I've seen people asking whether this was possible (and I know it's not), but I was wondering how many people think it should be. I know this has to have come up somewhere, but I either missed the conversation or ... yeah, that's about the only option. Personally, I think it should, and I'd like to make my case here.
[edit] After doing a bit of reading, it looks like it's possible that TWF and Flurry can stack, which would mean that I'm pretty much just plain wrong. I have never allowed anyone to take two full round actions in a round because it just doesn't make sense, so I assumed you couldn't flurry (which takes a full round) and attack with your offhand (which also takes a full round) in the same round. It just doesn't make sense to me.
Because of the fact that I still think it's absolutely ridiculous to use Flurry and offhand attacks in a single round, I'm going to continue my argument.
Here's a little support for why I don't think Flurry and TWF should stack:
[/edit]Originally Posted by page 143 of the Player's Handbook
In PnP D&D, the full monk would most likely use fists at higher levels because they dealt quite a bit more damage than any other monk weapons - Flurry of Blows allowed you to attack almost as fast with fists as you could using the TWF chain with any other weapons. Fists began weaker than some of the other monk weapons, but they became much more useful at higher monk levels (2d10 base damage per hit with two extra attacks at full attack bonus, ending up with an AB of +15/+15/+15/+10/+5 while using FoB at level 20, not counting anything other than BAB and Flurry).
If you chose to multiclass, taking a level or three of monk, you probably wouldn't use your fists because they didn't deal all that much damage, instead going for one of the other monk weapons (or choosing to not be centered and going with some other weapon).
Personally, I liked how this worked. A level 8+ monk would probably be using fists, as they deal as much base damage as a bastard sword. A level 12+ monk would be fairly stupid to use anything but his fists, as they deal as much base damage as a greatsword (unless that monk had gotten ahold of a pretty darn sweet weapon or two).
In DDO, fists cannot approach kama damage due to the fact that kamas attack significantly faster. Even dealing with only base damage, not counting any damage modifiers, it's been shown that two kamas can deal at least as much damage as handwraps.
More than anything, that is what annoys me about the way Flurry of Blows was implemented in DDO. Admittedly, you had a harder time hitting things with the original version of FoB, but at least that way, a fist would count as a one-handed weapon that could be dual wielded.
So I vote that we should be able to dual wield handwraps and apply the TWF feat chain to them. Make fists the ultimate high level monk weapon again!
... Darn, no poll option, eh? Meh.