is now, instead of xp, they should give +4 tomes for completing this.
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  14. #13
    Community Member Cauthey's Avatar
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    Please fix this. Make it worthwhile. Collecting 100s of these should 1) be easier to do, and 2) ought to yield something useful. Most Shrouders are either level 20, or are close enough to it that the XP for the turn-in would not matter.


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