Hey Everyone, hope you like the monk!
Anyway, I dig it, and I want to share with you all some ways of going about it that some of you may not have realized. I will share some of my realizations, and - of course -ask some questions of my own. Please participate thoughtfully, as we are monks - not barbarians.
Note: Concentration is the single most important skill for the Monk class. Maximize this in whatever way you deem possible. (AP's/Feats)
Concentration = Rested Ki, and Ki degeneration rate
First Lesson: Combos
Some of you may have noticed this. If you hold block and fire ki strikes, you use no ki. Some of suggested this is a bug, but I must endorse that it is not. If you "ki up" your moves prior to combat, you can get that glowing finisher move logged in, then go fight mobs and set it off. This makes sense in the way that a Monk would meditate, go through some practice moves as a method of concentration, then go off and kick it old school.
For example: (Hold Block) Fire, Fire, Fire = Burning Hands finisher. With this set, tell a party member to open that door, pull the mobs to the doorway while you proceed to fight and fry.
Also - Light, Light, Light = Mass Heal (effectiveness rises with level -most likely aided by the wisdom modifier I presume - this has not been verified).
Fire, Dark, Fire = Karmic Strike. This is useful insofar as it generates huge critical threat. But it also generates guaranteed critical hits against you for the next 3 seconds. (GOOD IN EARTH STANCE AS IT GENERATES ki).
Wind, Dark, Wind = Falling Star Strike. Pretty cool move, blinds targets.
The list goes on and on. Simply hold "Block" que up a combo, and get rolling.
Lesson 2: Stances
Some had tallied that stances are important, and that perhaps you should get them all. I believe this is player style preference, however, I would personally suggest that you stick to two. Notice each stance buffs one stat point and degenerates another.
Sun Stance = + Strength, - Wisdom (Good for generating ki and keeping base melee. You don't want to use light or dark fists here, since they are affected by their Wisdom modifier and would prove useless here.)
Wind Stance = + Dex, - Con. (Like a soft haste, increases your movement speed and attack speed. However, does not generate additional ki. Good stance to toss around standard attacks, i.e. fire, wind, water, earth, void, stunning, etc.)
Mountain Stance = +Con, - Dex. (Good tanking stance if your armor can afford the hit. In any case, this generates ki while being hit. Good solo stance because everyone at the party is gonna hit on you. )
Water Stance = +Wis, - Str. (This stance is great for using your finishing moves. Most are dependent on your wisdom modifier.)
While all have great benefits to them, pursuing all of them may complicate your monk life. Monks are simple and artistic. To deal with an entire bar of stances and element attacks seems to heavy to pursue. Instead, try figure out which of your stat points would benefit greatest from the combos. Wind and Water would give you excellent versatility in maintaining AC and finisher profitability. While Sun and Mountain generate lots of damage and ki. Sun and Wind can make you a smooth ki builder and spender, while Mountain and Water can give you more healing responsibilities.
REMEMBER: While you will LOSE your stored FINISHER moves by doing ANYTHING, except for FIGHTING. However, you can switch stances without fear of losing your stored combo.
Today's lesson has been about the basics of the monk class. By no means is this a guaranteed representation of how the monk class works as a whole, but it is a paradigm representation of how the core monk class works.
Thats it! Today's session is at a close, and I'd like to finish it by offering the dojo up for questions. I have a few I'd like to propose myself, to get the ball rolling.
What races maximize on the monk's strengths? I've seen Dwarf's and Halflings as the two with the largest benefit's. Human's get the action points, but unless your doing cleave or whirlwind attacks, I don't think it's necessary. (The bonus stat point to any stat is cool too.) I've seen people with halfling dex based builds and I cannot believe how high their AC is. I've got a dwarf 16/13/13/8/15/8 starting build (28 point, I made too many drows) It's a great to-hit and damage build, and the only thing lacking is the AC. Level 4, it's 17 unbuffed. ***.
Anyway, for me, that's my biggest question. How the hell are you halflings getting that much AC?
Oh yeah, fists count as blunt weapons. You can maximize their potential via feats.