No since we do not have half-elf, half-orc, Half anything other than Hobbit ripoffs....
Elf is the only way to go in this game. [Drow a tie for top]
So why is it I see more Dwarf's [plural spellin pls], humans and WF?
What is it about the Elf that people leave behind in the 32pt builds?
I am so close ot the 32pt myself and plan on another Elf. I play my WF .01% of my play time and my Drow is in a static [sorta] guild.
So really, who wants to see more Elf in Stormreach? Can I be the only old-skooler that wants to stick to the classic Elf Ranger? Or even Elf Fighter? [would go a s far to say Thief...but they do not exsist in DDO... ;p]
humans are stupid. halflings are inane. Dwarf kith are...well dwarf kith...nothing can make them seem cool to me.