Very nice job to all the homies in Exodus.
Very nice job to all the homies in Exodus.
Arobot - Consummate - Katanee - Leatherneck - Tanaki - Thejusticar - Transcendent - Tufelhunden - Ultimatum
Forsaken Souls Ghallanda
man, i'd love to run that raid; after all this time i still haven't. i think my ranger is ready. if anyone is gonna do it today after the hot fix or tomorrow during the day and needs a hand please shoot me a pm on the forum.
Last edited by Sweets; 06-05-2008 at 01:17 PM.
Alll that hard work and you killed him.
nice job. wtg!
KhyberR e v e n a n t s RenownedThelanis
Great news !!!
I can't wait to finally get to try this one ...
Same, it would be nice to see this one finally.
The cow says - Where you want this milk at?
and the occasional "M00"
Gratz Exodus.
Now... back to the shroud. Tuesday morning timers should be clearing late tonight.
I thought DDO Korea {Season II} had been running Abbot regularly... I've seen quite a few of them with Abbot loot... though maybe it's all from the prepuzzle days. Heh... I figured Abbot was the only raid that wasn't boring for them.![]()
Casual DDOaholic
LMAO yep I wondered why we didn't name it Fernia just by virtue of it not being a totally ******** name, what the hell is a Ghallanda anyway? Fernia is the Plane of Fire and a very tastey Festivus Cake as well.![]()
I have some shroudage to knock out myself tonight if anyones on Hawaii time it will be kinda late. Hard to concentrate on that when there was a chest on the server somewhere I had yet to ever open!
8 Kills in the FIrst one and 23 In the second???
The Black Abbot Got so overconfident he FIred all his Minions?
Well a 7 man team probably spent most of their time in the puzzles not killing and respawning **** and Im guessing the poor guy left in the dirt...took a dirt nap for a while. A-DUH! You are hating because you obviously have no clue how this raid works and haven't attempted it enough to work that out for yourself.
Gratz Exodus you will continue to have the full hate of the haters for what they can't and don't even bother to attempt...once again. Here's an invite to this years Playa Haters Ball! See you in the new raid. Probably first...or will DDO Korea do it?
Grats on beating the abbot,Very nice to see other ppl going at it and getting it done.I was part of the first group who beat it with the 3 puzzle rooms, and back then it was not to fun,Question i have is i see in your screen shot that it seem like it took u a bit longer then when we beat it.And i know they have made some changes but, did u all get it on first pass or had to go for 2nd or 3rd pass to beat it?
Guild leader of Soulless
I can't answer this because I wasn't on last night when they ran it, but this isn't the first time Exodus has done it successfully... they also beat it after mod 5 came out before it was changed. As for the exact dates, completion times on the original defeats during mod 5, I'm not sure... Born may have archives of that somewhere maybe or maybe it's still on the forums and it didn't get deleted when they "lost" some of the older forum content awhile back during one of Turbine's maintenance sessions. I think some of the changes that were made to it are still in place, so if you are looking to compare completion times, I don't think you can do so between runs done pre and post the changes implemented after mod 5 cuz it's not the same run. Maybe it's because I'm female and I have an assertive nature rather than a competitive one, but I personally have never really cared about stuff like that... best times, who did what first, etc... just happy to see them complete it because it gives hope that what was once considered uncompletable and therefore was a useless endeavor on the part of the Devs is now completable again, and hopefully others will now be spurred on to attempt it so that this raid will actually see some use and not be wasted code. It shouldn't be an easy raid... it's a Lich for deities sake, and one on the verge of God-hood to boot, but there is no point to making something so difficult it's not completable or discourages people to the point they won't run it.