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Thread: Stunning fist

  1. #1
    Community Member Relenthe's Avatar
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    Default Stunning fist

    Yesterday i lvl'ed up to lvl 6 monk, and took the feats toughness and dodge, and stuning fist was one of the options. I changed my mind, and decided to exchange dodge (which i took as my monk bonus feat) for stunning fist. Fred was quite pleased when i showed up with 2k plat and a imperfect siberys dragonshard, but he was unable to exchange any feats for stunning fist (even dodge). Can any1 come up with an explanation for this? And since there are no more monk bonus feats and if for some reason i cant exchange am i doomed to never recieve stunning fist?

    P.S- I was able to exchange for deflect arrows, which is a monk only feat like stunning fist.
    Last edited by Relenthe; 06-08-2008 at 11:51 AM.

  2. #2
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    I exchanged Deflect Arrows, which I took at level 1 as a monk feat, for Stunning fist at level 4 very recently. I did not use a dragonshard, I used my free feat exchange.

    I am not sure why you would have a problem. I guess we are both able to do deflect arrows. Which is weird. Was deflect arrows at level 1 for you as well, perhaps its something to do with level? Although I do not know why that would be.

    All of your feats are monk bonus feats so I would not think is a an issue as they should fit in either kind of slot.

  3. #3
    Founder KuRRuPT's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Relenthe View Post
    Yesterday i lvl'ed up to lvl 6 monk, and took the feats toughness and dodge, and stuning fist was one of the options. I changed my mind, and decided to exchange dodge (which i took as my monk bonus feat) for stunning fist. Fred was quite pleased when i showed up with 2k plat and a imperfect siberys dragonshard, but he was unable to exchange any feats for stunning fist (even dodge). Can any1 come up with an explanation for this? And since there are no more monk bonus feats and if for some reason i cant exchange am i doomed to never recieve stunning fist?

    P.S- I was able to exchange for deflect arrows, which is a monk only feat like stunning fist.
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  4. #4
    Tasty Ham Hunter Kargon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Relenthe View Post
    P.S- I was able to exchange for deflect arrows, which is a monk only feat like stunning fist.
    Nope, kargon was able to take deflect arrowmows in the regulamar feat for levamel 6 on kargon monk (kargon took stunnaming fist at the same levamel too as the monk feat). kargon suspect that deflect arrowmows are actuamally a feat anymabody can take, but just happen to show up on the monk feat list. of course kargon could be wrong or maybe one of the prereq are just monk 1 or somemathing, but kargon can definatamally take deflect arrowmows on a monk as a non monk feat.

  5. #5
    Community Member Snoggy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kargon View Post
    Nope, kargon was able to take deflect arrowmows in the regulamar feat for levamel 6 on kargon monk (kargon took stunnaming fist at the same levamel too as the monk feat). kargon suspect that deflect arrowmows are actuamally a feat anymabody can take, but just happen to show up on the monk feat list. of course kargon could be wrong or maybe one of the prereq are just monk 1 or somemathing, but kargon can definatamally take deflect arrowmows on a monk as a non monk feat.
    I remember from my old PnP days that Deflect Arrows was a monk only ability. That may have changed in later editions, but I don't think it did.

  6. #6
    Founder coolpenguin410's Avatar
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    Deflect arrows was definately possible without being a monk in 3.5 (3.0 I believe as well), however it required Improved Unarmed Strike, which monks got as a bonus feat.

  7. #7
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    I had the option to take Stunning Fist at level 1, i'm sure of it. AT the time, I didn't think my wisdom would be high enough to make the DC worthwhile.

    I'm FAIRLY sure I saw it at level 2, but I had to take weapon finesse

    ... It's not there any more.

    When I open up my Feats, and click "Unavailable", it's not even on the list of feats PERIOD, even ones I dont' qualify for!

    Here are the feats I took...

    L1: Skill Focus: Concentration
    L1: (Human bonus) Discipline
    L1: (Monk) Dodge
    L2: (Monk) Weapon Finesse
    L3: Power Attack
    L3: (Monk Path) Harmonious Balance

    It was at level 3 that I noticed it wasn't there at all. I would've taken it then if it had been shown. Level 4 now.

