Fun ole VOD newbie thread.
Fun ole VOD newbie thread.
cloudkill and acid frog , easy to kill bats
i heard my friend(ratin) said his acid frog criticl 400+ damg
A lot of creatures like ignoring the slow-movement aspect of my Acid Fog, it's pretty arbitrary. Some of the bats in VoD were doing that, but not all of them. Just using Acid Fog on the bats we wiped. Second time around I used Web and Acid Fog, worked great, was like the bats weren't even there.
Officer of ARCHANGELS - Thelanis
Strummie . Gruffie . Jinksy . Perversion . Sluffie . Indulgent . Adjuration . Wary . Disparage . Subdue . Affinity . Bestial . Contrivance . Indria . Thermo . Outlandish
My casters hardly die in VoD even when being hit by bats. However, it might be because I carry fireshield, web, acid fog, horrid wilting, and can UMD heal scrolls.
Horrid Wilting will mess those bats up pretty good.
Selastra<Rogue> Quadcore<Wiz> Pontius<Cleric> Ursela<Bard> Histra<Rogue>
Spamming mass harm from clerics works very well too... max emp acid fog + heightened web...
Ghinsuu, Spikey, Preying, , Pyroclastic
Khyber, Jesters Court
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Tossed up a symbol of death on my cleric, got an immune message from the bats so..... yeah no such luck there
Token Canadian of Damaged Inc.
Our guild runs VOD quite often and we've found that Acid Fog placed directly on the melee at the end of the fight will slow the bats, damage the bats (killing some), and most of all have them switch agrro to the caster giving the melee those extra few seconds needed to get an easy completion. The caster will sometimes die as a result, but our raids are always successful.
Blade Barrier just doesn't seem to be very effective since the bats have evasion and pretty high saves. When playing my cleric in there I have several times casted blade barrier with little to no effect. He has a 34 wisdom and blade barriers were heightened. Fire protection and mass heals are the ticket for clerics.
Charater Names: Mostly Jeryle for the dudes and Merreth for the ladies
Main: Wizards and Healers
Officer of Unbreakable, #1 source for DDO information.
Not reading the entire thread, so if this was mentioned above, oh well.
I find the three best strategies for bats seem to be:
1) Heightened web
2) Archers with manyshot
3) THF barbarians
The first two are obvious, the last one is a function of glancing blows, swing radius, and damage per swing.
Edit: GAH! This is a resurrected thread! Makes more sense now...
Thats odd.. I know they dont have deathblock because I FOD them with my sorcerer all the time. I haven't tried symbol of death myself, but i have been in raids with reliable people who say it has been working (perhaps you were in on elite and maybe the bats have >150 hp on elite??)
Also, they have pretty good reflex saves so blade barrier isn't perfect.
I love the acid fog idea, I just have no desire to become energy spec'd so I'll probably never get to try it
In the mean time I'll stick with heightened web on my sorc and let the melees take care of them. On a side note (just to throw it out there to other casters), I notice that casters are often pretty stingy with their web in VOD. One or two webs can be pretty in-effective... I often see the party teetering on the edge of wiping when the caster has put down too few webs, and the bats are taking too long to die. I try and web the %&#$ out of the place before bat's part II come out (you can start extended/heightened webbing shortly after orthons round II to get enough in place). Really, at this point of the raid there is no purpose in saving mana. If the bats (round 2) are taken care of, you have pretty much guaranteed the success of your raid.
**edit.. bah stupid necro.. didn't notice
Last edited by gfunk; 02-05-2009 at 01:28 PM.
<Sarlona>Leafy - ranger , Ingvild - fighter, Backk - rogue, Dahgnabbit - warlock , Reinheits - cleric, <Lost Legion>, #1 source for DDO information.