Flame arrows drop upon exit from quest. Supposed to stay with char. until 30 minutes of log out time as per the WDA.
Flame arrows drop upon exit from quest. Supposed to stay with char. until 30 minutes of log out time as per the WDA.
In 3 barrel cove ran into "Dulse, Champion of The Devourer". Took him down to zero HP with my holy sword... but he didn't die... he just lays down like he died but doesn't, and he doesn't regen or anything.
I could repeatedly hit him over and over and over, doing massive damage to him, and he grunts at the crits, but he didn't die.
Switched to a fire weapon and one hit and he's dead.
I think there's something not quite right with him.
Code:Sil - Human Paladin 14 Lava Divers Tad - Drow Wizard 14 Semolina - Elf Rog 13/Ftr 1 on Rava - Drow Sorceror 7 Riddikulus - Human Cleric 14 Khyber Clamor - Warforged Barb 7 Durum - Dwarf Ftr 10/Pal 3/Rng 1 Ridd - Dwarf Ftr 6/Rog 2/Pal 2
Not sure if the issue has been posted prior but my Cleric 13/ monk 1 loses her center on a semi-regular basis. She never exceeds 30% of her weight capacity and doesnt even own armor heavier then cloth or any non-monk weapons. I removed anything that could cause her to lose her center to her bank or other characters. Example: While running DQ flag quests I lost and regained my center 3 different times while running through. I checked for spell effects on me , weight changes, stat damage and even equipment changes (even though I had nothing to equip) and could not find a cause for the issue. I then had 2 guildies run the same quest 2 more times with the same effect. Hopefully its a known issue so I don't feel like I killed my poor cleric!
PS: I am aware that equiping scrolls and wands will lose my center (that is not the case here)
Last edited by Suavedevil; 06-07-2008 at 10:47 PM. Reason: more info
"A man of genius is privileged only as far as he is genius. His dullness is as insupportable as any other dullness."
Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803 - 1882)
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Code:Sil - Human Paladin 14 Lava Divers Tad - Drow Wizard 14 Semolina - Elf Rog 13/Ftr 1 on Rava - Drow Sorceror 7 Riddikulus - Human Cleric 14 Khyber Clamor - Warforged Barb 7 Durum - Dwarf Ftr 10/Pal 3/Rng 1 Ridd - Dwarf Ftr 6/Rog 2/Pal 2
I posted this elsewhere, but here is a better place for it:
Firewall bug. I put down two parallel firewalls a couple feet apart. If a mob is standing in the middle, I understand that only one will damage it. I'm fine with that so long as it correctly gives the higher damage. But I've seen a bug where a mob stands in one and doesn't take any damage. Here's what I think is happening:
1) Mob enters middle area and one fw starts applying damage while the other is assigned a "doesn't damage" marking.
2) Mob moves into the fw that wasn't applying damage and out of range of the damaging fw, but it doesn't start applying the damage as it should. I think the "doesn't damage" marking is sticking.
I forget the exact message, but I got a repeating "(Mob) is hit by firewall" with no damage. If it wasn't bugged, it should have been alternating with a damage message from the damaging firewall, but it was just a repeating "(Mob) is his by firewall".
Power attack turns itself off on my barbarian every time I log in. It didn't do this prior to this mod. Metamagics remain on as before (so are unaffected).
That Geriatrus guy in the Twelve still doesn't have a teleport dialog to send us to Meridia.
(You know, like how it works with the guy in the One Ear Bugbear Inn in Tangleroot - been there once, don't have to run again)
Okay, okay, this wasn't in the release notes - but not having someone to teleport us TO Meridia is an unaddressed known issue, lol.![]()
Things worthy of Standing Stone going EXTREME PREJUDICE™ on.:
- Epic and Legendary Mysterious ring upgrades, please.
- Change the stack size of filigree in the shared bank to 50. The 5 stack makes the shared bank worthless for storing filigree in a human usable manner.
- Fixing why I don't connect to the chat server for 5 minutes when I log into a game world.
- Fixing the wonky Lightning Sphere and Tactical Det firing by converting them to use alchemist spell arcing.
- Redoing the drop rates of tomes in generic and raid loot tables.
My Dwarven Cleric 12/ Pal 1 is having the same sneak attack problems. In order to actually attack I have to come out of sneak. I can't hit monsters or breakables while in sneak. My wife's elven ranger12/rogue 1 has no problems. Perhaps this is a dwarven issue.
I know the idea of a cleric sneaking around a dungeon seems odd, but we don't look at walkthroughs for quests so we don't know what is coming up next. When there are just two of you stealth can be an asset, and it is annoying to miss a trip on a monster because I can't attack out of sneak. Any info on this would be appreciated.
For those who're having the sneak attack problems please make sure you're using the in game bug report as well as this post. There's allot of information that gets gathered if those are properly filled out which can assist the Dev team. Things such as race and class combo's that they might not find out about otherwise.
D.W.A.T: (Now with Non-Dwarf support)
Founder of the (D.W.A.T) Elf Rebellion and Supporter of the H (alfling). I(ntel). T(eam).
Threnal East part 2
Coyle "the tool" attacks/aggroes on the inactive golems and quest is unfinishable.
Lag from multiple teleporting devils in the new underground area makes it unplayable.
Fear doesn't seem to be working correctly, at least from fearsome items. Maybe someone can check the spell because I don't have it. While anything you fear will run away, if you start attacking feared mobs they fight back. I can't even drink a potion while feared, but they get to fight?
Sublte backstabber enhancement turns off when you log back in (It didnt in mod6). Not a huge deal, but annoying when you realize at the end of the quest that you had it off the whole time.
Star Firefall
20 Rogue Assasin
Currently on life 42 of 42 (Final Life!)