It wouldnt have even been a big deal, cept some argo guy dropped in and told us we dont have any competitive guilds except DDO korea or something like that. The OP knew that it was based on server size and still told us we wouldn't beat argo, hands down.
That kind of riled some people up.
I don't think any server is better than any one server, they all have the same common denominator....people. Which means diversity, which means nice guys and A-holes.
There is always more ways to skin a cat, and everyone over here doesnt;
1. Bug every quest/raid
2. Complain when it gets changed
3. Treat newbs like ****.
Every game/server has its keyboard cowboy's, and we have our share. As do you. I play for fun, spent the first 8 hours of the new patch levelling my monk, not running raids, except 5 reavers, just to do my part. When its not fun, you find me doing other things. I enjoy my 14 bux a month DDO habit, and I think you'll find the majority of any server sharing the same basic tenets.
I do wish they would release how many tokens needed per server, so we could see how much server pop really affected this whole thing, im curious.
Have fun.