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  1. #1
    Community Member Draiden's Avatar
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    Default Titan is Definitely More Fun, But There Are Some Bugs

    Since the new mod, groups that I've been in and lead have been 2 for 2 on the big bucket of bolts. The third run, however, threw some interesting surprises at us.

    The first pillar 'miss', actually dropped right on top of him but didn't knock him down. The laser was well-timed and extremely well-aimed, but if the Titan isn't laying down... you get it.

    The Second pillar 'miss', occured when the melee was smacking away on the pillar and the pillar actually fell backwards on top of him. ???

    Both of these bugs, I stood and watched from above with my own eyes. I've lead a LOT of titan raids, and can't remember the last time it was unsuccessful. We missed one more pillar just by our own mistake somewhere along the way, which does happen on occasion, which made this a really bad time to see these strange bugs occur. Overall, no biggie, as we will run it again in about an hour or so, but somebody needs to look into these issues. Or, if anyone else has seen something similar in this quest, please help me ellaborate.
    Proud Leader of Redemption

  2. #2
    Founder Chelsa's Avatar
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    Had no problems running the Titan since the Mod went live. The only difference I found was he is actually a badass again and you need a balance item.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Draiden View Post
    The first pillar 'miss', actually dropped right on top of him but didn't knock him down. The laser was well-timed and extremely well-aimed, but if the Titan isn't laying down... you get it.
    Been on a pair of titan runs since the mod went live. One time I saw this, one time I did not. Frustrating to say the least when you've finally got him sitting in the proper spot and it goes through him all etherial-like. I bug reported it and will continue to do so. Hope you did the same.

  4. #4
    Community Member Agarwaen's Avatar
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    FYI, out of around 40 Titan runs I have seen pillars fall backward three times and all occurred before the mod. It's rare but could happen. Hopefully your experience was just a coincidence and it wasn't a result of something changed with the mod. I could certainly be wrong though--I'm just hoping.
    Thelanis: Mithran, Mithrana, Aggrond, Arcanned, Ainadan, and others

  5. #5
    Community Member Draiden's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chelsa View Post
    Had no problems running the Titan since the Mod went live. The only difference I found was he is actually a badass again and you need a balance item.
    That's great, but not helpful. As I said, we've also run the titan twice successfully since the mod, but these occurances were definitely bugs.
    Proud Leader of Redemption

  6. #6
    Founder Garth_of_Sarlona's Avatar
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    Balance items don't help, unless there's a hidden roll - I wasn't getting any rolls.

    I've run 3 times since mod 7 and it's been fine each time - I agree with the OP - it's much more fun, and gets everyone 'involved' rather than just a few select members of the party.

    One time a pillar got knocked down by something else - it was at 50% but then suddenly got knocked down, I wasn't sure if it was the laser or the titan, but it definately wasn't the pillar basher.


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  7. #7
    Community Member soupertc's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by willphase View Post
    Balance items don't help, unless there's a hidden roll - I wasn't getting any rolls.

    I've run 3 times since mod 7 and it's been fine each time - I agree with the OP - it's much more fun, and gets everyone 'involved' rather than just a few select members of the party.

    One time a pillar got knocked down by something else - it was at 50% but then suddenly got knocked down, I wasn't sure if it was the laser or the titan, but it definately wasn't the pillar basher.

    Balance item do help....if you get above a 30 Balance he can't knock ya down. I was on my Barb the other day.....took off my armor and put on Balance 15 ring, I was standing up while everyone esle got knocked down. About the OP, I've been in there 5 times since new Mod and we had problems with power going out real quick but no pillars. Once I run it again will let ya know if it happens to me.
    No I don't wear a Concordant Opp item on my Barb...but I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night. Zixx of the FlatBlade(Barb)

  8. #8
    Community Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Draiden View Post
    Since the new mod, groups that I've been in and lead have been 2 for 2 on the big bucket of bolts. The third run, however, threw some interesting surprises at us.

    The first pillar 'miss', actually dropped right on top of him but didn't knock him down. The laser was well-timed and extremely well-aimed, but if the Titan isn't laying down... you get it.

    The Second pillar 'miss', occured when the melee was smacking away on the pillar and the pillar actually fell backwards on top of him. ???

    Both of these bugs, I stood and watched from above with my own eyes. I've lead a LOT of titan raids, and can't remember the last time it was unsuccessful. We missed one more pillar just by our own mistake somewhere along the way, which does happen on occasion, which made this a really bad time to see these strange bugs occur. Overall, no biggie, as we will run it again in about an hour or so, but somebody needs to look into these issues. Or, if anyone else has seen something similar in this quest, please help me ellaborate.
    All of these misses sound like the problems you experience if you let a THF-spec'd melee take down the pillars with a two-handed weapon.

    One-handed weapons only, especially if you have the THF feats.

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