First to open and beat both raids. We aer teh r00l.
I would like to first congratulate IFV and company on the Hound kill. Mostly, Legion was gunning for the Devil but we did get a shot at the Hound and IFV beat us by at least an hour. Wicked fast kill. Nice job guys!
But Legion and IFV couldn't have done it alone. Turbine intended that the entire server would be required to contribute and nobody picks up a thrown gauntlet like New Xoriat! Our victory is a victory for the entire server and everyone deserves a big fat congratulations for their tireless efforts.
Last, but certainly not least, I want to express my gratitude, appreciation, and pride in my boys and girls in Legion. To a man (or woman) we busted our humps on this raid. Legion gathered over 500 tokens to open the raids and we've been going at it non-stop since launch. Way to go guys!
We are Legion. We are many.