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  1. #1

    Default My first taste of monk

    I finally got to log in long enough to make a monk. I had to nuke two characters (one level 7 sorc and one WF socr/barbarian) because I had a bugged account with 10 slots which apparently has been fixed. Not a huge deal, but disapointing.

    That left me with neither a halfling nor WF character and I decided I liked WF better in general so I rolled up a 32pt WF monk.

    I decided to just try a straight up damage appraoch and leverage WF power attack and try out a few other tricks.

    Having had some dark and scary WF that just didn't do it for me, I made this one gold plated and he looks great!

    Stats ended up...
    Str 16 Dex 16 Con 16 Int 8 Wis 12 Cha 6

    I took power attack and stunning blow at first level (since I'm much more likely to land stunning blow than stunning fist)
    I got to level 2 and took Dodge

    So my expereince is super limited but here is my impression.
    1. Untwinked my AC is pretty bad. Zombies were a pain to punch out (I didn't bother to find a kama so its mostly my own darn fault there.)
    2. The rate of attack is quite high for a level 1 character. I havn't seen anyone talk about it but unarmed is faster than weapon fighting at the same level.
    3. Power attack does indeed scale by level now, I'd heard that but hadn't tried it.
    4. I took fire stance for starters and air stance next. I use fire but use the attacks from both. Ki seems to build up fast enough to spam those two and stunning blow near constantly.

    I'm planning on taking cleave, the TWF feats, IC and toughness as I level up. I'd like to be effective either with Kamas, a Q-staff or unarmed. I may splash a fighter level at some point but for the moment I just want to expereince straight up monk and see how that goes. I'm very curious to see how much DPS I can get out of the character and whether he just turns into a big mana sink or not as he levels up.
    Former Host of DDOcast
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    Streaming sometimes on twitch as SigTrent

  2. #2
    Community Member
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    Mar 2006


    The base dmg ends up pretty good (near all dps builds) but gets killed on the crits. I think the 'named' loot may make a difference..


    Hands of God, ML 14
    +5, Holy, True Law, Good Burst, Pure Good
    19-20 Critical, x3
    Main: Illuminati (Halfling Iron Monk), Stonewolf (Dwarf Pally), Vyking (TWF Barb), Illuminatrix (Batchick), Illumino (Drow Ranger), Fuji (Human Monk)
    Proud Member of the Twilight Avengers

  3. #3
    Community Member Blind_Skwerl's Avatar
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    Mar 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by Illuminati View Post

    Hands of God, ML 14
    +5, Holy, True Law, Good Burst, Pure Good
    19-20 Critical, x3

    Do these exist in game?! Besides grinding the shroud I mean
    Tourbillon * Hyper * Headbanger * Speedstick * Arkane


  4. #4
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    Mar 2006


    I either have to stop making up weps on the spot or nudge Turbine for a consultant job =)

    Unfortunately, they are on the shelf with my 'Holy Avenger'.

    Look sorta real though right?

    Especially since there isn't any greensteel handwraps =p
    Last edited by Illuminati; 06-05-2008 at 03:05 PM.
    Main: Illuminati (Halfling Iron Monk), Stonewolf (Dwarf Pally), Vyking (TWF Barb), Illuminatrix (Batchick), Illumino (Drow Ranger), Fuji (Human Monk)
    Proud Member of the Twilight Avengers

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