    I haven't visited Fred yet to see if he can correct the problem. I'm a bit busy in the catacombs right now (want that +5 conc helmet) - If anyone knows for sure if I could get it by swapping power attack out, let me know. (I'll check myself in a little bit, but any foreknowledge would be nice)

  8. #8
    Community Member Dylos_Moon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Relenthe View Post
    Yesterday i lvl'ed up to lvl 6 monk, and took the feats toughness and dodge, and stuning fist was one of the options. I changed my mind, and decided to exchange dodge (which i took as my monk bonus feat) for stunning fist. Fred was quite pleased when i showed up with 2k plat and a imperfect siberys dragonshard, but he was unable to exchange any feats for stunning fist (even dodge). Can any1 come up with an explanation for this? And since there are no more monk bonus feats and if for some reason i cant exchange am i doomed to never recieve stunning fist?

    P.S- I was able to exchange for deflect arrows, which is a monk only feat like stunning fist.
    Is dodge in a monk feat slot? I believe that Stunning fist may have to be taken as a monk feat, or you just can't get it.

    As per PnP rules, Stunning Fist requires Dex 13, Wis 13, Improved Unarmed Strike, and Base Attack Bonus +8, however a monk can take Stunning Fist at 1st level as a bonus feat without meeting those prerequisites. It is possible that Stunning Fist only appears in the Monk Bonus feats (and possibly as a normal feat for monks starting at level 12)
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tolero View Post
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  9. #9
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    Alright, I got to Fred (And got my +5 conc mask!) Small update..

    He will not trade me ANY feat that I have for stunning fist EXCEPT Weapon Finesse that I took at level 2 (Monk martial arts feat bonus)

    I checked Power Attack (Taken at level 3. (Monk skill, but not taken as a martial arts feat)... nope

    I tried Skill Focus: Concentration, taken at level 1 (Not a martial arts feat)... nothing.

    I tried Dodge. (Taken at level 1. It is a martials arts feat, and I chose it as my bonus martial arts feat)... Diddly.

    Only finesse counts

    I don't want to drop Finesse, and I don't have a lot of money (and even fewer shards) to work with to keep bouncing stuff around at this level =( It's not like i'm struggling right now, but still.

    Is this a confirmed bug? Any OTHER workarounds right now? Any idea the minimum amount of pain/switching I can get away with this? Basically, I want to lose power attack (for now), and pick up stunning fist. (I realize stunning blow is better, but it's a flavor/style thing.)

    I've done a couple forum searches but can't get anything specific to this occurance EXCEPT for this thread. =)

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Detton View Post
    Alright, I got to Fred (And got my +5 conc mask!) Small update..

    He will not trade me ANY feat that I have for stunning fist EXCEPT Weapon Finesse that I took at level 2 (Monk martial arts feat bonus)

    I checked Power Attack (Taken at level 3. (Monk skill, but not taken as a martial arts feat)... nope

    I tried Skill Focus: Concentration, taken at level 1 (Not a martial arts feat)... nothing.

    I tried Dodge. (Taken at level 1. It is a martials arts feat, and I chose it as my bonus martial arts feat)... Diddly.

    Only finesse counts

    I don't want to drop Finesse, and I don't have a lot of money (and even fewer shards) to work with to keep bouncing stuff around at this level =( It's not like i'm struggling right now, but still.

    Is this a confirmed bug? Any OTHER workarounds right now? Any idea the minimum amount of pain/switching I can get away with this? Basically, I want to lose power attack (for now), and pick up stunning fist. (I realize stunning blow is better, but it's a flavor/style thing.)

    I've done a couple forum searches but can't get anything specific to this occurance EXCEPT for this thread. =)
    I know this would be a pain in the rear, but is it possible to swap Finesse for Stunning Fist, then swap another feat that you don't want for Finesse?

    One more step in the process, but perhaps it's a way around the 'must swap a yellow bonus feat for another of the same' limitation? Dunno. Just a thought.

  11. #11
    Community Member Timjc86's Avatar
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    Holy necro, Batman!

    It should be possible to double swap a feat in this manner, but you will have to pay the price twice and wait three days in between swaps.

    However, this does sound like a bug, and there's no guarantee a similar thing wouldn't happen when trying to swap something back for Weapon Finesse.

  12. #12
    Community Member Hasteclicky's Avatar
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    If i'm reading you right you chose dodge as your regular lvl 6 feat and toughness as your lvl 6 monk bonus feat. Is this correct? Whichever of the 2 you chose for your bonus feat should be swappable for stunning fist at lvl 6.

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