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  1. #1
    Community Member issiana's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2006

    Default Can i have my pants now please ?

    So i see that the monks finally managed to find the missing shipment of pants.

    You know the type of clothing that isnt a dress, the style us dex based rogues/ rangers and arcanes have had to wear for ages. Ok a dress isnt to bad if your a girl, but its a little off puting for those male charaters to try to be intimidating while wearing a dress. maybe they just need a little more eyeliner, lol.

    So since the monks have brought the patterns for pants, is there any chance that we might see the local stormreach tailors start making some for us rogues/rangers and arcanes to wear? The past argument of the animations arent in game kinda is hard to accept now.
    They way i see it is to add to the current "outfit" sets a few more, maybe some along the lines of the padded sets with ropes, packs and grappling hooks on. As it stands i'm currently looking for good looking outfits that i can get my guys and girls into, heres hopeing theres some greater resist ones out there

    so how about it devs?
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  2. #2
    Community Member Qzipoun's Avatar
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    Nov 2006


    There should be a stone of change where you can input a kung-fu outfit, robe, or "clothes" and choose to convert it to one of the others.

    This way, if my monk picks up an uber robe, he can change it to an outfit but if my wizard picks up a really nice outfit, he can change it to a robe. Adding in a "clothes" type would give us the option of everyday typical clothes but that would require lots of graphic work...

    Shouldn't be too hard to implement, insert outfit, create robe with same properties and vice versa

  3. #3


    what we might see instead is the system they implemented in LOTRO. Basically you have two armour slots, 1 is the actual armor you are wearing and the other is what is seen on the screen. They call it the outfit system as detailed here

    it woudl allow you to wear some of the nice leather armor etc and actually be wearing a robe
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