And no, I don't mean Luv.
Just you know, some appreciation and all that.
All this negativity has gotten to me. It's made me feel very protective of my server.
So just wanted to say that while you guys probably don't know me, as I don't play as much as others, I still really like you guys
It's nice to come to the forums to see the same argo names over and over, it's comforting in fact; even though I don't know what you guys are talking about half the time. The best one was when I had to call my boyfriend (CBC) at work to ask him what was pink was after rowenheal posted (was it her? hrm, can't remember, but see, I'm still innocent!).
I like this server. Even when I can't get a group (cuz I'm shy). Even when I'm pulling my hair out becuase the drunk guy in the group is shouting and swearing up a storm. Even when the dbag takes the one **** raid loot item I want and then complains the chest was full of junk (he couldn't use the item, I could, grrr!).
So I'm at work, and I don't know if the raids are opened yet, and I don't really care. All I know is I look forward to going home, logging on to argo and having a good time
Thanks! I going to get some kind of infraction points for attempting to be positive and nice on the argo forum? Is that against the rules??!