Okay, so I've only been playing DDO for about a week and a half and I already have the drow unlock on sarlona. I'm thinking about starting one and playing it to the bitter end so I can make my next toon a 32 pointer. the only other class I've really played is a fighter, which was fun, but highly repetative. I'm still a new player who has no idea how to create a character (way more complex than your standard MMO) so I was hoping I could get some help. I want to keep it simple. With my fighter it was just right click mob till death. Is there any way I can get that kind of simplicty out of a ranged attacker. I'm also comcerned about gear dependence. With a fighter it was easy to equip myself and since I'm new, I really don't have UBER gear, and maybe I never will. I play for fun, not to power my way to the top. All I'm looking for is a ranged attacker that will keep me interested because I'm going to be spending a lot of time with him.